What are Veeky Forums related "must see" movies?
What are Veeky Forums related "must see" movies?
>Meek virgin kid loves cars
>Kid buys his first car (which is haunted)
>Car loves him
>Kid gets bullied by Chads and his parents won't let him keep the car at their house
>Bullies destroy his car
>Car gets revenge on kid's bullies
>Meek virgin kid turns into a Chad towards the end of the movie and takes shit from no one (not even his step father)
Its an ebin love story of Man and Machine
200 MPH
>Budget: 200,000 USD
Fucking how?
Transporter 1
Vanishing point
Renting one Nissan GT-R, and all those bad ass special CGI effects.
Steve McQueen's Le Mans (1971)
Not the retarded American one though. That was just shit.
You take that back!
Fast and furious
All of them
In order
No bitching.
I remember when I found out that the 500e had a 4 speed automatic, I was so sad.
total garbage
No one evermentions Ronin, but this movie has some seriously dope euro chases in it. It's a good movie for its story too, slow paced but deliberate.
Mad Max
Gone in 60 seconds (the original)
Name a better movie protip you can't
>200 MPH
Not all of them are worth watching. Being able to quote the first movie is a requirement though
>tokyo drift
how can a movie be so retarded yet so brillant?
The Megalopolis Expressway Trial series, and every documentary on the Mid Night Club you can find. Disregard the Wangan Midnight live action movie, it's a shitty drama.
Over The Top with Stallone is the best Truck movie
Well DUH.
Entire franchise is shitty and gay. Anyone who unironically likes these movies deserves lymphoma.
Drive is shit as a car movie. Cars are irrelevant to the movie, plot is focused on Gosling's autism and his story with the woman. It's nice that the script doesn't go full cuck and respects the fact the woman's married though.
You're memeing right ? There's no way an Asylum movie can be good. I tried to watch Road Wars, the Asylum-version of Mad Max and I couldn't stand the sheer boredom more than 10 minutes.
>There's no way an Asylum movie can be good.
It's so bad, it wraps back around to being good
>Entire franchise is shitty and gay.
Nah m8, Tokyo Drift is incredible.
>how can a movie be so retarded yet so brillant?
Because it was the pinnacle of 2000's teenage cool, and actually respects the JDM drifting scene it depicts. It also has a rare fisherman Tsuchiya.
>Nah m8, Tokyo Drift is incredible.
Again, in an ironic way only. If you genuinely think the acting/plot/actors/effects/cars/etc. aren't total dogshit then you're a clown, and possibly a gaynigga.
>Again, in an ironic way only.
You have to watch it with the eyes you had at 15.
>If you genuinely think the acting/plot/actors/effects/cars/etc. aren't total dogshit then you're a clown, and possibly a gaynigga.
You sound oddly bitter. Acting and plot is of course retarded but that adds to the enjoyment. The cars are nice, what's wrong ?
Anyone that says "Drive" is a manchild.
Only manchildren, plebs, redditors and faggots think Drive and Refn's movies are good.
They unironically considered buying the jacket, leather gloves, mimicking his autism. Refn is the epitome of manchild.
Grow up, and refine your tastes in films.
Agreed. Also The Wraith is twice as cool for starring a 4banger from the future.
Death Proof
My man
Herbie, brothers.
You should seriously stop posting on Veeky Forums until you've seen 200 MPH. You can come back after but it is pretty much like says. It's fucking terrible, yet I've watched it a few times.
I guess it helped when people used to stream on Veeky Forums from time to time, so it was more fun to watch with other anons. Even by yourself, you'll probably get a kick out of it.
Here's an example of how shitty it is, the main guy has a FC RX7 that he drives and works on, but whenever her gets in a race and is drifting around a corner, the CGI car (since I guess they couldn't afford to hire actual drivers) was a 240SX.
Fuck this horrible piece of shit chic flic masquerading as a horror movie. The only remotely redeeming feature of this movie is the fact that Kurt Russel is in it. There's about 5 minutes of gore involving a totaled Nova and a halfway decent 10 minute car chase that results in the death of two mopars. The rest of the film is a bunch of stuck up bitches talking to one another.
It should be buried in shit for all eternity, along with its director.
Well, the example is accurate, the pic was a random shot from the movie.
Anyone else have their first car purchase influenced by a film, as I was with this?
>It's fucking terrible, yet I've watched it a few times.
As a fan of late 70s/early 80s Italian horror, I can relate
Lmao I loved the American Taxi when I was a kid.
