Do normies think seriously Audi is more Luxurious than Lexus? I mean how stupid is that?

Do normies think seriously Audi is more Luxurious than Lexus? I mean how stupid is that?

Teutonic coldness vs soyboy sterility
They are both shit

The former is a tarted-up Volkwagen and the latter is a tarted-up Toyota. But Audi is the ubermensch because of it's German and German is better!

but one of them is reliable and is fun to drive and can perform well
the other just does a fwd burnout and understeers straight into a workshop

Does not compute. The one that is more reliable is less fun to driver

>be lexus
>copy europeans because you can’t innovate

Fucking hell, had a bit of a sensible chuckle from that.

Normies think Acura is a budget luxury brand.


Could be either or then...


it that the new avalon?

also reminder audi is the choice of your jewish banking overlords

I'm seriously considering trading in my IS350 for an LS because I want to be a bossman and feel like I'm riding on a cloud. Also more rear seat room to fuck fat bitches.

it is, stay mad


>look mom I memed again

>understeers straight into a workshop
fucking gold krautfags btfo

What is your image supposed to prove? The AUDI has barely less leg room with the front seat in a still usable position compared to the BMW's fully folded one.

So what if you have a bit more space? You'd still be rinding in a snazzier jetta

>rebadged jetta
look mom i posted it again

>I have no idea how manufacturing works

Hello there, Audi owner

More like Jetta is a rebadged audi with less features

>Owning a fwd audi
They deserve it

How else do you explain the A8 being FWD?
If I am running a luxury brand then I certainly don't let my flagship sedan drive the incorrect axle. Unless I was forced by my parent company to use a chassis from an econobox...

why are lexusfags always so salty, are they really that jealous on germans?

>MOAR TABLETTSSS!!!!!!11111!

>being jelalus of people who gas innocent monkeys that are watching cartoons.

Not such a thing, Manfred.

Because some people like gassing themselves and monkeys. Why else drive a German car?

other than being fwd, the drivetrain from a a8 has nothing in common with a VW.

Tip top memerino, friend, but care to explain this shit about gassing monkeys?

why the fuck are people so stupid. What kind of reject actually gets ferried around like this? Its basically like a fucking armchair. All that is left is a tendie oven

The A8 isn't FWD anymore. Every one except for the hybrid version is quattro.

>90/10 Front rear until it detects slippage

>Quattro GenVI
>With the new "Crown Gear" center differential, up to 70% of the torque can be applied to the front wheels while up to 85% can be applied to the rear wheels if necessary.
>This system was later adopted by the A7, latest generation of the A6 and A8.

>if necessary

Enjoy your 70% front for 90% of the time

>what is MPG
>implying I'm road racing an A8 90% of my driving time