I live in Ontario Canada

I live in Ontario Canada.

How am I suppose to afford a car with these insurance rates? How do you people do it?

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J'habite au Québec.

Prove you're white and I'll help you

fuck your threads

How can I prove it?

Since you live in either Toronto or Windsor, moving away might be a good start

You people don't deserve to drive.

I feel the same way. I legally want to be a woman so that I save thousands for insurance each year...its that sad.

Just check the "female" box on the insurance application form. If anyone questions it just call them transphobic cis shitlords.

C'est pas mieux au québec avec nos routes de marde plein de trou

Move to the west

Quints of truth.

its not that expensive if you have a proper job lol

Oh exactly. How dare they assume that my genitals reflect my gender.

Leave your shitty ass province run by Jews and bull dykes.

How much are we talking here? How's Toronto compare to other cities in Canada?

Other provinces are worse though

>live in bc
>26 year old male
>10 years experience driving
>costs me 105 dollars a month for my 2017 WRX

Feels good man. What would this cost In Onterrible?

Forgot to mention comprehensive coverage with a 200 dollar deductible.

holy shit you're my double on the opposite side of canada

>live in qc
>26 year old male
>10 years experience driving
>costs me 75 dollars a month for my 2017 JKU

>live in australia
>never ridden a motorbike before
>cost 170 dollars a year for 3rd party and fire
I love having parents that used to ride bikes. means I can just piggyback off their cheap insurance.


Who did you vote for in the last federal and provincial elections?

It's boring and expensive

either a) your missing collision or b) you live outside the lower mainland.

either way, I wish my insurance was this good, I pay $150

By being a functioning adult with a job


pick one

Unemployment rate in Ontario is well below the national average. Stop being a retarded freeloader

>live in Alberta
>oil markets crash, lose job and go on welfare
>remain poor and stupid forever, distrustful of outsiders, and secretly want to fuck farm animals

>live in Saskatchewan
>people need bread, stay employed as a poor wheat farmer for 60 years

>live in Manitoba
>get stabbed to death by drunk indians

>live in Quebec
>literally everything is free because you're a freeloading niggerfrog

>live in the Eastern provinces
>whatever they're all shit and on welfare

>live in BC

>live in Ontario
>thriving, diversified economy that not even the largest horde of unwashed 3rd world migrants can destroy
>literally the envy of other provinces despite having the most ethnics and gays

Onterrible might have some shitty social stuff going on, but it's literally better than any other province by a landslide.

This. I'd love to live in the eastern provinces but no fucking jobs

Holy fuck this. It's fucking impossible to get a job around here. And if you did your employers would break every health and safety code they possibly could and not give a fuck if something happened to you. Entrepreneurship is dead here too since every fucking business that starts seems to fail within months

If you think Ontario is bad for jobs you'd be dead in any other province

Why is Canada so shit in general? Every province sucks or has some major fucking caveat
>British Colombia
>ching chong hurr durr durka duka mirrion dorrar hourse prease

>oil based economy in the shitter

>Sask and Manitoba
>hey look at that we exist eh

>pic related

>filthy french people, also entire province is on welfare

>Literally anything east of Quebec
>hey look at how cool and hip we are please please please move here oh god please move here please

>anything north of BC, alberta, sask and manitoba
>snow and indians wew the two worst things in the world combined

Fuck this gay country.

Where would you move? The US where the quality of life is worse, the people are stupider, and there are hidden fees on living?
Get hit by a car and someone calls 911 for you? Enjoy your $1400 ambulance ride. Of course insurance would only cover a couple hundred of that at most, but then you're paying through the ass for half decent medical coverage

t. someone who doesn't live in the US

They get to keep much more of their income and not give it to Justin and Canada's huge nanny state. Almost everything is cheaper there. The US dollar is worth more. Houses are affordable outside of full retard city centre's. If you aren't a free loading faggot you get medical coverage through your job.

You are delusional if you believe Canada is in any way superior to the US.

t. Canadian

the fit boxer from the rugged BC coast not the pudgy Toronto larper

You must live up north or some shit, there's no way you're getting full coverage for that in Vancouver

he is now out of the high risk group
over 25 with 10 years (presumably with no points or accidents) insurance gets cheap even in Vancouver.

Don't live around ethnics.
It's a combination of terrible driving and purposeful insurance fraud.

so was I when I lived there, 10 years exp, no accidents. Over 25 etc. I'd have to see proof to believe $105 for full coverage on a WRX, but I know it wont happen because it's bull shit

Oh let me guess... You're looking at fucking 2 door civics and preludes and shit? Learn to like and drive grandma cars if you ever want to drive in that shithole.

I've lived all over the US

Says the Canadian who has never lived in the US. Have fun getting a decent job with medical coverage that doesn't restrict literally everything from medications, to surgeries, to even the damn clinics you're allowed to visit where homes are dirt cheap

Masha'Allah brother.

ontario person her
Im in a 2 person household. 4 vehicles insured and plated at any one time.
08 klr $700/year fully
06 ninja $800/year fully
07 fit $700/year plpd
10 caravan $850/year fully covered

theres also life, home, mortgage...
insurance is a cocksucker

Drive a small cheap 4 door car thats not a honda civic.