This is an awesome movie that no one seems to know about, especially if you like Formula 1.
Actually a pretty damn good movie.
Tokyo Drift is probably the best movie in existance.
fuck baby driver
>that twingo at :47
>halfway decent 10 minute car chase
You gotta be shitting me. Overall, it may not be a great movie, but the stunts are fucking impressive. Watch it again with appreciation for the fact those driving stunts were real and ridiculously dangerous.
speed zone
days of thunder
mad max
Two that I don't see mentioned here are The Driver and Two Lane Black Top. The former wasn't a bad movie, decent car chases. I didnt get the point of the Two Lane Black Top. Not much of a story.
I'm really surprised no one has mentioned that great 1971 film, "Two Lane Blacktop". If you're into cars and you haven't seen it, you really should. Quite apart from its being a great movie, its stars are two of the unlikliest you can imagine: James Taylor (yes, that James Taylor) and Beach Boy Dennis Wilson. No music, though, just cars, drag racing, and an accurate glimpse of 1960s car culture. Check it out. You won't regret it.
All of you fucking faggots will be too young to remember this...
Came here to write this.
Fucking piece of shit movie that Veeky Forums actually memed me into viewing...literally autism the movie.
Sorcerer 1977
The first hour or so is some of the most drawn out back story, but once they begin the trip you get hooked. Most intense stuff at 10mph.
There is also the original one Wages of Fear, but its french.
I've seen films from before it so "too young" is invalid
The Last American Hero is also very good.
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot. Clint and Jeff Bridges go on a road trip, rob banks, deliver ice cream, and encounter a horde of bunnies. Fun movie except for the bullshit ending.
I can't believe no one had mentioned the Blues Brothers yet
I believe it still holds the record for most cars crashed.
Hey there buddy. Take a shotgun and slide it way down your throat. Then, get real fucking intimate with the trigger because it's the only thing that'll ever love you.
I've never seen it. The title is weird.
Looks like you're in the target group for autistic movies.
Si il va sur l'autoroute il est foutu. On a plus de puissance !
It's good. Especially if you're into cars, but the rest is good too.
Came to say this.
>ejecto seato cuz!
>tfw no psychotic murderous possessed machine gf
She's found someone else anyway
Shit tier. It's full of niggers.
this little scene right here hit me somewhere deep in me
Just watched 200MPH breddy gud movie...has rotaries, strippers and titties...
Now watching Christine.
You bought a Peterbilt 281 tanker? Dope
I actually liked this movie. *retarded_frog.jpg* Also it has great soundtrack.
These are all classic car films and it would be idiotic to not watch them. Driver is pretty obnoxious though.
-Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry.
-Aloha, Bobby and Rose.
-American Graffiti.
-Smokey and the Bandit.
-To live and die in L.A.
-The Driver.
-White Line Fever is an okish old Trucker film if that's your thing too.
The thing about these old classics is not only the great car scenes but also I find it's sometimes a cool little window into how things used to be.
Watching Thunderbolt and Lightfoot now, thanks to who ever brought it up.
Love that movie.
>Vanishing point
Just checking in to make sure someone posted that.
Fuck Bullitt though.
i cannot believe nobody has posted ronin, the french connection or duel yet.
ayyye man Bullitt aint that bad, its not up to all the hype but it's still worth one watch.
So you don't like it?
The blues brothers, obviously
Wait, isnt this movie named like a brit would pronounce word "running" with his accent?
Vanishing point
You won’t cry the first time you watch but you will the rest of the times
Probably the greatest car film of all time. Yeah fair statement too.
never watched it for the same reason I would never watch a film called "baby cop" or "baby boss".
I thought the same until I watched it, wasn't too bad to be honest. Just poorly titled.
For motorcycling, twist of the wrist. It's half-movie half-educational and the regular movie parts are so corny, I love it
Anyone mention Cannonball Run yet?
Running on Empty
Title is an allusion to the Simon & Garfunkel song of the same name.
Gotcha. I posted it because I knew it'd butthurt any /r9k/ transfuge who'd see it.
Nah mate, I don't get this "so bad it's good" shite. That movie looks hopelessly terrible and I won't subject myself to that garbage after trying to watch Road Wars.
crashing cars isn't an enjoyable sight. Especially if you love the cars.
Ah c'est des Mercedes ? Ils font des voitures aussi ?
>this hasn’t been posted yet