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Milked up and good to go Edition

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i want junkrat in hots and I want him now

>Quest: win 3 matches


fifth for hanamura returns

7th for deathwing

>get this quest
>irl friend in silver gets on and wants to play with me
>go 1-6 with him
Every time

92th for brightwing a lewd

>overbab is also a lolfag


where 2 download spray images?

Just the latter. Seems like we have a better chance of getting Junkrat than Dr. Boom is all.

>Faggs still complaining his kit isn't Garroshy enough and doesn't fit
Good Lord if this is not garrosh moves I don't know what the plebs want. Another boring muh epic assassin instead of the biggest dick with the dickiest moves in game? Now medivh is second most dickery dick.

its just pandaria babbies complaining

I love garrosh kit.

Which is best anub'alisk skin?


Really, his abilities would be fine if there was a decent damage build in his talents

also if he had Rupture as an ult

maybe a talent that reduces or removes his passive and gives his abilities more damage

>good tank
>good damage

pick one, its like a slider, he is very tanky, reminds me of jo, her dmg is shit but she is hard to kill and he has the throw

he's not that tanky
and pick one works,

yeah his Q is really underwhelming

>being a mobacuck

>being a vidya manchild

>being an entertainment faglord


>being a human


The low as fuck cooldwon basically lets him man handle any fight.

>Implying any Garrosh can ever hit the Q edge

>Stitches kept gorging me and bringing me within his fort in tl today
>I was anub

>people who play hook characters
>having a brain

>gold tier shittery

no wonder they lost to frog nazeebo

>both teams around level 25
>both teams have three dead
>me as johanna and diablo meet each other at a mercenary camp
>wack each other and dump our abilities on each other in the span of 15 seconds
>when our allies respawn both leave with low health

whats wrong with frogs?
>t. the naz in that webm

idk i don't even play naz but i prefer spider build :^)

>ally azmodan uses demon invasion on enemy core solo like 4 times and watches it instantly die
>ally genji "soaks bot" the entire game
>friendly butcher uses brand like a ranged attack
some players need the gas

it's just inferior to spiders in most situations
frog build is much harder to get online due to quest stacks and even then only truly shines in defensive zoning and pushing (but even with spider build naz is a killer pusher so the advantage is negligible)

is it just me or have they not reduced the price of any heroes in a while

they haven't reduced a hero in ages, they have no reason to with 2.0 either.

Lucio had a price drop on March 1st

In fact, they should increase the prices!


>be an asshole for the sake of le bantz xDDDD
>team abandons you for being a cunt
>"wtf my team threw the game"
never change /hotsg/


help i keep getting troll le /pol/ garrosh players and its ruining my fun

play as garrosh then

but then i have to be the cunt and that's also lame

or you could play him not as a cunt throwing your team into the enemy.

garrosh has a good kit and is good!

>Throwing Malth into enemy team.


I feel Garrosh is really strong if you're winning the team fight, Q is good for catching people trying to escape. Not really so good if you're the ones running, or the enemy has no problem just sitting next to you.

I really only find I can get pulls off early game or in teamfights I'm already winning.

I've had the opposite experience. Somehow I always manage to salvage fights at like 15% HP and turn it around. The meme of killing one guy with a scoop throw is easy to do early, but late game you have to do some whacky shit to survive and it gets interesting.

I just wish Garry had something like Rupture as an ult. I'd rather it replace the sort of worthless taunt.

if they put rupture on garrosh (especially with his already built-in synergy with Q and toss), they would nerf it to casual hots-tank-tier damage to the point where you could get ruptured under an enemy fort and run back to your own fort with no heals

>Somehow I always manage to salvage fights at like 15% HP and turn it around.

Half the time I'm just getting bursted down 3 seconds into the team fight. Really wish Garrosh had some sort of spell shield.

I hope Garrosh's winrate goes up soon because I sure as hell do not want to see this guy buffed

His spellshield is oppressor, wear he hits people and reduces their ability damage.


they may very well just leave him as-is, although I was kind of expecting a shift in power away from his flip

I don't know how people can be bad with him. He fulfills the same role as Stitches almost. Sometimes he's even better.

