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I want to value Fernando's heroism!

if you didn't place platinum 1 then get the fuck out of this general

Reminder that your chance of winning decreases if you have more than zero flankers

Can't place if you don't do placements.

Ranked collage when

I thought you were too busy memestacking to shitpost?

i solo'd to plat 1 my dude. the only friend i ever played paladins with quit like 5 months ago.

Why the fuck do you have to reload your main weapon to use your Q on Ash

Listen, asshole, I clawed my way from the gold placements to plat 1 and I'm coming for that diamond booty. Fuck placements, I will prove my worth.

Implying rank even matters right now,I've seen people pick maeve in diamond 5

I can't wait until it happens, I've begun to hate my favourite tank because he's so fucking broken even brainless retards can get 5 gold accolades with him. also dumb cunts like this guy also make me despise the retards who use him.

What did you do(solo/party) with how you placed?


There goes 99% of the general.

Ying is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
I love my wife so very much.

Wait a minute does elo matter anymore?
Because I'm finally starting to get decent fps and start raising it up
If it doesnt matter anymroe then what happens to memeco?

Same. It was going well but the last 5 matches were pure cancer.

Don't bully Fernandoposter.

>what happens to memeco?
He's dead, Jim.

If Yingposter gets bullied everyone gets bullied, no exceptions.

solo/plat 2

Then stop bullying Yingposter too.

>diamond player is first to pick
>he bans grover

kill me

Well, he banned the best sniper in the game at least.

>stop bullying slut
That's not how it works.

>500+ objective time
>50 elims
>100k damage as the sole front liner
>we still fucking lose
Shout outs to the grover attempting to cap and heal me, may the Jenos rot in hell forever, pocket healing a fucking Zhin who never did anything but free cast off the back line.

>everyone gets bullied, no exceptions
You're a commie or something?

Hey lads, was gone for a few patches. Heard there's a new meme loadout for Nando, based on fireballs. Can anyone tell me the full build?

There is no real bad pick in ranked as long as the team is playing around the player and the player itself it at whatever champion/its balanced with the comp. I've seen more people put effort into fighting against their own teams picks then they would put into the game itself. Yeah you got a Skye, whatever, just play around it, give her some freedom if you can and you'll get results.

Don't worry about shit outside your control, just play the game the best you can.

They were but really I don't think that climbing will be hard if you constantly preform well, now that people are actually playing on a somewhat predictable scale (casuals are chaos in comparison). One thing I noticed in the 15 games the vast majority of my teammates I could easily read off of and know how they were going to play almost instantly. Even the low skill players are at least trying/aware of what is going on and need more raw experience.

I really hope a lot of people stick with it, its generally fun.

More than zero shit flankers*

That would be nice.

Why must you be mean?

Are you telling me that skye on timber mill is not a bad pick?

>a new meme loadout for Nando
It's not a meme loadout it's just Incinerate 4+Hot Pursuit 2 or 3 for a free Nimble 60% of the time. Rest is up to you, I recommend Last Stand, because it's the best Nando card.

Genie Ying is objectively the worst skin and voice pack in the game, it's far worse than Heartbreaker Skye or Dreadhunter Drogoz

When is Pip getting a new skin? It's been an entire 5 patches without him getting one!

Perfectly understandable if the map is Timber Mill or Frozen Guard.

His Fireball is now faster and on a 6s CD. A standard use deck would be something like Incinerate 4, Last Stand 3, Heat Transfer 2, Safe Travel 2, Launch 1, with either Aegis or Scorch.

Well, /palg/?

>can't play bk
>landind shot after hooked is 50 50 chance
Is it because of the 100 ping?

oi, Dreadhunter is great. fuck off.

>the worst skin
That would be Ruckus' Starslayer
>the worst voice pack
At least Genie Ying doesn't have a lisp like weeb Ash.

>riding back to our cart that's 10 feet away from capping
>get hit by Maeve who is running around in the middle of the map for some reason
>hook and two shot her because she challenged Makoa

flankers not even once

I earned my current diamond rank faggot. All the way from Gold I.

>Arise, Chicken
Am I missing something about Grohk.

competitive is full of people who think they are far better than they really are and if you get even one on your team they can drag you all down with them

>a lisp like weeb Ash

Fenpai pls

Ying is cute and perfect any which way.

>110 ping

More that you can play around it in a special retard kind of way and still win the game. Not saying she isn't shit, shes shit but it isn't the end of the world.

Duo, both of us got to Diamond V
Currently at Diamond IV

I have over 300 hours played but I've never played Ying, Zhin, or Ash.

