What are the downsides to Audi when compared to other brands from Germanistan?
What are the downsides to Audi when compared to other brands from Germanistan?
everything that's come out of europe in the last several decades has been pure garbage
Are they more or less reliable than BMW/MB?
They stick the same shitty 2 liter you find in a Golf in their $100k cars. You're driving a rebadged VW.
Which 100k car has the 2.0?
Some fully optioned out bullshit crossover or sedan. The Macan also has the 2.0.
Just buy American. Buy a Corvette.
Lol that's kind of funny, but I don't really get it. Is he some kind of ugly racecar driver?
>being this new
I believe it's the guy from the old shamwow commercials
Haha wow that is really random then. I dig it.
Yeah man, that's been posted for months
How about I never buy anything American ever because everything from America is A W F U L
American cars are easier to work on, parts are cheaper, and they're more reliable than their shitty euro counterparts.
>says the yurosoy
Pick one
Pick one
EVERY next-gen Audi coming out right now looks like a $33k Ford Fusion. They are the most uninspired line-up of cars of any brand on the market right now. I cannot believe they were serious with what is being launched at the moment. It looks like it was designed by a committee of white feminists and colored people.
Every car is boring nowadays tbqh pham. Fucking hell, I want 90s back, when luxury and quality was something to aim for. Too bad 90s cars had awful power to economy ratio. Audi today is great at interior, just like they were 25 years ago. Audis were never appealing from outside, compared to BMW or MB.
I sort of agree, but in Audi's case I think the new gen is a HUGE step back in terms of design.
The last gen S6 is a beautiful sports sedan. It's subtle but well done. Everything now just looks like shit from Audi. Literally Ford-tier exteriors.
I've seen a banner for Veeky Forums that was a gif of the tofu wagon drifting. It's so misleading, it should just be pictures of geralt cause that's all i ever see here.
engine fires
None. Each brand makes a variety of cars for the market with different options, I see more BMW's sold with 1.6 liter fourbangers than I do Audi's, so I really don't get all that market-kettle memeing.
Dude lmao, the polo/ibiza/a1/fabia(?) have been made in the millions and parts are cheap as fuck. Same goes for other euro commuters that are built across various brands like the C1/107/aygo
Wow so you both mean to tell me that in America, parts for American cars are cheaper than euro cars and vice versa in Europe? Gee whiz get outta town!
Agree, Audis models without Sline scream japanese/korean looks. Atleast they can pull off with interior. And even then it really depends on options, ive seen low equipped interior and it looked horrifying
They are slightly more reliable than BMWs and slightly less reliable than MBs.
And more of a total bitch to work on than both.
Theyre just posh VWs, VAG marketing team event tells you that. Audis are bitch to work on tho. If you want a reliable car get a VW that has more than 3 cylinders. Otherwise BMW and Mercedes.
Also the check engine light on 99% on VWs is just the cat complaining, ignore it.