>t. paying 150/mo in the GTA for a MKIV Jetta

also, I'm 23.

i remember getting a quote last year for a 1987 Mustang GT that was in the neighborhood of 350/mo.

Fox bodies are probably one of the worst vehicles to insure. High collision rate because every idiot has one.

Grandma cars like what exactly?

>20 year old male
>3 years driving experience
>no accidents
>$220/mo 1998 Toyota 4Runner
ICBC is a fucking scam

The Alberta one is false. There's still oil jobs up north and they hire Alberta residents first regardless of union board numbers.

>British Colombia
>ching chong hurr durr durka duka mirrion dorrar hourse prease

There's more in BC than fucking Vancouver/New China

Believe it or not, Ontario accident rates are lower than the rest aside from Nunavut.

It's insurance fraud that drives up insurance.


Here's the chart. Ontario does pretty well in the not driving like an asshat category.

Buicks, Cadillac sedans, Crown Vic/Grand Marquis/Town Car, Oldsmobile sedans, etc.

Whats wrong with civics?

ontario is actually decent driving if you stay away from the gta and aren't poor

Nbfag here. Everyone screams no jobs, which is somewhat true.

There's lots of jobs for qualified people. Especially tradesmen, theres not enough here now, and there is going to be a huge shortage of tradesmen here in the next 10 years or so. Majority that are still in the workforce are nearing retirement.

F150 is one of the cheapest vehicles to insure

Lots of shit heads in Civics make it one of the most expensive cars to insure in the GTA

Je suis desolé

Just take the bus man.
But Ontario is pretty much northern Michigan. Windsor is just a Detroit neighborhood

Fuck Manitoba's pretty high. Wouldn't have expected that they would be that bad.

That explains why i pay $250/month for mine in Barrie

Not sure about other places but one of the biggest factors for insurance rates here is number of reported accident per model year of vehicle. It's not a per capita figure so limited production cars tend to have super cheap rates. My friend discovered it was half as experience to insure an 2009 S2000 as it was to insure a 2009 Civic because of this. There were only 29 Canadian cars for that model year and not a single reported accident on recording internationally

It's Michigan under communist dictatorship. People in Windsor in particular have recently left in droves either for the states or other provinces and constant shitpost on Facebook and news site comments sections about how much better everything is and how everyone's retarded for continuing to live there. If I hadn't established a business here long before I realized how awful and irrideemable this place was I'd have moved a long time ago.

Rates get better the older you get and I'm not even 25 yet. Also depends a lot on the car. If you're buying a civic you might as well get a nicer car because you'll pay out of the ass to insure a civic vs a sportier car.

Wow what the hell? How is it so cheap

I don't think you understand what true communism really is

By being a functioning member of society

I'm a functioning member too and my rate is $200/mth for a 2006 Mazda3

I live in Alberta. It's actually cheaper to insure than my vw that I daily. It just varies from car to car m8.

Cool a 10 year old car. Who knew insurance would be cheap on a decade old vehicle

I meant that as the Porsche is cheaper to insure than a vw.

Meanwhile retards are paying More than that every month to insure 20 year old Integras covered in anime tiddie stickers and scratches from when a tranny posed on its hood


I don't know what to say. I guess you should trade your mazda for a cayman?


From living in Ontario I absolutely do

Tell that to older immigrants from east bloc puppet states

>29yo male
>driving for 10 years
>no accidents or infractions (not a single speeding ticket, literally nothing)
I pay ~$300/mo for a 2009 NA Impreza in Ontario

30% of employed ontarians are min wage

Do you have some sources on that?

I'm sure if given the opportunity they'd move back

just paid my yearly ins. progressive.. 490.00 for 12 months. bite me.

Of course they wouldn't you fucking moron

It’s pretty much mostly due to fraud. We have a similar problem here in big cities in Australia but no where near as bad as the UK and Canada.
But still the authorities are catching onto it a bit

>490.00 for 12 months
That's really not bad unless you're over 50.

Whatever helps you slee at night, Pajeet

His job and number of miles driven can drop the total a lot. My insurance went hugely down when I could verify I had driven a lot less miles (7000 miles or less annual) since I vanpooled to and from work.

If he lives in an apartment, he might consider moving after he checks for a living area with a lower insurance rate. And you should check with different insurance providers too because one insurance provider might be top heavy with claimants from that area while the other insurance company is not.

>Implying you can find one of these ontario that hasent been rotted away by 6 billion tons of road salt

My car was insured for pleasure use and was still more.

There are tons of garage kept Buicks and Olds around. Especially ones owned by old ladies who never went anywhere except to church/get groceries/go to bingo.

It will get better. Doug Ford is going to Make Ontario Great Again.

You need to leave. Your province is doomed beyond redemption.


>Brand new driver
>$25/mo for insurance for a '99 Civic with VTEC
Feels good.

Don't insure it!