[Dirty Bike Treads] - /dbt/

I'm still shitposting because nobody has complained yet edition

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/dbt/ map: Has been dead for months and is never updated

No Bike? Try starting here:

EF crying over FZs simulator

Reasonable, humble bikes:

Check your helmet's safety rating here:

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tre pistoni

I'm complaining, now stop

Sure just let me spam today's pics real fast.
Today's ride up to bonnie springs

I was going to create a new one, user. I had already chosen a picture and everything! ;____;

I've taken pictures in these spots in the past, but it's a very nice area, and today was nice for riding.

I'm sorry user, please post it.
I'm bad at selfies, but I figured I should get a pic on the bike for once.

Kawasaki a best.

Get an exhaust you fuck

What is the maximum weight of youre motorcycle /dbt/?

For example, a 130lbs chick wants to go on a ride with you. Your weight + 130lbs girl...how fucked is your bike?


Your pic was better.

My bike would be a lot more likely than me to get fucked by a girl, I can tell you this much.

Ill be posting more off road pics once it warms up a bit and stops snowing

My bike has a maximum weight of 260 kg and is rated to tow additional 60 kg.
The bike weights 84 kg:
260 kg - 84 kg - 60 kg= 116 kg (+60kg)

My bike supports more weight than I am willing to fuck and can legaly carry a additional bike.


After spending a good 15 years or so hoarding car/motorcycle pictures from the internet you get the hang of finding the good stuff.

Although that Fireblade doesn't have a bolted-on visor for a screen. So there's that going for your pic.

I hope you do, you have a very nice looking bike. I'm afraid I don't recognize it though, what make is that?

Honda XR100R


>that bike
> those tattoos

I bet you anything her bunghole tastes like heaven.

That being said:
I realy need to overhaul the forks since they got way to soft for me (55kg) and almost bottom out when braking.

Oh wow, I'm surprised I don't recognize it, the CRF125F is one of my favorite dirtbikes.


The 15-16 blade is one of the best handling bikes on the market, they're absolutely great. And for 10k brand new I definitely say go for it

god that exhaust is fucking amazing looking

Not all Hondas are bad, and they're one of the most reliable motorcycle companies in the world. I already came to the conclusion I'll probably get an NC700X as my next bike.


what is your next bike going to be?

im seriously thinking about a s1krr

budget bike build

>me (55kg)

what kind of human being are you

Enjoy exploding transmissions, dropped valves, oil starvation and cracked frames.
Not even once

Guarda qui, user, che cuolo piu bello de dio!

it's really funny how yamaha has produced a sexier looking bike than MV agusta.

I can't afford a next bike, I'll buy another bike when I have a good job
and with that money I will probably buy a brutale or something retarded because I can afford the regular maintenance on the piece of trash

>what kind of human being are you
A small one, why?

From other thread:
Someone tell me why I shouldn't buy a Yamaha SR400 (used 500s are harder to find in my area)

Do it. They are nice

Because why would you even want to?? Just get a normal bike not a steaming pile of shit snowflake bike like that

Its been produced since the 70s
Its no snowflake

>I can't afford a next bike

doesnt matter how much you make or can afford bro. What is goingl to be your next bike...

I am waiting on 6th gen 10RR / SE, I predict 20-30 lbs lighter with 8-12 more whp over the current gen, with tft display, lightweight battery, and better marchesini's to compliment more tech in their active suspension

these first gen 636's look so endearing

that's horrific

What is better on a bike tire:
Bias ply or radial?

You're like a baby, WATCH THIS!

Probably an XR400 or XR250
Cant chose between the two

Why would you want a 70's bike?

>'Frameless' V Twin with a double-sided swingarm heavier than a trellis-framed triple with a single-sided swingarm.

Literally how?

Im not him.
But they are fun.


speak-a da english-a I-a no-a comprende-a speciale-a snowflake-a language-a


>nailed it

Really want an NC700X as my next bike. Something I can take for a trip across the state without issue.

