My little sister Lux can't be this cute edition
My little sister Lux can't be this cute edition
Hey there Summoners™! How are you coming along with your Arcade Missions™? You all purchased a Dungeon Pass™ already didn't you? I just finished the Brand and Ziggs line today, it was epic™! This new free™ event from Riot Games™ sure is fun isn't it?
you ever stop to think
A Kat is fine too.
honor 4 is shit, give me more free stuff
Im gonna get a new tablet in 5 days
What should i draw?
No, I didn't buy a dungeon pass. I have self control over my money.
xth for breast metal waifu
>playing tank in ranked because we needed a good frontline
>winning most of the match
>first blood, first blood tower and first Drake, even first inhib
>enemy prepping baron
>ping that they're there
>Fiddlesticks(mid) and Urgot(ADC) jerk off botlane
>place vision on the enemy team doing Baron
>they engage on me and Warwick
>we die
>wtf why are you fighting
>repeat 2 times
>they get Baron
>they call me the retard
>check damage and objective damage
>most damage on team
Is this the power of silver
Should've dodged in champ select
Is Ivern any good? I've never seen anyone play him.
>there are bottom bitches in this thread RIGHT NOW
Five fun facts about Poppy!
She's fun!
She's high tier!
She's really cute!!!
comfy bfs~
Pentakill Sona looks really pretty in the music video, I love the way they animated her
If they're all on baron
and your team is no where near
and there is barely any chance for a steal
why are you giving them free kills in addition to their free objective
Shyvana is cute!
I don't wanna look like her, though
I stalled them for a good 20 seconds
Plenty of time for them to realize what's going on and rotate but instead the just mindlessly farm jungle and bot wave and aren't trying to push towers
Am I cancer?
I want to IMPREGNATE Orianna
graves bf when?
To each his own I guess.
I don't understand what's so attractive about Graves
Jungle Janna, without being nearly as strong as Janna. Tilting to jungle against
You say that but I can think of at least two people here will get upset if I post this.
Post helmeted hunks
So instead of spending 20 seconds farming, taking buffs, pushing waves, etc you thought standing near them (doing nothing) and giving them free gold was better? Sometimes you need to just realize when you gotta sacrifice an objective and try to get value elsewhere.
Like, best case scenario is you die but your team manages to chase them off. Unless you team also gets a kill (unlikely) you're still just giving free gold.
(more gold makes it easier for them to beat your team)
Also you said 2 people on your team were bot. Did you really think you could stall them long enough for your people in bot to walk up? Come on man. Start realizing when you fucked up instead of instantly blaming your team, you might be able to figure your way out of silver.
only gays are attracted to that bodytype and hairy features
women like men like Talon, J4, Jayce, or twinky ones like Ez and Vlad
I miss Katarina
>The satisfaction of impregnating Kat
>AND the satisfaction of cucking a dumb slut
I'm not seeing a downside here.
i want to hypnotize sona and make her think she's a cow!
jinixXlux and ezXluxfags?
The -3 LP dream
>make URF all random
>fixes none of the problems
>makes it less fun because you can get stuck with worthless garbage champs
How about just disable the problem champs, you know exactly what they started doing.
Boom! Big reveal! What'd' you think about that?
0 decides my main.
I am a high functioning autistic.
Ayy lmao
I don't even know how to play Hecarim
Step 1: build triforce
Step 2:????
Step 3: Profit!
How do i learn to play rakan better?
AD Azir top
whats with all the unironic faggot shit on lolg lately
Rate my Riven build
Merc treads/tabi
Titanic hydra
She sounds very similar to someone else I've heard of.
50% of all men are gay, not that hard to believe a few post here.