>"There's not one until level 13"
>"You're building Lucio wrong"
>Continues to blame me for loss

I was going perma amp build v malth, but people who don't play Lucio know that there's only one viable build.

>play garrosh on boe
>every single time we get punisher i get a free kill on someone who thinks he's safe behind his wall
throwing people out from behind their own gate is so goddamn satisfying
you'd think they'd learn at some point though

i mean shrines, fuck
i always fuck up those two maps' names

Yeah, but by the time you hit them you're dead.

Good luck hitting Li ming in that backline.

the armor active is anti-burst, and the unstoppable may help as well

The laser is what will get you, not the missiles or orb.


>Only healer again a three healer team keeping a butcher alive
>can't keep them all alive
>team turns on me
>can't call them faggots cause silenced
>all of them say to report me so I stay silenced
I fucking hate that faggots like that roam free while I get the fucking collar put on me.

I never said it was a -good- spellshield but it's the variation of the talent blizz gave him.

Holy shit that beard must be hiding multiple chins.

God damn Garrosh can't tank for shit

>Assassin player does less damage than Garrosh


Garrosh needs innate CC reduction he can't tank because I'm often cced and can't use bloodthirst or armor up and it'd make sense too because he's an orc and orcs in wow get 20% cc duration reduction they could slap it onto indomitable or something the other 2 talents in that tier are already pretty fucking shit

So if someone is using Malthael then they're probably retarded or don't know how shit he is, right?


Tal-Rasha has nothing on Sankekur

Does Garrosh's Intimidation talent reduce attack speed even if the hero isn't pulled? I know it doesn't specify so you would think it doesn't have to pull, but I ask because for Warbringer the bonus damage is only applied on a pull, but it doesn't clarify that either.

Two seconds in training mode would clarify it

>replay files have quadrupled in size since this week's patch came along

He's still really good and punishes tards, so he will always be good.

i know that feel
>You did 56,217 damage as Garrosh! You did 56.7% better than similar players

He can, but you've got to be smart. He can't start eating shit and pokes until he's lower HP, so he NEEDS trickle support to keep him up to eat pokes. In sustain fights he does great.

>dont feel like playing Zagara without the desert queen skin

An abstract feeling

>Don't feel like playing Gazlowe for being a filthy scrap goblin
If he had a probius skin I probably would be playing him much more

>15 wins in a row
i'm ready for the forced 50 to hit

Gawlowe is the only member of the horde who's actually competent


They all fucked Ogrimmar while Gazlowe figured out how to make a door work

>Three minute queue
>Someone picks Jaina into Kerrigan
These are the last throes of this abominable software.

Lads I'm like 2-7 with Genji after buying him.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm not feeding, I'm saving my swift strike only for what seem to be guaranteed kills or for escaping, I'm trying to use my deflect smartly, but I just feel ineffective.

Please help.

Genji is at the fuggin bottom of tiers. He's fun, but he sucks. You're playing with an arm tied behind your back.

Why do all the newer heroes have like 0 mana management? Just spam all their shit on cooldown without problems while being better than most old heroes.

yea and thats why he gets banned in every league

below high dia/masters I'm not sure he's really worth the ban

>everybody bans him
yeah and do you remember how ming was banned for months

im in low masters and they still ban him
i dont like him that much but he is really op on bexis tbqh

li ming was completely busted when she was released

ye, I mean after they toned her down

He's the cleaner

What is Dropship even good for these days? This Morales only ever used it to run away by herself. Is that really it? Or do you use it like some poor man's Falstad jump or something? Is there room to have it in the current game meta? Is it worth drafting Morales for it instead of Stimpack?

You can't afford a cleaner. You need everyone to commit to winning the actual 5v5. Kill even one and they won't dare enter another fight so you don't need cleaners. Prove me wrong mastertip you can't

Droppod on their core and rape it as fast as possible

No, not really it shouldn't be picked.