>Across the state
I regularly do this on my supersport, quit being retarded.

You must be a very boring person

It's less about the type of bike, and more about my comfort on it. I'm more comfortable riding for long periods upright than I am leaning forward.

>not buying a track only bike

y'all poor or something?

i like this

stfu cyclecruza

You can track anything.
Kys moron

You'll want the 250 more if you do serious offroading, the 400 is better for light trails and traveling any real distance.

Wanting a not boring bike makes me a boring person? Now how does that make any sense?

Get something better, maybe an fj09 or something like that.

Across the state is nothing you can do that and back in a few hours

wat is this and why do i like it

I'm glad I bought a bike and got into motorcyles for a bit but I think I'm over it. Its one of those things in life where every time after the first time you do it, its slightly not as fun. I ride the same roads, do some highway pulls, make noise blah blah same thing every time. Maybe riding with friends would be fun, I have zero.

Kraemer 690. it's a KTM 690 engine but in a supersport package.

post your dirty bikes


Do you like this angle Veeky Forums


Your bike is only as boring as you
Some of us appreciate the old things.
Keep your shitty opinion to yourself

>maybe an fj09 or something like that.
Don't like the FZ series, the FJ09 is a bit out of my price range.

I'll make sure to use it on my next OP.

You need to travel more and ride Twisties and find friends. That's the good shit


Literally untrue. I would be miserable on a small POS like that, ask me how I know.

Maybe look for an FZ6 or FZ1? Why don't you like the Yamahas, they make the best sport tourers really


whydid you post a pic of a dead bambi, you sick fuck

>not keeping ur bike clean at all times


Go away Rajesh. Deer here are pests and we hit them all the time, they're awful fucks

>when the spidey bros claim your shit

Sorry about your poor attitude and lack of appreciation of history's motorcycles.
Must suck to be you and be so negative all the time.
I on the other hand enjoy old bikes and new bikes and an happy yo experience riding any bike. No matter its age

What a silly thing to say

For some reason I imagine you've never ridden anything other than old POS sub500cc bikes.
Call it intuition

26 years of riding.
Ridden just about everything.
Doesnt matter what you think anyway

>>when the spidey bros claim
>not riding your bike daily


Seems like it does matter what he thinks by how hard you're sperging

Lol post proof fag
Everyone here knows you haven't, why do you think all veteran riders retire to thousand cc+ sport / touring bikes? It's because those are the bikes _everyone_ wants to be on

I have an FZ1 though

>Maybe look for an FZ6 or FZ1?
It's not that I dislike Yamaha, I just don't like the style of bikes they generally make. Their dual sports are great, but the FZ07/09 feels like sitting on a CB500F, lightweight, naked, no windshield, no fairings, great as a city scoot but not GREAT for long trips. The FZ6 can't be found new, and any used one around me is already going to be run to shit with 50k hard miles on it. The FZ1 is a fine bike, but I really like the NC700, and there are 500x more NC700s for sale around me than there are FZ1s.

Let's see it bro, bread on hood

Wait wait wait
WHY are you buying new? Tard


>It's this sperging, yet again
Not sure what I was expecting. Can you get a tripcode?

Why is it you always have absolutely trash taste?

Im not wrong, yet youre mad.
And all because i like something different from you.
Pretty pathetic of you to get so angry about something so petty.
Whats trash?
Post bike son

What's /dbt/s opinion on Zündapp?
I think they are shit hipster bikes and people should stop posting their rubbish bikes on facebook all day

My uncle owns a 1st gen s1k and it has yet to let him down or experienced anything you mentioned.

>this sperg again

one of those fuckers jumped into me while riding and fucked me up a few months ago

I'm not, but I'd buy something 2014 and newer with

Post your Craigslist area I'll find you 5 bikes in 10 minutes

Been around during this guys posts before. You are all children. Grow the fuck up. He hasnt said anything untrue or stupid.