As seen in title, what does Veeky Forums think
Delete them? Keep them?
Are they good or bad?
As seen in title, what does Veeky Forums think
Delete them? Keep them?
Are they good or bad?
Federal crime to delete emissions components user even on non regulated vehicles
Good for the environment, bad for your engine, deleting them is both a legal and moral issue, if you delete it on a car that must be emissions compliant you will not pass inspection, it is also bad for the environment supposedly so that is something to think about
How is an EGR valve bad for your engine?
Not a tree fucking hippie BTW just curious on the mechanical side of things
All of the unburnt oil mist, soot, and general shit that's normally just blown out the exhaust is recirculated back into your intake and can form deposits anywhere upstream of your intake ports. Especially throttle bodies, through your PCV if you have one, and your intake valves. Over time these deposits can make shit start to rub or stick or lose compression. There's also not really a good way to clean it off without taking a bunch of shit apart.
tl;dr: it's dirty.
when they work they are harmless to your engine and do not hurt power. However their problems come from carboning up and causing problems then. Just buy a car that isn't equipped with one of your that autistic about it.
Do you eat shit? No, then why force your engine to?
>"""""""""""""""Land of the free""""""""""""""""""""
Here engine, Have some hot and carbon infused air.
What's with all the eco fags here? I thought this was an enthusiast forum.
Most people here have more illegal shit on their hard drives. Civilized states don't give a fuck.
I have my cats cut out, come and get me bootlicker.
Guys guys I just said I’m not a tree hugging hippie I’m just dumb and don’t know much about cars
I didn’t know there was such a thing as an EGR Valve until today
Hence why I wanted to know what it does
And frankly I think it’s a pretty dumb idea
>let’s recirculate shit air back into your engine because commiefornian numales are scared of it!
Kinda dumb in my opinion
It burns unburnt fuel left in the exhaust. Catalytic convertors sap more power than EGRs do when the EGR operates properly. They have been used since the 70s at least. If you think its dumb,ok. Become an engineer and do better. or like I already said, buy a car without one and see a shrink for your autism.
The issue isn't that it saps power, the issue is it puts crap back into your intake, which in turn eventually saps power and causes running issues over the life of the engine.
EGR puts 10% max of the inert exhaust gas back into the intake stream to lower combustion temperatures which reduce NOx, which is made above 2500°F. This is good even for the enthusiast because you can have a higher compression ratio (more power with advanced timing, but raises combustion temps due to more pressure in the cylinder).
PCV system performs a similar function, is it bad? Really doesn't variable timing engines eliminate EGRs? Why is this an issue anymore? Anyhow some aftermarkets make deletes that require tunes on computer controlled engines. Fine for something modified but a waste of time on a stock engine.
Yet there's no denying the benefits of automotive emissions controls.
As an X-er I'm just old enough to have experienced noticeable smog in cities that don't have that problem anymore. I've been in LA recently and didn't notice any, where it had been the poster child for smog. Oddly, the place I have noticed it most in recent years has been San Antonio on the NE side.
I just dealt with a misfire caused by my EGR valve. The entire system is a pain that clogs everything up with carbon over time. If you want to remove it, hide it somewhere (or get an aftermarket manifold that has a bracket for it with no ports). No code as long as it stays hooked up. You can also simulate it with a little electronics work, but that's probably not worth the effort for most people.
what this guy said all the shit in the exhaust goes through the intake and cruds up the intake and valves.
don't listen to this guy it's not what EGR does
EGR puts exhaust gas into the intake replacing some of the oxygen with CO2, less oxygen means less heat and that the engine runs cooler, as a result you can either have lower emissions (NOx formed at high temps) or increase compression ratio and get better fuel efficiency
If the compression ratio is increased to compensate for the EGR the engine should make as much power as it would without, and if there was a way to clean the exhaust gas better it would be a fairly decent system other than adding more parts that can break.
Engines used to just vent crankcase vapors and blow by to the atmosphere. PCV takes this gas (which can include unburnt fuel) and redirects it to the intake to be burned again.
My mom told me about days where her gym class couldnt go outside because of the horrible air quality she lived in long beach
On an L67 engine, I deleted mine both because e85, the tubing leaked and because it keeps the blower rotors/intake tract cleaner
what do you mean on non-regulated vehicles? I thought vehicles, different Yeats for different vehicle types, built before certain dates were exempt? like 1996 motorcycles and before it doesn't matter?
they are exempt from being checked, but that doesn't meant that it is legal to remove the emissions equipment. It's a sort of grey area, no one is looking so you wont be caught, but it is still not supposed to be done.
Also to make a point, a good catch can does just as well as a PCV system.
I think EGRs and PCV systems are an absolutely necessary thing for the general dickhead driving his slushbox between work and the whorehouse, but in an enthusiastic context, the only reason to have an EGR is for the mentioned benefits of attaining a higher CR.
a catch can is a type of pcv
I should have clarified. Mean the ones that go back into your intake. Hangover.
Just because they don't check in that specific state doesn't mean it's legal. They're federally regulated. All the bubba rays in Texas and Arizona and shit who hack up all the smog shit in their trucks are still technically violating federal laws even if their county doesn't require it. Think weed in Colorado. Same shit
right that's what I said, but if it's not enforced then it is a sort of grey area
Federally illegal but not enforced in your state =/= its cool
its still illegal. its not grey, it'd be black.
unenforced laws don't matter, they are grey
>not getting it
Have fun with your federal prison sentence when any cop with any reason to fuck with you decides he wants to enforce it that day
just because state does not perform emission testing or inspections, its not automatically "straight-pipe city up in here".
