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kill all tripfaggots
>clive is literally just a reskinned bercuck
What is ISIS doing?
I love Raul's daughter!!!!
Sonya is my wife.
my wife
This is Severa and one of her wives.
Realizing that giving a premium unit for free (Lucina, even though she's fallen off greatly) was a bad choice, because all free units HAVE to be terrible.
Pretend Xander and Camus don't exist for this example.
Altena has an unfairly nice ass here.
>Usuda: Yes indeed. Because there are many sword characters, there were talks during development to give an axe to the boy (Shion/Rowan) and a spear to the girl (Lianna). However, the twins are Lords, and while we were designing the game prologue, we wanted those who don’t really play action games to be able to properly play it too, so we wanted to create the right kind of tutorial.
For fuck's sake. We could have had Axe Rowan and Lance Lianna. But fucking no, of course not
They realized Camus and Xander were too good for free units. That, and it wouldn't be fair for free 5* units to be as good as ones that can only come from the gacha. (""""Marth""""" was their first time on a TT unit so I'm a little lenient on them with that)
Isn't he closer to Xander stats wise?
>you will never get Camus
post weird whales
Noire is for using and abusing
>only want 1 certain hero from Hero Fest
>pull their color; nothing
>orb batch that doesn't include their color shows up
>pick random color
every time
anyway I got a -spd +res julia now. how fucked am I?
These fuckers really have no self-awareness, do they.
>for tutorial's sake, they were given copy/paste sword
Fuck, man. What's the point of Marth being in if he isn't the tutorial sword then
>no built in DC
Xander is S+ tier, Clive would be A at best.
Post the BUSTIEST Noire you've got please.
>Every Lord must be a sword-user
RIP chances of Ephraim of getting in
>get a point in attack
>increases damage done by 1, all the time
>get a point in defense
>decreases damage taken by 1, half the time
it is for this reason that ranged brave users and blade memes stacking attack will permanently trivialize the game
>roll for character you really want
>never ever get them
>roll for the hell of it, just for any 5*
>get some high tier unit you didn't particularly want
>their justification for the sword OCs is "they're lords"
I think this has to be trolling at this point.
They're saying this shit just to fuck with fans.
nino knees
>want to stay up another hour and a half for Friezaposting but too tired
I actually kinda like this because if we have the two shitters we might as well slap swords on them. That encourages them to try to include real characters that don't use swords.
>Usuda: I waited for it to come (laughs). And when it started, every time the likes of Marx/Xander and Ryoma appeared, [the host] got excited saying, “It’s my husband” which left quite the impression on me.
>Hayashi: I felt the same way, too. Many people who played [the demo] also shouted “Oh! My husband!” and said things like “My husbands, please don’t fight each other for taking me.” I nonchalantly ended up asking if the waifu and husbando culture is also getting into America (laughs).
I know that FUCKING feeling too, user.
Got to use this during the last voting gauntlet
Gotta get rid of those pesky Vantage DC memers.
Why is one tit bigger than the other?!
The actual dev team did say that the one in charge doesn't know shit about Fire Emblem, but he's a stubborn old goat and won't listen. Old goat being an expression, not expression of his actual age.
When should Cecilia have Raven + instead of BT+?
It's been squeezed more
They're perfectly aware. They're not putting other characters in because they didn't think anybody cared about any of the games besides Fates/Awakening. They just can't say that.
what unannounced Functions are you hoping for in Warriors?
Because thats how real boobs are. Just like how one of your nuts is bigger and hangs lower than the other.
fucking audrey
Alright wow. Every new interview just makes me angrier at their decisions.
How should I build this Julia up?
ND: I see. But it must be hectic to choose characters based on their relationships with each other. You might even end up having too many characters that couldn’t be removed. For example if you were to add Chrom, then how about Lucina?
Hayashi: But actually, we used to stray away regarding Lucina.
ND: And what do you mean by that?
Hayashi: At first there were talks in the development team of, “Should we remove Lucina?” However, after we talked with Nintendo and Intelligent Systems, we reconsidered that, thinking “That’s just not possible after all” (laughs).
ND: Why did you want to remove her?
Hayashi: It’s an obvious thing; it’s not because we hated her or something, but the reasons are because there are already too many sword characters, and because she’s of the children generation.
Usuda: Which means, when we were contemplating on whether to add people from the children generation, if Lucina wasn’t added, then we would’ve come to a conclusion that we wouldn’t add anyone from the children generation.
ND: So it’s the problem of adding how many people from the children generation and their relevance to the storyline. Lucina is a rather important character indeed.
Hayashi: Yes, so we tried talking about that.
Usuda: We had the most extreme problem in deciding characters when such talks came. But we overdid it with Lucina (laughs).
This is the darkest timeline, isn't it.
Why do I think her armpits look so appealing?
Why do people say Reinhardt is good when Owlen has more SPD and SPD is most important stat in the game?
hotdog her ass
Nino's feet
oh boy time for everyone to have a cry over the shitty musou again as if that hasn't gotten old
please tell me more about how unfair it is that you have to pay extra for a decent roster in a fucking musou
>Playing since launch
>Still no Lyn
Don't get me wrong, people whining about the lack of more blue haired sword lords in warriors are still dumb children and all, but the OCs are just indefensible: being ugly first of all, and this tutorial explanation also being complete nonsense.
