Worm edition
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>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com
>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com
WF news: semlar.com
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
THE JORDAS VERDICT: pastebin.com
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com
Top guns: docs.google.com
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com
Tierqueer Filters: git.io
CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.4.0)
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God doesnt exist. Its a fairy tale for children.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to lovingly impregnate Nezha.
>Misquote fedora tipping
What an amazing start.
>An actual Slova on Akkad
>With the fucking Impedance Infested aura
I have seen it all
>not using the pic of the victim rag for the OP
Come on /wfg/ you're better than this.
>God doesn't exist.
Explain this booty.
This is the update that freed me. Rework is shit, next prime will be gold plated shit. No prisma angstrum or anything fun for that matter from baro. I can finally die.
>he is still in Warbros
>He hasnt made his own solo clan
why capybaras are so great
>energy reduction
Do I take EVTrin or Slowva?
See ya tomorrow
>what is paying a jew exorbitant funds for a weapon
I'm honestly tempted to make my own clan, but I can't be arsed to get all those researches and gorillion resources to finish it the way I want it to be.
The only resources that really hurts are the fucking formas , even if you have a bunch of them , the build time sucks
Credits and everything else should come from Defense/Survivals and shit
I want to titty fuck Mag.
I dont think paizuri is the right word
what you want is "naizuri" when it comes to mag
Frost Prime
Are you serious? Mag has great stonking tits, she just covers them up instead of letting them flop all around like Saryn.
Can I transfer my account from one system to the other?
how can you impregnate a male frame
PC to console/vice versa? No.
Infestation is malleable.
We are
That's why we didn't bother
Go do something worth our time and laughs
I gotta hand it to DE, the whole scrapping junk prime materials for ducats thing was a pretty ingenious way to give them some inherent value and act as a sink. I know it's not new but I haven't played the game in years.
Post frames
>No more competitive events for gold statues
>No more clan v clan bants
>No more forum shitter drama and complaints of Warbros winning again by using "hacks" and "exploits".
I miss those days.
Clans are relatively cheap if you have a decent stockpile of resources and have millions of forma to invest into clan research, and it's a satisfying feeling to have your own dojo.
don't bother with it unless you actualy want one
What's the best sidearm for Conclave?
I just want more tactical alerts /mini events
Phoenix Interception in that Mars/Phobos map that only spawned high level Napalms was fun
tons of Rhinos died by my feet as I soared the skies as Zephy
Gradivus was also fun ( as a idea ) but running the same map 100 times killed the joy , god bless wormhole
forum bantz was dead by Cryotic Event, wasn't it? Very little salt on the forum back then.
>Not a single secondary that can perform just as good or better than a primary
Why bother then? I always play with primaries only. Rest is mastery fodder.
Actually there are people that still dislike warbros even through current top clans are doing the exact same thing as warbros but aren't getting flak because there isn't a whole wiki page of drama about it.
I made my own and it was going smoothly building all the rooms but then I started doing the researchs and I noticed almost everything requires Polymer, Oxium and Mutagen in large quantities. 5,000 mutagens for the Hema and I only have 600. This better be a good fucking weapon.
Those stats are fucked, there's no way Octavia is my least used frame when I used her to grind for anime beacons.
Why is excaliber loved by so many?
Sucha gay ass frame
It's a great weapon, but nowhere near 5,000 mutagen samples great
Oh forgot to mention, most of Saryn was pre-rework. I have the Prime now but I don't play her anymore.
They seem pretty damn accurate to me. Atlas and Saryn are like 10+% chunks of my play time because I chose mag as my starter and was gonna quit the game for how awful it was and my buddy bought me Saryn telling me to give it another go and I ended up getting hooked. Spent my first year or so playing like nothing but Atlas and Saryn (started playing the week Equinox came out). Since then I've used a few far more than others, but I split my time between ton of frames depending on what I'm feeling, and in comparison to my old "mains" I've barely come up over half their percentages of use time.
Invasion of privacy
good goy
Thanks Steve!
>Check navigation for active invasions
Motherfucker how about we get Ordis to do a deep scan of the Orbiter for unidentified life-forms?
Like no one has anything to say about this? Ordis, the Lotus, fuck not even Helminth have anything to say about this? Even if heykiddo isn't real and it's just the void madness taking hold, at least have our tater be a little concerned and ask if anyone else is seeing this shit.
The reason Warbros had a lot of hate is because they weren't just the best at Warframe, they were the best at dick waving too. When Warbros won an event you'd hear about it everywhere. Excessive "WARBROS #1" spam was even the excuse they used to cut the clan down. Outing the game as the buggy mess that it is certainly didn't help our standing with the forum dick suckers either.
Other than Cresent Moon Prime all of the other top clans are literally whos because they've grown up in a time where competition is outlawed. Solar Rails have been removed indefinitely, every clan can get a gold trophy, the clan leaderboards don't mean shit anymore. There's no incentive to be competitive, and even if there was they've tailored the events to combat the brand of autism that got Warbros to the top. We'd need hundreds of super autists to produce the same results that a dozen super autists could a few years ago.
Sicarus Prime
I use daikyu, then finish them off with lato if I don't land the headshot
todays shitty riven official "Post em" post
>wasting time on rivens
Wow I can finally solo those End Game missions.
>-21.6 damage base
Fuck. Does it heal enemies?
sO , apparently the AKStilletoP is out of my reach for the moment
Twin Grakata : 25x chance 2x mult
AkSomati : 20x chance , 3x multi
Is there a clear winner on this ? I only have 1 secondary ( LexP ) and I'm getting tired of it
>out of my reach
buy plat
that actually used to be a thing but sadly it was patched out.
They're both good but Aksomati has a better Riven disposition AND cheaper Rivens in general, which you're going to want.
I have other priorities for my future plat including slots , color palletes , a potato and a few mods I think weapons can wait for a while but I want a serviceable fast fire secondary
well if you say so
>buying potatos
Oh my fucking God end me right now.
I would hope they smell like coffee.
DE's Rebecca has nothing on Konami's Joost!
literally half of the people in conclave use daikyu, it's one of the best weapons by far
>he does all the work for himself
>he doesn't sit there and let others do it for him
how much can i jew out of someone for an argon scope?
All I ever see is Soma/Braton/Dera etc.
If you want to sell it relatively quickly, 250-300ish. If you want maximum jewry, PMO.
Stop being a subliminal faggot and say names. I'm waiting.
it took a year and a half, but i finally got an aesthetically pleasing dojo made, 90~ members strong and even the flagship of our alliance. i love it and wish clan and alliance features werent neglected as much as they are. its really the only reason i still play, helping others within it and making sure the game isnt a second job for anyone. only by working together can DE be kept down
>adding content in a video game made by a company that you want to be "kept down"
You're the definition of irony.
i mean the grind and de's refusal to streamline things. the difficulty of obtaining archwing mods for example. it's a super casual clan and everyones constantly giving each other shit to knock out a lot of the mundane or poorly designed progression
>Reminder: If you do not own multiple rivens above 50 re-rolls you aren't allowed to have an opinion here.
I wanna eat those binds...
is there some sort of trick to getting kavat genetic code? i keep running exterminate and only find like 2 to 4 per run and they never give me any
compre platino diezo
Vete a la mierda steve
idk if this is proper spanish or what i just jewgle translate
Is Rhino a black man?
rhino's a lion, user. we've been over this
Inaros is the only canonical black warframe because he's a kang
i got hey kiddo'd again ;__; three times. make it stop
Shieeet, maybe my operator is the black man