Federally its still illegal. Again, not grey, its black.
unlicensed goatees are illegal in my state too, but you don't see people going to jail over it.
Holy fuck lol. You califags need to sink into the ocean already. No good state will pull that shit.
>its not automatically "straight-pipe city up in here".
Yeah it basically is.
lmao I'm not a cuck I want to be able to fuck up the environment without any benefits for me if I feel like it
go have a fit
i'm and .
In ontario we've got plug-in emission testing for vehicles. No DTC = you're good to go.
I've personally wittnessed 20+ modified vehicles with obvious test pipes with defoulers on the downstream O2 sensor so the computer wont trigger a CEL. Giving the exhaust a faint whiff with even an untrained nose will tell you somethings up with that (loud) car.
Is that legal? NO. automatic 5k fine for tampering with an emission control device if a cop wants to call in a team with an exhaust sniffer then they'll further investigate into your vehicle. They've been cracking down hard on the modified vehicle scene as of late.
I think you are just mad you failed your bianual exhaust sniffer test
>In ontario we
Oh I see now
Even in the police state I live in the cops don't give a fuck about emissions nonsense, so long as you are not being bothersome, and at worst you will get a fix-it ticket.
But they "could" that's the entire point dingus
You guys are fucking irrelevant. You might as well become part of the US for all I care.
>didn't come with egr
>gutted cat
>running 2 stroke oil in the gas
Feels good man.
>in a permanent state of rage against lying leftists environmentalists media and their fake global warming taking away their freeeeedomm
>think I'm mad cause they blow some steam on one of the last places on earth where they can feel related to someone
I'm not mad friendos, I feel for you
It's also legal for children to smoke cigarettes, just not purchase them
Neither of you seem to be getting the point. Federally speaking, running a straight pipe on the street is illegal.
Whether you will actually be fined for that is another story, at least where you guys live.
>Federally speaking
the FBI aren't responsible for traffic control though
>Whether you will actually be fined for that is another story
we wont
I'm not saying the environment shouldn't be protected I'm just talking about the actual enforcement of regulations
>What does Veeky Forums think about EGRs
depends how many nu males eco fag type there are on the board today.
3-4 years ago the verdict would have been unanimously to rip that shit off.
>caring about the world you live in is only for nu males
better rip all the emissions shit off your commuter so we end up like china, wouldn't want to be called a soyboy by some soyboy groupthink brainlet on the internet
The key is just live somewhere that doesn't have manditory VI's. In BC we only have to get a VI if a cop sees some glaring shit, like 3" poke and a straightpipe on your Alberta plated 2011 Cummins.
And even then you most likely won't get pulled over unless it's for a traffic infraction. Or if the Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement guys have a trap setup then everybody with even an uncovered lightbar or a loud magnaflow is fucked.
>I'll take incorrect for 500, Alex.
The amount of people that keep their emissions components on their vehicle FAR outweighs the number that don't in NA. Ripping the EGR off your 1996 300zx isn't going to a make an impact on the world.
>Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement guys have a trap setup then everybody with even an uncovered lightbar or a loud magnaflow is fucked.
what? shouldn't that only apply to heavy commercial vehicles? where I live only class A and B licensed vehicles have to stop for that
Fucking hell is that just near Vancouver or something? Cops would never ever look under your hood in Alberta unless it's a commercial vehicle going through a class whatever inspection.
Those shitholes wind up like that because you have way too fucking many people living in way too small of a space. The burning coal and 2 stroke emissions really help too. Even modern straight piped usdm cars run relatively clean.
unless you are modding your car for performance, or your emissions equipment breaks I don't see why you'd remove the emissions equipment. The more people do it the more attention it will get and then it will be regulated.
>Those shitholes
like california
Because when it inevitably shits the bed it usually makes the engine run like shit kinda defeating it's purpose.
Exactly. They paki stack people into a tiny shithole and wonder why they have pollution issues.
>Because when it inevitably shits the bed it usually makes the engine run like shit kinda defeating it's purpose.
right, but just wait until it breaks then
>Federal crime
California isn't the capital of the US
EGR's and PCV's are good for the engine if maintained properly.
Catalytic converters are fucking worthless and should burn in hell, they only exist cuz of MUH FEES FEES
I have an 84 f250 with a 351w, its a non catalyst model. how would i go about removing unnecessary emissions components?
The only places that have significant air pollution in the first world are cities.
I don't live in a city, work in a city, or ever need to visit the city. If you're concerned about air quality in the shit hole city you live in, move somewhere else.
The latest generation of diesel engines on and off highway will not use EGR because SCR and particulate filter technology has become mature enough to do the job better than EGR.
Your a fucking retard. It's against FEDERAL LAWS not just California law
I live in a fairly rural/suburban area, the air is fine, and emissions equipment will keep it that way, contamination in the environment is cumulative, pouring shit into the air for no reason is stupid.
I'm not even being unreasonable here, if your EGR or cat breaks and you don't need it to pass inspection then just throw it out, but taking it off for no good reason is stupid.
only in your shithole country
>quebec noises intensifies
>every state has inspections
commiefornia pls go
>that .gif
beyond gay, miata owners need to be put in the gas chambers before anyone else
I have a 94 z, it’s a common delete do do when you have to remove the intake plenum for the first time as it’s a lot of work. Also if it breaks by getting stuck open it can fuck your engine so you are better off just getting rid of it ASAP