>holding a cigar like that
im god damn triggered
nice b8 m8
Just build a duskblade
>Every loss i have sustained today is when their bot lane comes AAAALLLL the way up top to kill me because their adc is 10/1 at 4 min
>I go mage suppport, and easily stomp
Is this game just "May the best bot lane win"?
why is my screen grey
>Building lethality in a tank meta
Epic meme
>get nothing but bronze teammates in urf
>they all have 12-15 deaths to my 3
so this is the power of matchmaking
Sorry I should clarify
Bottom side jungle
Some fiddle was at chickens and Urgot was in River doing scuttle
WW, Thresh and I were huddled around the river near Baron trying to zone them and original landed the ultimate on me and I got flamed by the Urgot and fiddle for "trying to fight" and "you're retarded they weren't prepping Baron" despite them being in the pit, clearly warding it and used the scrying plant.
>complaining about urf in any way
who cares about winning a literal meme game
Crit Anivia Mid
Well yes
but why would you care about it?
>He wouldn't want to be a sexy dragon girl (female)
>go kill yourself
>only 14 days
>fucking bird noob
Thanks for brightening up my day with this post.
>55 RP
You were clearly asking for it. Bring those numbers up and it won't happen again.
its not about winning
its just not fun vsing ahri hec 3 games straight
>fucking bird noob
well sounds like you were bashing your team moreso than bad champ rng.
I think I found the game he got banned for.
On-hit Bard jungle
>those cs/min on his team
Sona is already a cow, user
A big, fat cow
>Warwick is bronze
>some of these guys are plat
I'm pretty new to league (Bronze trash lol) so can someone explain to me how this is a thing? Every so often I, a bronze player, am going to be expected to play against guys in plat?
Never understood this mindset. Its not fun. Like at all.
Removing CDs and resources in a game like this doesn't make it better or more fun. It ruins any competitive aspect this game has at all.
Why do people clamor for this mode to keep coming back?
It's too bad that
A. Ryze is dogshit
B. I'm not a magebab
Literally the only two skins in the game that I want are Headless Hecarim and Eternum Nocturne, but I don't want to spend the money right now.
I'm in love with Poppy and I'm going to marry her.
It was probably a normal game.
Not usually in Ranked. Normals matchmaking is BEYOND fucked though. This is my last Normals, please note that the Urgot was Diamond three seasons in a row despite being unranked.
>awful matchmaking with bronze vs plats
>team legitimately fed
>14 day suspension for flaming feeders
>half of them probably got Reddit upvotes anyway
This image sums the game as a whole up perfectly
why is she so perfect
>A. Ryze is dogshit
Dont let that stop you
>It ruins any competitive aspect this game has at all.
Goddamn I love when people answer their own questions
He's really not in my wheelhouse. I'm not gonna dust the skin right away, though. Maybe I'll hold onto to it in case his next rework is actually not terrible.
Ryze isn't worth playing. Just play some broken shit like Ori.
t. Ryze player
>need to buy stuff with RP to complete mission
th-thanks riot
I thought there were 200 free tickets
>tfw the only appeal of your champion is teleporting your team onto the enemy platform
godspeed user
>raging that hard in normals
Ahahaha, what a chode
>Checking because bored
>Get to Veigar's page
>Highest winrate is E max
>Highest winrate is first-item Protobelt
>Highest winrate is Death Fire Touch
These almonds are getting activated like nothing before.
>serious love
I feel old (some)times
>get a plat last season veigar on the team
>feeds horrible
>in a "high" silver game
thanks, just what i wanted, another unkillable lux that spams everything from max range and isnt punished because shes got low cooldowns.
Use lolalytics. Probelt has no pick rate basically, E max is retarded, and highest win rate is stormraiders which makes sense given his play style.
>It ruins any competitive aspect this game has at all.
Its called a normie mode for a reason. Normies love it because it throws actually knowing the game out the window.
NO wave management. No ganking or resource management. Just spam your abilities dude
A cute Riven
Seconding the other fellow and recommend that you check out and lolanalytics for builds, stats, etc.
Sounds kind of like hots
Imagine getting this angry over a childrens videogame.
>adds me after game
>"Thanks for the IP address"
Some real special people play this game.
>hits zero lp for one match
>try one more game because I gain more than I lose
is this chogath build viable only in urf
No HoTS still has CDs and resource costs.
If fucking Kaelthas could just spam his bomb in lane with no cost then that game wouldn't be playable at all
Tyler only does creatine.