/lozg/ - The Legend of Zelda General

Molesting Link edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Nyko-Core-Controller-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B071GP81K8/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1502544629&sr=1-1&keywords=Core Controller for Nintendo Switch

thanks again to user posting all the quality screenshots.

Best waifu, forever and always.

>molesting Link

Only one person has that right

whoops posted in the last thread after the new thread post, reposting
eccentric great fairies calling link zelda would be one of the better ways to break the fourth wall

met to pick one of the adult pics for waifu posting

stop backpedaling

anyway real best waifu is never even depicted as an adult

I'm playing Spirit Tracks right now.
How the fuck do I get Phantom Zelda to drop an item she's holding? I'm stuck on a platform in the middle of fucking lava and this bitch won't toss this fucking trash so she can help me cross.

being a pedo is wrong, user.

getting married to have sex is pretty stupid, given marriage typically kills the sex drive for numerous reasons

>not marrying your waifu to show your eternal love
>not having children with your waifu
horrible person

Hit her with whip or boomerang


Kinky ghost play.

That is fucking bullshit. Why didn't they just include a way to have her put an item down instead of making it so that touching anywhere that isn't the spiral at her feet switches back to Link.

>not marrying your waifu to show your eternal love
>not having children with your waifu
>having children with a child
stop being a paedo

don't do either if it's a child
please wait until your waifu is an adult, then marry them and have children

why are you so adamant on having children? you wanna fuck em or something, creep?

you stop that

I'm not the kiddy fiddler here, weirdo

just bought LttP and the 3 GBC Zelda games from the eShop, + I'm restarting Majora's mask because I only got through 2 dungeons when I bought it last year.

What am I in for?


I want to kiss Sidon!

>not wanting to have children with your waifu
stop being gay
stop being a pedo and thinking about touching kids

If you've played OoT, LttP is like that but 2D and the time travel mechanic is more fluid. Oracle of Seasons and Ages are fantastic adventures, really good length and some cool mechanics and great puzzles, the pinnacle of 2D Zelda imo. LA is one of the three titles I've never played (the others are Skyward Sword and Spirit Tracks), so I don't know about that.

Majora's Mask is the best title in the series in my opinion, the only other that even comes close is BotW. It's a real fucking trip. As far as the main questline goes you were already halfway (like BotW there's only 4 dungeons plus the final segment), but like 85% of the game is in sidequests, some of which are really emotionally heavy or bizarre or disturbing. But you have to be kind of committed to playing it and ideally go in intending to get every mask or you'll come away having finished a short and, apart from some aesthetic points, fairly unremarkable Zelda game. Again like BotW, the important part of the game is in the optional content.

>stop being gay
I'm not the one who would love a boy just because he's my quote-unquote, "son"

>stop being a pedo
tu quoque mf'er

>and thinking about touching kids
pretty hard when you keep talking about touching kids, sicko...

Mipha is just never going to be depicted smiling with teeth, is she?
I just can't imagine Mipha with Sidon's pearly whites looking good at all.

>I'm not the one who would love a boy just because he's my quote-unquote, "son"
we have hit next level irony

>But you have to be kind of committed to playing it and ideally go in intending to get every mask
I go into every Zelda with intention to 100% it. I only left Majora's mask for so long because life happened and I got stuck on the cow abduction sidequests.

Is there a preferred order for the Oracle games?

>Is there a preferred order for the Oracle games?
Not really. They followed the pokémon philosophy where you were expected to play alongside a friend with the other game and then each get the one you didn't have and play through that afterward since unlike pokémon they're actually different games too. If you play both at once then I believe you can take advantage of the cross-game shit by yourself using secret codes you get in one game to unlock bonus content in the other, if I recall how that works correctly.





Good night to all.


>even kids want to fuck Link


If Zelda 1 were remade today, would the magical sword and shield be replaced with the Master Sword and Hylian Shield?

I mean when I played through it on the GBA as a kid, that's how I interpreted those items since I started with OoT.

I'd say Magical Shield is more Mirror Shield, but unlike the Mirror Shield, Like Likes eat it.

Yes, most likely. I mean it shoots beams and is capable of defeating ganon, so it has to be the basis of what was to become the Master sword later on in the series.

It kind of has a resemblance to Demise's sword. Just a little bit.

I am really no great fan of how much they're blowing up the hylian shield.
The hylian shield was never once implied to have been special. But then they started to reuse it every single game because it was in Ocarina of Time and because Ocarina of Time had become so iconic.
But it's really odd to see the shield that pretty much looked like nothing other than a pretty basic and standard issue metal shield, be hailed as this rare and spectacular thing in the subsequent games.

It would make sense to make that assumption.


Sav'otta, /lozg/

Threadly reminder Link is still pure, he can see fairies






If DLC 2 does end up having a 5th Divine Beast, what could its theme be? We've had water, fire, wind and thunder with bosses themed after those too, so what could a 5th one be? Ice? Shadow? What about the boss?

