7 mana 9/9 edition
>Deck lists, news etc
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7 mana 9/9 edition
>Deck lists, news etc
hsreplay.com (Buy Premium For Us)
>Open Tournaments
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Warlock isn't coming back
>Queue into Quest Warrior with EleMage
>He gets Rag power around the time I get DK Jaina out
>Go into double fatigue
>Manage to win after getting pummeled with 15+ turns worth of Rag hero power because of elemental lifesteal
Fucking hell DK Jaina is strong. So glad I crafted her first.
Listen up shieldbearers, I've got a hot tip for you:
Fill your deck with 1 mana spells, then use Skulking Geist to thin your own deck.
You can thank me later.
So hsg is giants warrior the new patron?
What would happen if Hearthstone had a 4 card limit (plus MTG's legendary rule) instead of their 2/1 card limit? Also what's the highest-impact two-card combo in Hearthstone?
In MTG you can combo this with another 3 mana white amulet to become immune to death by face damage unless someone removes part of the combo.
Any good aggro deck yet? I am tired playing 10 min game in every fucking match.
Reminder Kibler is an arrogant shitter and a shill who doesn't admit he's wrong
>giving a single fucking shit what some streamer says
literally kill yourself my man
I got wrecked by a warlock in Arena with the guldan DK. Deal 3 damage, heal three every turn is retarded.
>Can't just throw a bunch of one drops in a deck, go face, and call it a day anymore
Haw haw haw, aggro shitter.
it makes me glad that the golden legendary I unpacked was the warrior DK
Well if there was ever a time for zoo Priest it's now
dog is the man to watch expansion day. Kibler is terrible. J4ckiechan is also a great choise
Bonemare isn't a 7 mana 9/9, it's a neutral Spikeridge.
He was right that what warlock needed was lifesteal. Too bad that card is trash compared to the DK hero power.
>tfw made a pirate warrior deck with golden Scourgelord Garrosh as my endgame card
>tfw at my shitter rank I win most games before I can even play him
destroying a Blood Razor then dropping the DK hero power to clear a board of minions the other guy thinks is safe from WW makes me laugh every time
Says the guy giving enough of a shit to reply to me in an anonymous board
>enemy mind visioned turn 1
we're very impressed by your rank 26 deck
Priest is my only golden hero class and I fucking hate control metas. Losing because you weren't the greediest dumb piece of shit in deckbuilding or because one of your giantass legendaries is in the bottom of your deck in a game that goes to fatigue feels like dogshit to play.
I've almost fallen all the way back to rank 15.
Someone tell me how to git gud, it really feels impossible to win against most of my opponents.
And then you're just out of cards.
There is no gitting gud in hearthstone
there is only netdecking and getting lucky
I care enough to tell you to fuck off ye
>tfw Warlock is my only golden hero
>Got it right before Un'goro meta because I knew it'd be a dead class
What should I play? I have 9500 dust and am just waiting for the meta to settle.
Whats a cheap deck that's good? I have every DK hero except Hunter, Shaman, Paladin.
Are you seriously saying that being rolled over by turn 5/6 is more fun to play?
but I don't have the cards to netdeck and I'm cursed
I know that good players can easily get to legend with f2p decks, what's their secret? It can't jsut be luck.
Damn, you sure told me, damn, I'm never visiting Veeky Forums again
thanks :)
i'm running a lot of buff minions so my board sticks, so hopefully that translates in my hero power adding value to my deck, and there's always the chance of a nut northshire circle/holy nova draw
How is there this much good fan art of rumble everywhere I look?
Good DKs from my experience
Meh tier DKs
What are you even doing tier
I haven't played hearthstone since they changed to standard+wild format, if I install it right now am I gonna be completely fucked and have 0 cards and 0 fun for some quick laddering? I had some ok cards at the time but now I'm gonna have nothing right? Or how does it work?
>play ten divine shield minions
>dont have any
>play ten enrage minions
>dont have any
sick, didnt wanna play today anyway
because rumble is the best champion
reminder he has his own board game
tfw too poor for big druid
So what do you guys have planned with this expansion?
So far warlock and mage looks pretty interesting. Same for Paladin but I'm not a big fan. any cards you want to craft? Any cards you want to play but prefer to open them because they might not be worth the dust?
He's not playable in his own board game.
Lore update when? New skin when?
Jaina is really good if you're not dead before you can wombo combo a bunch of elementals into your opponent
>new skin when
don't remind me
I really want to make Uther of the Ebon Blade, but my only Golden Legendary is Garrosh and I just found out that he's really fun so I have to actually dig through my collection for dust
You don't have basic cards?
zoo is good.
Though I'm a wildfag, dunno about standard. Sanguine reveler is fucking good though, run it with egg
I feel a strong kinship with Yorick players because of that.
Only not really because at least Rumble got a legendary
>Everyone running that faggot bonemare
>No one sees the fucking african american tech coming
Finish Ramp/Jade Druid, Elemental Mage, Miracle Rogue if they're still good after the meta settles.
Are there enrage basic cards?
In a sense, yes because the games are faster and I can tech my deck against aggro. Or I can make my deck more midrangey for a stronger early game
but in a control meta it's basically both sides jerking each other off for 15 minutes while trying not to draw cards
and it's pretty damn good too
Just shieldbearer things
Favourite things for this expansion?
