I just did my first window regulator today. Took me the entire weekend. Is there a more fucking miserable job in this world? Looking for recommendations on my next car, biggest factor is how much of a motherfucker it will be to replace the regulator.
I just did my first window regulator today. Took me the entire weekend...
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Mercedes G Wagon
One with four doors
I once watched an auto electrician friend change a regulator in about 20 minutes, what part of the process took you so long?
Really dood? I did 2 windows in my dad's jeep and my passenger window in my civic. It wasn't bad at all, just kept dropping bolts and having to scoop them back up.
The whole thing was a bitch and involved some welding. It didn't help that there was a real lack of writeups or guides on how to change the regulator in a 95 camaro, so a lot of it was just figuring out what shit needed to come off and how it would come out then go back in and back together. The door being made of fiberglass doesn't help, either. Had to tap lots of holes and it's just too flimsy of a material to be mounting a heavy ass window/regulator to.
>tfw watching the door skin flex when the window rolls down
oh man that sounds like a nightmare.
I hope you over engineered that shit so you wont need to do it again for a looooooong time.
I changed the regulator in my 99 Camaro, was easy bruh
I had to take the window out of the door entirely so I could get a good washer weld on a broken tab on the window channel(?)(the track riveted to the glass itself) which kept the roller in the regulator track. Slathered locktite on everything I could. I wanted to try to brace the fiberglass skin with something but idk what you can do with fiberglass when it's a few mm thick.
That looks like a pain in the ass, just get your mechanic to fix it
That's not even my camaro, his is probably post facelift and it looks much easier to do than on mine. His looks like the entire thing is made of metal which is a fucking huge plus in and of itself. Shops want at least $400-500 and there's no guarantee that the douche won't just drill some holes without tapping anything, let alone use washers for the bolts he decides to use instead of rivets, like the guy who owned my car before me did.
oh and the regulator is $150 from chevy, plus another $90 for the window channel since I know the shop wouldn't have just welded a washer to fix the issue with that part.
There is this one.
>" The door being made of fiberglass doesn't help, either"
Fuck the engineers and their mothers for attaching a window motor to a fiber glass door. I had to put in a sheet metal plate to mount my new window motor because the torque from the old motor stripped out my entire door. .
>I had to put in a sheet metal plate to mount my new window motor because the torque from the old motor stripped out my entire door
Fuck man, that sucks. I really hope I can sell my car before that shit happens to me. Did you have to replace the entire fiberglass section with custom fab sheet metal? Or did you manage to somehow get away with cutting a smaller section out of the fiberglass to stick a plate in there for mounting purposes?
I have done 3 of the 4 on my old explorer - was very easy, maybe an hour the first time and 20 minutes the for the second. I had very little experience at that point. I bought a set of rear regulators/motors off eBay for like 50 bucks together and the third I needed it right then and there so I spent like 80 at an orielleys for just the one.
Thankfully I didn't have to do anything to fancy. I just took a piece of scrap metal drew the profile for the area where the motor mounts to, cut the profile and just bolted that plate in. Hopefully I distributed the load enough so it doesn't strip again.
Fuck right off. Any clutch change is worse than thing shit. Heater hose from hell in an mr2 is too.
I assure you the entire door is still composite like yours
Its easy as fuck man, I've done so much work on my Honda doors, the only bitch is not having the right size and shape tools for working inside the door.
> Is there a more fucking miserable job in this world?
>He hasn't had to rebuild a rear end.
Wth Toyota is so much easier
>more miserable job
>Power steering or brake lines in an old car