Look what I just bought Veeky Forums, god bless Bitcoin

Look what I just bought Veeky Forums, god bless Bitcoin.

Now give it to a Muslim man and have him run over a crowd of people at 200mph. may seem far fetched but with how quickly this thing accelerates it shouldn't take too long to reach at least 200.

Nice fiero bruh, put a body kit on it.

Gotta be a shop. Why would anyone park their boogadi there.
Probably buying an assload of drugs

>When your car is worth more than the whole neighborhood
You got your priorities right my man

>spending more on your fiero than your trailer

Bill of sale next to VIN or GTFO

This picture is as old as the car.

Its a fucking kit.

When Trevor has a side-mission available.

>have lots of money
>buy shitty generic nigger meme car
I don't understand

King of the trailer park

Nice Mercury Cougar, is this the peak performance of a /bitcoin miner/?

Finally somewhere relevant to post this.

Sad thing is that even if it is a fake it's still worth more than the mobile home in the pic.

Expensive cars out of place thread

CEO relative visiting senpai?

pretty sure thats a csgo youtubers house

>when your car is worth more than the entire neighborhood

>Charger SRT wheels on a Bugatti

Poor people will always be poor and its their own fault.

Yeah it's fake. It's a 2015 Civic underneath it.

>csgo youtuber
the only one that i know who is rich enough to buy a mclaren is Mcskillet. He recently showed his off in a video

That trailer park is actually pretty comfy looking.

The one you posted would be comfy if it was completely done up and inhabited by alternatives that put potted plants, sails and light chains everywhere. The other one, not so much.

My sides are in orbit, it also made my coworkers laugh at work. Thanks for that.

>tfw investing in crypto tires
anyone else do this?
if all else fails I can make a huge tire fort

wtf why is it so cheap?

Maybe next time buy a better camera fakeass

Tire costs .98ยข shipping costs $200

no idea.
nope. all orders over $30 have free shipping!

it'll be funny once automotive companies own all the bitcoins


are you retarded