Kibler JUSTying himself over Lana'thel
That Blizzard dev saying Valeera is an autoinclude
Anons declaring the end of Jade Druid
Already crafted everything I wanted besides dk druid, don't tell me you fell for the "waiting for netdecks to flood the internet before you craft" meme.
Yep, If you don't have Black Knight I suggest crafting it. great counter to bonemare and lich king. who are both seeing a lot of play right now.
>Kibler JUSTying himself over Lana'thel
what happened?
>Anons declaring the end of Jade Druid
More people just need to tech, its incredible
Stealing other people death knights with priest and killing them with it
Valeera is specially cruel
im just happy there were a lot of shit cards, my collection needs work
tempo warrior was hyped day1, how is it holding up?
I came here to laugh at you.
Thumping every aggro shitter I come across. Lifesteal is the hero this game needed.
Is he STILL trying to defend that steaming garbage blood queen lego? what a fucking shill.
Bane of Doom in Demonlock.
Yes/No ?
Nah, I'm just weighting my options. I have ~9700 dust atm so I'm probably going to go for that mage & warlock deck.
Shit. Everything that was shit before this expansion is still shit.
6 out of 10 enrage cards are in classic.
holy fuck classic /hsg/ shieldbearer. Back to rank 15 you go
Simply ebin. Let me fill my board with demons with no resistance to board clear unlike Nzoth and deathrattle. What could go wrong.
By whomst?
ive been hoping that elemental mage will be a thing ive been trying to make that deck work since i got pyros a while back. id have to craft it though i've only gotten druid and hunter dks so far
I'm glad aggro is over.
>first game with infinite giants meme
>go up against a golden khadgar with tespa cardback
>literally the only thing he did the entire match was play secrets
>he even ran two of that shitty 8 mana mysterious challenger with a 0/0 body
>once I finally got the factory up and running, he just concedes
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Obviously you make them use their board clears before that. And half the classes can't even board clear reliably.
>implying I don't also run N'zoth.
Classic, not basic right? I'm very new, most cards get dusted for actually useful ones.
is druid dk + 2x ultimate infestation the best 2.4k dust you can spend right now?
aggro literally never goes away
yes, easily
subscribed user kun
Well that's good, because it's free rank right now.
>he even ran two of that shitty 8 mana mysterious challenger with a 0/0 body
What on earth were they smoking when making that card?
>Obviously you make them use their board clears before that
>implying I don't also run N'zoth.
>His deck with deathrattle and demons is "viable"
Just rank 25 things. Like I said.
It is a thing. It is absolutely a thing.
The Lifesteal on Elemental attacks alone is fucking good, but getting it from ALL Elemental effects, as well as the hero power that potentially spawns more Elementals, means your opponent is constantly on their back foot.
what board clear is going to kill a doomguard or Krul?
Urg, just got this, the worst of the princes. I want to dust it but I can't because I might just get it again.
Has anyone had their Lich King survive a turn?
Behold, this is my "Freeze Druid." It's an attrition style jade deck that doesn't lose the game when they can't immediately refill their board.
I was tired of losing to other jade decks and really wanted something I could just put deathwing in and then play out the game from there.
I can't say if it's good or not yet, but I've had a pretty steady winning streak against a bunch of different decks and it's a hell-of-a-lot of fun.
I'm considering cutting something for the druid DK. I use spreading plague to stall out the game - usually before deathwing, but druid of the swarm hasn't been exceptionally useful since we're in a control meta (for the next few days).
If you're not running at least 1 copy of this cute ass motherflipper in all of your decks, you need to leave this thread.
Anyone got a good DK hunter secret deck?
I played Ancestral spirit on mine. My opponent conceded, does that count?
>play arena
>run into a shaman with deck tier score of 74.6, including 2 bonemares
>win anyway because the guy kept trying to get value from not killing my 3/1 that summons a 2/2 if killed on the opponent's turn
That fucking deck though. Guy should be going 12 wins, not 2.
Just for the sake of argument:
Doom Pact
Twisting Nether
Uh...a big fucking C'thun?
>"MC was broken when paladin secrets are 1 mana, so if we did it for mage then it has to be nerfed to hell to balance 3 mana secrets"
but they forgot that all mage secrets have the same 3 activators compared to paladin and hunter having 4+
Can't blieve I fell for the fucking death knight priest meme
This shit loses to everything
Who else has already started saving for the next expansion?
Honestly, this is one of the most fun deck-brewing moment I had in HS since... Old gods I think? I know it wont last but I think they did a pretty good job with this set, even if the commons are really subpar.
Is Thrall really that bad?
I Adapted mine into "Cannot be targeted".
My opponent moused over it with (presumably) a spell for about 6 seconds, moused over LK, then conceded.
This. Paladin's secrets work well with each other. mage ones basically do the same thing and cancel each other out.
Twisting nether.
Shadowreaper Anduin.
What Mage pulls out of his ass or just freeze your board if he is playing quest.
You might beat taunt druid if he doesn't have tempo and an insane board by turn 10.
Fuck if I know for Rogue and Hunter.
Good job. Your Krul and Doomguard is favored vs the 2 least powerful decks in the meta.
so if you manage to get two doomguards up, or any other demons with more than 4 health, the only person who can punish you is an incredibly greedy warlock, or someone with weird techs