sleepover edition
>Patch 4.06 Notes
>Current Event
>Patch Notes
>Job Guide
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sleepover edition
>Patch 4.06 Notes
>Current Event
>Patch Notes
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
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An hour left to join the sleepover party before lockout closes the door.
Tfw no qt elezen eb
Fun party!
tfw no one on excalibur erps...
You all look the same
>tfw you look like an autist in the background
h-haha i was just posing
>tfw you forgot the sleepover was a couple's event, showed up alone, and don't know how to talk to anyone so you sit alone like an autist
It's just like real life, I'm so immersed
Come to Matues for friends and video games!
I left my fc when stormblood came out and been running solo since
I start late tomorrow, I just wanted to stay up and drink, why can't I keep my eyes open?
When will they allow transfers to Omega again?
anyone want to make me some decent dps food
i'm not picky i'm okay with mcdonalds tier i just want a decent stat boost to inflate my ego on act
>tfw not even near anyone so not in any backgrounds
Sometimes our bodies will defy ourselves when they're too deprived, happens to me a lot with naps
tfw no date for the Gold Saucer...
You need your server, user. Can't help if we're from somewhere else.
Is the battlehall shared across the server or something?
Soon probably!
>no Highlander babes
>smile anyway
Come to Matues for friends and video games.
It's Aether wide like all DF instances.
>Trying to get midlanders to line up for pictures
>Everybody else joins in
>Nobody can look the same direction
>The lighting is awful
>The music is too loud
>My feet hurt
I've made a mistake.
oh sorry, mattyus
Summer event was very lazy this year.
But the top is nice at least.
>wanna go to the sleepover
>wanna finish crafting before I go to bed
>don't even have cute pajamas
I got a few decent shots
>There was only two Elezens there
Better luck next time, Serrit.
Wow, user was right, i miss my sprout, now i'll get pointed and laughed at if i ever fuck up during a duty
>that seam on liora's stomach
I'm still here! Though probably the last one anyone wanted to see
>yfw you never unlocked the gold saucer and are missing out on all the fun.
You can craft in the battle hall stupid
you have 45 minutes GO
what's the best way to powerlevel my chocobo?
Don't pin this on me
Have you switched from elezen thirst.
If you want to meet people wait until the day
However, you are 2 days late, now people just afk there
Any chef up for roulettes on primal? Password 0001 under Y.C
I still have to gather mats and do my ixal quests.
Ahh, just like real life.
Stop making excuses to be a loser.
It's the yukata fiasco all over again
post midlander
do the quest triple triad trial and then you can find it in duty finder in the gold saucer tab
>follow an user's suggestion to remake frightened elf on Balmung
>use an old alt that had like, three fantasias on it to do it
>do the Evangelyne cosplay
>hempen shirt has these funky designs on it
I mean at least this alt's level 25 as an archer, but still.
>complaining about pointy hats
>calling someone a loser for playing a video game instead of using it as a replacement for a social life
wew dude
i'm pretty sure you can make everyone look the same way, with individual controls, overall controls too i think, but desu i've never taken screenshots with this many people
it's not my seam '-')/
Use spacebar to make them all look in the same direction.
>Complaining about having no social life and then making excuses when opportunities arise for socializing
wew guy
yeah, i knew it wouldn't be a perfect fit but it's honestly the closest thing i could think of. the bardam's gloves will fit it a lot better too
i give it a pretty good/10 though
pls be my eb...
>ever not wanting to bully elezen under bed covers
If anything, lately it's become a "fever". That doesn't mean I'll ever stop wanting to rub muscles with a Highlander.
pls rate hotbar setup. Also, are these the role skills I should be using for dungeons? For 8 man stuff i drop anticipation for shirk.
good now marry me
Excuses are all I have left!
Use something closer to this if you want to get anywhere in-game.
who is this lizard
beeper a cuter
>tfw no elezen gf who doesn't like diapers
fangies post
Do you press c+9 or just click on royal
>tfw your mate cops a 9 day ban for calling someone a cunt
I thought australians had humor
>i click
Only works for people in your party.
Sleep over
the beepers is there?
I never understood the whole possibility of being banned for naughty language thing when there's an obscene language filter built into the game.
I don't click.
The /surprised emotes are normally hotkeyed, but my hotbar broke for this screenshot.
And friends list and Linkshell mates.
And making really awkward comments the whole time while dropping item codes like they're candy so he can buy people's friendship.
this is really cute
he was
They left.
Probably should'a used some lighting here.
Meow :3
So what materia should I get for a RDM and in what priority? O.o
>elk thirsting after shrek
I'm laffin
>yet another Balmung and Gilgamesh circlejerk meetup
Thanks lad, I made it.
It's data-center wide, you know. So in theory, everyone on Aether can join.
The first thing you should get is a fanta
>many of the more social aether players are on balmung and gilgamesh
this is you
How 2 get over mem addiction ?
but you were both there and surrounded by people, why would you lie on an anonymous image board
god i really want to cram my huge fist into this cat's mouth!
nigga nobody cares about your shitty cat
I made it from a dead server, you can too.
post smol mol
You whole point of being in the TT hall was so non-balmungamesh people weren't excluded you whiny git. Now send some roewives.
I care. I think his photoshop is absolutely hilarious.
I just see it as people trying to relive what they couldn't obtain in their youth or they have no social life outside of the game Tbqh. It's Friday night most people are out getting pussy and getting wrecked but you're playing a video game but not even playing the game your using the chat function and a strict set of emotes. You can't convey and move on your own terms. It's mega gay.