memes are money friend
>Deck lists, news etc (Buy Premium For Us)
>Open Tournaments
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memes are money friend
>Deck lists, news etc (Buy Premium For Us)
>Open Tournaments
old thread
First for jaraxxus still best death knight
Anduin DK would fuck the shit outta Jaraxxus
first for valeera best DK absolutely no regrets
im sorry. I thought you were inhibiting game space
You were saving us from the jades
Ben Brode is a neckbeard faggot
skelemancer is one of the best cards of the set
debate me
Black knight is better
Black knight wasn't nerfed by 2 mana.
Good joke, user
you aren't wrong right
help, the DK keeps raping my face even with lifesteal ashbringer, and I can't even exodia because his hero power keeps refreshing
who fuckton of dust so already saving gold for next expansion?
Only in paladin.
take that BACK!
Druid is the class to beat. Just like the circle of quest rogue before we're now entering the meta of "druid, deck that counters druid and deck that counters the counter of druid"
To any other Reno Priest bros: Any of you tried Archbishop Benedictus yet? He seems to obviously win you absolutely any fatigue match and often destroy other Reno decks, but I'm really not sure how worth it is to play him considering any regular deck.
taunt warrior shits on jade
Should I buy kharazan ?
Why are you playing pally in the first place?
>deck that counters druid
>play against druid
>dont even know what to mulligan because I can be playing against literally anything
Its a really really tough matchup, you just have to be aggresive as possible and hope he can't sustain until he hits his DK.
Is control paladin sleeper of the set? I can beat literally anything with it.
I'd say go turbo aggro, force an early Reno and/or Amara and hope to take his late game away like that?
>aggro druid
>jade druid
>anti-aggro druid
>BIG druid
oh right
with gold
I'm sitting on 4860 dust and just unpacked Putricide and Hadronox.
Is Deathstalker Rexxar worth crafting for the memes and is Hadronox currently run in any of the Taunt Druid variants?
post dick pics
priest is looking pretty haxx im hovering around rank 5 and keep coming across these fagets who who just keep using their free shots
>keep using their free shots
raza priest
Looks like a lot (or most even) of the Priest DK decks are running the quest, and N'zoth. Or just N'zoth.
Is the deck viable without them?
You are safe now!
At last, a worthy disciple!
Should I craft Druid death knight in gold? I want at least one gold death knight. Druid DK seems to be making its way into all the decks right now. Surely it won't be cut in the future. Is it safe craft? I only have 3750 dust so I can't mess up my golden DK pick.
*angry rattling chain noises*
I'm pretty sure Tempo/Midrange pally with Bonemare + Murloc package is one of the best decks right now. Faster than control too.
Any good and viable Exodia mage yet?
really considering making jade druid i give up
nth for fuck mage
>I want at least one gold death knight.
Are you sure about that
Crafting anything in gold is dumb at this point, we're two days in. Wait at least a week friendo
>tfw the stereotypically holy goodhearted class is the biggest thief imaginable
Is Blizzard anti-catholicism?
Can't stop myself playing bad decks
Elemental mage is so fucking slow.
Some priest just got a malygos from shadow essence, got another two from onyx bishop and eternal servitude and then mind blast'd me for twenty damage
this wasn't even wild
The old one works just fine, get maybe a 4mana 2/6 if you want new cards.
fuck off faget, i hope your wifi is low quality and get disconnected
>tfw havent seen a single "kill jade" 6 mana 4/6 played yet
Yes, i am 100% sure about it. Golden Jarax was my best crafting decision ever. I love crafting golden hero cards because it makes your hero skin golden. It's huge golden value. I agree that golden minions are stupid cause they can die or be removed. Golden hero is for the entire game. You also get a golden hero power. I don't craft anything golden except hero cards.
Crusaders did pillage and plunder anything the heathens possessed, so it seems accurate for the holy dude to do the same.
why are you so angry lol
Quest is garbage, just wait until everyone will cut it from their lists.
Mage should be the least of your worries right now. Get with the times gramps
It's better to just run Raza/Kaza and plink away with heropower.