You should. They're pretty fun.

you're running to the objective when this girl runs up and slaps your ass what do you do? She's mastery level 9 and just spent $5 on cat ears

Solo/Plat 1

How the fuck I am supposed to play around a fucking Skye that is trying to fight the tanks and just feeds them credits while Kinessa in the back is just taking potshots at everyone on the point?
>inb4 'talk to them'
Sorry dude, I don't speak russian or spanish or some hue speaks.

>get stuck with a Mastery 0 Lian on my team
>does mediocre job
>get Mastery 0 Inara on the enemy team
>literally stands still as a headshot her from pointblank range as Ruckus

Ranked 2.0 was a mistake.




Might be true in Silver but Plat 2 and above people know how to deal with Skye and on maps like timber mill where vertical movement is key,she is completely fucked.

Name best tank and flank on Fish Market.


This is for every map

Flank Grover


Gale and Haunting give you nutty uptime on healing totem which, combined with Healing Rain and Grohk's natty health pool, makes him the frontliner's scrap buddy.

ash is fun
ying can be fun but it's really tempting to be lazy with her and just let your clones do everything
zhin is all around a pretty bad character and he's very ineffective at higher level play and he's really boring at all times

Also Ruckus

Thanks lads. Played my first game as Nando but I sucked back. Really rusty, been months since I touched him.

>try Maeve a few minutes ago
>unlock her a few minutes later
What the fuck there isn't single thing about her that I dislike despite the fact I usually don't like brats

Also unrelated question, if I use the VGS to make a Joke/Taunt/Laugh, other players can hear it right?



teammates can hear anything you say and if it doesn't leave a message in chat then everyone should be able to hear it

>Zhin gets two kills in a 10 minute game
>both of them are from his ultimate

truly a useful member of the team

Only the first promotion skips divisions?

t. the guy who died twice to zhin

yes but VEL doesn't have the same effect as in smite because hirez is all about preventing any kind of fun.

People say so.

>ywn hijack their tv to show Splashbrush's porn

Hello Alyssa, long time no see.

Best and worst champions for a new player?

>play my first comp game ever since the introduction of the new comp system
>get a Skye in my team
>be Nando
>our team does pretty much no damage and we're up against Torvald + Ruckus + Ying
>get melted in seconds when even trying to get on the point
>lose 4-0 and get 0 eliminations


>teammate picks Maeve
>is a complete shitter
>we lose


best: objectively torvald
worst: objectively kinessa

The funny thing about Kinessas is, a good one will be a fucking rapist. But for one good Kinessa, there's a hundred of horrible ones.

God no never talk to them, it only encourages them.

>playing tank
>flank at the start of every round
>lose point every time
>seris shits on me and other tank for flanking
>we defend without much effort
>last round, 3-3
>both me and other tank get on the point
>enemy thinks we're flanking so they just rush the point all together with no fucks given
>wipe them easy

next level mindgames, lads

Installing Paladins. What are some fun characters? I've played OW and Dota 2 before, for reference.

Pretty cute and I got top play the first time I played her so that's a bonus. Probably because I'm still playing against other low level players but still.

>as soon as the matches ends starts [VEG]
>get play of the game

Makoa for sick hooks. Just never pick any flankers ever

>2 matches with 2 flanks and no damage
>Maeve shitters on both

>1st game: Viktor bans Torvald, first item is deft hands
>2nd game: Level 3 Skye, plays like damage
>3rd game: 1 gold rank on our team, enemy with 4 plats
>4th game: Grover just sits on top of Timber Mill and keeps throwing axes, while our 2 tanks slowly die
Is it easy to climb out of bronze lads?

What happened to the Evie poster?

>capture 3 objectives
>lose 4th
nice game palababs

Grover, Damba, Makoa (he has a hook but plays differently from the guy from OW).

>aimbotter in every casual game
love free to play fps games

its the same shit all the way up to diamond 1

Bomb King's pretty fun.

>tfw no aimbotters on console

but everyone's an aimbot on console

I had bad luck in the first 15 games, got placed in Silver 5. Thats already, steamrolled thru it and got promoted to Gold 5. Then I steamrolled thru that one, all the way to the promotion game anyway.

First we had a team with 3 healers, then next team we had kinessa and skye. Then in the next game the enemy team had party or something as 2 of them played way better than anyone else in the whole match, pretty much winning the game 2v5. Then in the next game, our leader bans Drogoz and the last player in the team calls "I wanted to play drogoz, so its trolling now" and proceeds to pick maeve, ending up 3/13.

How do I stop these losing streaks? I mean, Im used to the concept of winning some and losing some but sometimes it feels like once you get one bad team, the next one simply cannot be any better and it keeps getting worse.


I'm fairly convinced you will only get wins in comp if your team isn't mentally retarded

No matter how good you are, your victory or loss depends solely on how retarded your teammates are.