You only need speed to attack twice and Reinhardt already attacks twice
The more I read the less I care
I can't my going into games machine is getting repaired right now
>child characters
It just gets worse. What's next, Owain?
>For example, if only Chrom and Frederick appeared there, it would feel off to us. We also inevitably decided character appearances by considering such character relations.
If Robin is in then Tharja has to be in.
>At first there were talks in the development team of, “Should we remove Lucina?” However, after we talked with Nintendo and Intelligent Systems, we reconsidered that, thinking “That’s just not possible after all” (laughs).
And god damn IS just can't stop forcing their Lightning into everything even though Chrom was the first one made.
Please jump off a cliff.
because she has 6 less Atk and needs a lot of SI to make up for it
Its never too late to forgive.
At this point, I welcome more news just because of how stupidly hypocritical and hilarious it is.
this can't be real
Yeah but
I'm seriously tempted to build this, with Fortify or Panic Ploy. Looks fun desu. But I still don't have a Fire Boost fodder yet
Because Rein just needs Death blow he is widely available and cheap , Olwen is better than rein when shes fully built though.
>people whining about the lack of more blue haired sword lords
There's literally one blue-haired sword lord not confirmed for the game already at this point, two I guess counting Eirika
The "they're lords" argument is retarded too, there's plenty of Lords (some of which are quite popular) that don't use swords
you have the incorrect reaction
the correct reaction is "They considered removing Lucina because they have too many sword-users.... including the OCs they put in the game?"
>If Robin is in then Tharja has to be in.
This is some amazing level of mental gymnastics. Not saying she won't be in, she'll likely make it due to sheer popularity, but how delusional are you?
>phone notification
>Just Now
>No new dueling swords
The fuck
>and while we were designing the game prologue, we wanted those who don’t really play action games to be able to properly play it too, so we wanted to create the right kind of tutorial.
I get this from a classic FE perspective, because axes have the lowest hit rate and bandits generally use them, so you can have the player dodgetank a bunch and fight obvious bad guys.
But this isn't a classic FE. This is a spinoff. And they even acknowledged they have too many swords users. What are they on?
>if these retards were in charge of FEH we wouldn't have lance Sharena and axe Anna
m-muh sigurd m-muh seliph
>They are discussing adding the child characters
>All the popular Awakening kids use Swords too
>they tried to remove Lucina but IS Reeeeeeeee'd about it
>now she's in as just a Chrom clone
They can at least be consistent with their stupid shit.
>people whining about the lack of the most popular character in the fucking series by a mile are dumb
>too many swords.
>First thing that they do is slap swords on OCs.
Oh for the fucks sake.
Tharja's new hex
Lucina uses sword/bow retard.
I like Hana
Reminder that the shitty Warriors OCs will take up an entire month or longer of shilling in Heroes, will appear in promotional material forever, will probably get a Cipher set, and will appear in FE Warriors 2, taking away 2 potential spots for better sword users.
is there anything more obnoxious than a guy who waifus Tharja, the lewdest of the awakening waifus, besides aversa, and somehow happens to be a purityfag as well?
What is wrong with /feg/'s waifufags?
handsome wyvern rider
Should i?
>but the reasons are because there are already too many sword characters
I find it very odd that they acknowledge this but still went with it, along with 2, possibly 3 of their OCs being sword users.
umm, severa/kjelle is a highly problematic pairing based on drugs and sexual harassment
please ship severa/noire instead
I mean... were you expecting no kid characters? Lucina's in. I bet Severa's getting in too unfortunately
>should I 5* the best support in the game
Gee idk user
I take #FE2 over this.
>Hayashi: At first there were talks in the development team of, “Should we remove Lucina?” However, after we talked with Nintendo and Intelligent Systems, we reconsidered that, thinking “That’s just not possible after all” (laughs).
>The one good idea they have gets fucking shot down.
>there are two many sword units in the game
>I know, lets add more sword untis, but just give them weapons they didn't use!
It boggles the mind
>Koei Tecmo began development of Fire Emblem Warriors without knowledge of Fire Emblem Heroes, which was in development at the same time. When they presented their original concepts for the siblings Rowan and Lianna to Nintendo, they learned that the designs were coincidentally very similar to the sibling protagonists of Heroes, Alfonse and Sharena. As a result, both Rowan and Lianna had their designs adjusted to differentiate them.
Oh, right
Eh Sigurd could at least be on a horse. Seliph too if they use his promoted version.
That's some nice art of a male character. Pretty rare these days.
Also, is it just me, or does he look a bit like Okabe Rintarou on this pic?
Do you have bladetomes to meme her with? If not, then no.
What's a purityfag
>the game can't represent all of the games because then there would be too many sword lords
>the OCs use swords because all lords use swords
>it isn't a fire emblem game if Marth isn't in it
Every interview makes me hate this guy more and more.
>right kind of tutorial
What the fuck does making them sword lords have to do with making a tutorial?
>get excited that I pulled S!Corrin
>"WHEW SO HOT" everytime I move
Why does she have to have such an annoying voice.