Just get 500 wins instead
Crafting a single Ultimate Infestation should be a pretty damn secure craft even this early on, right?
I have all heros at 500 wins. I don't want to switch from golden portrait to lame non golden pleb when I turn into death knight.
FFS why isnt data reaper showing the decks that being used ffs, i just want to make the "other druid" that is number 1 i just want to reach legend once ffs sick of being rank 1 every month
Thanks, I'm a little unclear on all the N'zoth decks though.
Is it just them being super greedy? The 4 and 9 drop Priest deathrattles are both pretty good but I can't see them warranting turning it into a N'zoth deck.
### death
# Class: Paladin
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 1x (0) Forbidden Healing
# 1x (1) Righteous Protector
# 2x (2) Equality
# 1x (2) Hydrologist
# 2x (2) Wild Pyromancer
# 2x (3) Aldor Peacekeeper
# 1x (3) Rallying Blade
# 2x (3) Stonehill Defender
# 1x (3) Wickerflame Burnbristle
# 2x (4) Consecration
# 2x (4) Corpsetaker
# 2x (4) Truesilver Champion
# 1x (5) Bolvar, Fireblood
# 1x (6) Skulking Geist
# 1x (6) Spikeridged Steed
# 1x (6) Sunkeeper Tarim
# 1x (7) The Curator
# 2x (8) Primordial Drake
# 1x (8) Ragnaros, Lightlord
# 1x (8) The Lich King
# 1x (8) Tirion Fordring
# 1x (9) Uther of the Ebon Blade
I feel like it could be improved a lot but im too lazy to do it now
It's extreme value and everyone's using it so probably.
>Crimefighting Scuttler
>3 mana 3/4
>Battlecry: destroy all Gadgetzan cards in both decks and gain +1/+1
Is there any good mage deck with sindragosa but without dk Jaina?
You didn't spend 1600 dust for Ironbark Protector, did you user?
Why is he better in paladin?
i did
>he's a safe craft
get rid of forbidden healing for sure. You have enough taunts+hero that you shouldn't ever need it
>mage is shit tier now
No, I spent it on his dog
>What is spikeridge steed
But he is more than a safecard user
He is a good card
...I did. He fucking sucks so hard.
not him, but I did when i saw it wanted to try this real quick
You could throw it into any sort of control mage deck I imagine, replace Medivh perhaps.
It's not like the DK card which dictates the entire deck, it's just a card you can put into anything.
I opened it from the packs but I do really wish I got something else instead
>actually thinking that
>crafting cards the first month of the expansion
Nah, I'm not retarded.
no but i spent 3200 for golden Garrosh
I did and it was a fucking mistake
what the hell do you do when the guy plays his DK on curve and you don't even have your in your hand?
just wait to lose while he gains a massive lead?
which deck is good for consistent legend then? Exodia and secret mage got nothing with this expansion
He is ok but many ppl are already stopped running him.
Play aggro :^)
Am I missing something? Lich King is still in all meta decks and seems OP to me. It's more like Ironbark + Draw an OP card.
tfw control hunter just isnt viable no matter how much I try
Honestly a better decision.
I love how every single moron here screamed CRAFT LICH KING SAFE CRAFT even yesterday when it should have been obvious that an Ironbark Protector that gives you 1 card that is situationally OP is not going to be broken. N'Zoth's mere existence already makes Arfus better.
Might as well play Warlock if you want that gimmick. You get the two ghouls and get to kill a 1/2 drop
Ez Game Ez Druid
fucking pirate warriros and aggro druids are still fucking in ladder at rank 4 WHAT THE FUCK
My bored and autistic ass made a couple of custom Death Knight cards that are based on mechanics found in previous expansions, as well as tri-class cards that give you more Death Knights cards in addition to Arfus and Arthas.
That doesn't mean anything. Of course he will decrease in popularity. He was in like 50% of decks. Still very amazing card.
I have the Druid DK, two golden ultimate infestations but no Fandral (and not going to craft him for 4 months)
What extremely cancerous decks can I play?
On my off day from work I guess I am going to try to make that shitty Warrior DK work.
will silence be making a comeback? I'm seeing a lot of cards with low stats and crazy effects