Besides, where could a 5th Beast even be? Is there something down that massive Yiga pit?

If the story is focused on Zelda I'd assume it'd be Light-themed. Don't know what animal it'll be modeled after though.


Gerudo women are in need of serious big Hylian cock.

Well I guess light and shadow are kind of like yin and yang. Seemingly opposite and contrary forces that are actually complimentary and interconnected. To be light themed may include having to clear away the shadow to give way to the light. Or some shit.

I'm actually just trying to think of some excuse to bring the shrouded lighting mechanic back. If it's light/shadow themed then maybe they'll be mad men enough to throw in Dark Link for the boss. If it's another blight somehow then I assume it would be called shadowblight or something something sunblight.

Then there's the thing to consider where this beast would be located. Might not even be a beast. Just trying to think where a 5th one could come from and what it would entail.


Gerudo women are all lesbians

Probably. The HW version looks like it was partly modeled on the gilded sword from MM, but the original art of it looks like a stubby master sword.

It's the standard issue shield in OoT's era because it's modeled on the ultimate shield wielded by Straight Shota Link, and legendary in the downfall timeline because after the fall of hyrule it fell out of vogue and became rare but was still an extremely effective shield. IIRC it's not a big deal in the adult timeline probably because it passed out of usage naturally and then Hyrule was buried in the sea, meaning it was not merely rare but unobtainable and probably lost its association with the hero altogether (where I imagine in the downfall timeline the shield's reputation was probably tarnished by OoT Link though people would have likely remembered its association with heroes) and in the child timeline it's still just the standard issue shield.

Actually come to think of it, outside of the fighter's shield in lttp which doesn't look exactly like it but is clearly what the Hylian shield was actually modeled on, does it even appear in the downfall timeline? I know it's still an ordinary shield in TP. Seems like it's just BotW (which clearly takes place at the end of all three timelines) where it has regained legendary status, so that might be an artefact of the child timeline, where it was repeatedly the main shield used by the heroes.

everyone has the right if they take it

I want Sidon to be my best man at my wedding

The Deku Tree is actually a Divine Beast with bark growing over it, you have to go down into its roots into a throwback of the first OoT dungeon

But that's gay, user.

It could be a fusion of all four, down in the Sheikah Lab under the castle.

That would be a big beast.

bane post

Has anybody used this?

amazon.com/Nyko-Core-Controller-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B071GP81K8/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1502544629&sr=1-1&keywords=Core Controller for Nintendo Switch

Is it worth getting over the normal pro controller given the cheaper price or is it just not as good and not worth it as a result?

who the fuck is wasting money on controllers when the joycons are easy to use?

the new dungeon will be in the Temple of Time

I want future DLCs to involve the damn dragons. Anything, even if they just tell you what a good job you're doing.

It would be neat to come back to the Great Plateau after everything. Full circle and stuff

>not taking a nap in the old man's cabin after every divine beast

>Dinraal majestically floating by
>suddenly stops
>swings its head around toward you King of Red Lions style and you can see that a substantial portion of one of its horns is missing
>"Hey. You Link?"
>only option is "yeah"
>"Fuck you."
>flies off

I don't think I ever slept once

stop making Zelda worry about your health

>Dragon passes by
>missing all its claws, bits of its horn, and its teeth are half disintegrated

how can it talk when I've taken all its teeth?


You slept for 100 years dumbass

None of those words require teeth except "fuck" because of the f, which is a convenient way to censor it to "huck"

I still need fanart of that scene in that fapfic someone here wrote where Farosh give Link a thumbs up when Link fugs Zelda.


>Farosh give Link a thumbs up when Link fugs Zelda
how about an animation of this followed by Link telling Farosh that Farosh can be his wingman anytime and Farosh saying bullshit, you can be mine, while this plays in the background

>You'll never wingman for Farosh helping him bang Naydra



>that fapfic someone here wrote where Farosh give Link a thumbs up when Link fugs Zelda

...link pls


thanks friendo


Does light travel in a straight line? I thought it curved.

Imperceivable to Hylean eyes.

it might eventually curve a million miles away but for the purposes of going from your hand to a bokoblin's skull, it's straight

Cleanup is easy at Link and Mipha's sugar shack.

After many miles in space where there are celestial bodies that distort the light via gravity. For the purposes of the game, the range is infinite whereas the Ancient Bow isn't quite, but good enough for most situations plus it can use any arrow. I use the Twilight Bow for sniping blue bokos in one hit on watch towers myself.

You just gotta believe

I want to see Mipha tear apart a raw cucco with her sharp teeth and eat the whole thing in seconds!

That might be harder to find art of

that sounds terrifying and oddly arousing

That's why Link keeps bringing cuccos to her.

Now that you mention it, Waterblight does kinda look like he's been a victim of a shark attack.

>Implying Link doesn't join in
The lad can eat raw fish whole where do you think he learnt to do that