*sets a lap faster laptime than a 918 or p1*

*sets a lap faster laptime than a 918 or p1*

pshhh nothin personnel kid

5 seconds faster

Slower than a Lambo that's half the price. Ford on suicide watch.

>not the competition pack
sperg more

>Not the performance package

VW payed to make sure of that and you plebs felll for it

>Ford shills in charge of spelling

This. Ford is literally the only company that still cares about CARS. It doesnt surprise me since they pretty much invented the automobile as we know if.

Those who hate Ford hate cars

>>not the competition pack
Is that $250,000 cheaper?

>b-but im poor
the gt with the pack is faster sperg more

Post EbolaDrome Laptime to prove it.

>makes less power than a GM EMD motor
Fucking dropped


>it's faster than the car that costs half as much and has more cylinders and is made by a proper manufacturer
>if you pay extra for the "performance pack"
>the half of a million you spend for our v6 ford was only for the base model, goy

>they're this triggered
literally destroyed by a v6 f150

nice selfie

>no ring time
ford niggers on suicide watch

Of course it's quick. It's British mostly. Brakes are Italian though

>no ring time
exactly. the viper has no ring time because it's discontinued
nope. sperg more

>tfw you are blessed to have the trickled down remnants of this cod machine in your mustang

>tfw my dad bought a 17 ecoboost f150 because "the new GT had it"

I know you guys think we're past the golden age but I'm telling you we're in the Renaissance

>muh competition pack

face it, the overpriced turd isn't what it could've been. stop clutching at straws and sperging out.

>he trusts cucktour

>Slower than the competition pack of other supercars

Wowie it's almost like that means something. Also the GT entered a special "Don't kill me" mode secretly hidden by ford engineers when it detected the lack of balls on the driver.
Give both cars to Randy and we'll talk.

>it was a woman driving hurrhurrhurr

enjoy dying alone and unloved surrounded by anime body pillows lmao