Post your car(s)

Post your car(s).


>4 wheels
no thanks

this bullshit


>t. fbi

possibly the greatest FWD car of all time

Can I get a shot of the interior?

I like it.


Looking for wheels send help

HR engine and 6 speed on the floor. Open Diff which sucks but other than that I love it


I own this, a 2007 corolla LE, and another that I'm about to post


you guys post in every thread

im convinced Veeky Forums is made up of like 10-20 people tops


Two of the four

Pretty comfy

beautiful prelude


Thanks. It's been a work in progress for a while, but it's starting to come together now.



my pos


Actual daily

I daily drive a fz-07 in Los Angeles. I have a dependable vortec tank as a backup for inclement weather, and a shop truck.

If it ever gets crashed, I will swap the drivetrain into a c-10.


Wow. That's much more depressing than the Corolla.

Alfa friend


Trying to get rid of this cocksucker at the moment, but it's still technically mine.

excellent barge my guy

Might put the GV lip on tomorrow when I replace the diff. Unless I melt.

Sadly we'll all be separated for almost two years. Not sure what car I will have in the meantime.

this econobox

Reporting in.

nice whip dude, why are you going to be separated?

Hoping to go to Moab soon.

Best in thread. God damn I'm jealous.

Originally posted in the wrong thread like a dipshit.

It came with the deer-chasers. Wish I had CTS-V money but alas I'm a poorfag who can only afford the 3.6 High-Feature

>tfw was gonna buy a Roadmaster with the LT1 but was dissuaded by its bad trim and the fact that it didn't seem like a 59,000 mile car

American junk and old Japanese 4x4s

I really gotta get more pictures of this thing.

>t. Europoor
Post your box then.

First car. Had an fire behind the center console today lol

Already have faggot and I'm disgusted to be part of this thread

The compactor awaits for your vehicle!

damn that rust

at least the side skirts sort of hide it

Well I live in MAN and literally only the underside is rusty. Kind of surprised it's been outside all it's life

>Doesn't point it out for fear of retribution

Live in MN***


I need to get an exclusively for fun car at some point/

>Posts car
>Nobody replies
>Gets mad and talks shit to whole thread

You guys do track/autox your cars....right?

Say something nice about her

It's my first car. Would love some suggestions for wheels.

Daily for the most part.

I love the Aussie subie culture! Nice foz bro

Here's my garage queen for now.. Will be rego'd in a month

Got about 4K miles on it. The AWD system on it is pretty killer in the snow and almost no turbo lag

Forester clubs in particular I've found are the best going for welcoming and just general being decent people. Thanks for the kind words, mate!


Don't worry I don't vape





Now guess which 2 of the 3 are manuals

I should buy a second car when I have the money so I can work on it.

2013 Toyota 86 GTS and a 1998 mkiv RZ

Yes Thanks. Moving out of the country because of my job. Probably just buy some beater for transportation.

Eww so ugly car. What does the back look like?

Dumb normie

steel wheels 10/10

how many remons

nice curves :^)

Fuckin phone posting

Here’s a non fucked picture

thing is so covered in salt

2001 Audi A8, gets coilovers for 2018 and 20" rims


Lightly modded for time attack

>car park
>this big
>this empty

It's the only good picture I have of it


estonia, 10pm on thursday night away from the main meet.

The fun car

and the daily


I cleaned my headlights and feel back in love with it, now I want to do everything I wanted to it in 2013 again
Did these end up being gud cars?
Last time I'm was actively following the car world and on Veeky Forums they had just came out.
I like it, the mountains in the back makes the picture better
Ok here have my Japanese shitbox alfafag
1/2 are manual, 3 is auto
These are unfairly cool

>im convinced Veeky Forums is made up of like 10-20 people tops
People who actually own cars are a tiny minority on Veeky Forums. The general population is made up of teenagers who's experience is limited to cartoons and videogames.

Anyway, pic related is mine. Thinking of selling it and buying a shitbox Focus or something even though I'll end up losing a load of money.

>Thinking of selling it and buying a shitbox Focus
for what purpose

no it's too rare and I don't want to be doxed by some autistic furry.

current car. Its not bad but not as fun as my previous car.

I always eanted a space egg type r. They're pricy though

pic related, previous car

2/3 Summer vehicles, not pictured is my Prowler that is currently out of state for storage.
>the smell of careless carbureted engines on a cool morning

And my shit weather cars. Silver is a GT 5-speed. I ashamed a Fiero user on this board with it...

I fucking hate it. The suspension is too stiff, there is no rear visibility, it isn't THAT fast, the seats are uncomfortable and I can't get out of it when it's parked in a car park because of the massive doors + shitty seat combo. Also I paid more than average for it because it was in such good condition, but I work next to a land fill so constantly cleaning it has meant the bodywork is covered in swirl marks now and some cunt dented it a week after I bought it. If I do sell it I'll lose at least £2000 and I've only had it for a year.