Qt edition
League of legends general /lolg/
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lulu is best waifu
This game is trash and your general is trash. Riot is a shit company and if you gave them any money youre part of the problem.
>says increasingly nervous dotards as valve shits down 2 lol heroes and lol tier cosmetics down his throat
>implying i play dota
You dont have to play better games to know this one is garbage.
Is vel'koz support still good? I need a champ for when i get autofilled and he seems interesting
>inb4 play janna
All Mobas are shit.
every game made after 2010 is garbage
Should I play Kassadin?
PoE is gud
xth for Syndra
maybe if you enjoy autisticly planning what character you want to build and trashing it when a new update dumpsters it
>look for lol cosplay porn
>find a few decent ones
>notice a few flaws in the cosplay kat's scar on wrong eye
I want to blame you guys but I can only blame myself.
It feels like wasted potential that there's no taunt where Ornn is near Rumble, where he just laughs at his mech.
that midget trist still gets my dick going like nothing else
>Have a really good game where I win lane and go around the map getting objectives
>Lose game because I get a "sb", "cao ni ma" spamming chink on the team who constantly gets picked off and leaves us fighting 4v5
I hate fucking chinks with the fury of a thousand suns. IP block to stop these dog eating subhumans from connecting to our servers fucking WHEN
>being a midgetfucker
Why the fuck is this the default client background
post mains
more like a extreme womanlet
>top dies to his lane 1v1 four times in the first ten minutes
>a summoner has disconnected
why is it every game
bird guy
Post your doodle requests here if you asked for one in the old thread and if not they're open now so
>10% hp about to b
>jungler spam pings me and says he's coming to gank
>an ally has been slain
I wish I could find a cute Poppy cosplayer to marry. Poppy was so fucking cute in the pentakill music video.
Okay Poppy is cute I love her but they really fucked up the models for yordles there, they were so in the uncanny valley
>suddenly premade botlane
Looks like the average asian woman to me.
xth for CLIMBing!
TODAY i will reach silver!
Isn't it canon that she wears a thong?
good taste
Ya a lot of the yordles looked kind of weird and made of clay but Poppy looked fine.
>Be on winstreak heading into my promos
>already know I'm going to lose them because I was foolish enough to win a lot before them
Which Ekko skin is that?
Would you kindly tell me how to play him?
How do YOU play him? What do you build? Runes? Masteries? I want it all. Please don't skip any details.
If oce it's their server desu
How viable is Nautilus these days?
>chogath rework still not reverted
>fiora getting buffs instead of deleted
why do you even keep playing lolbabs?
When you are filled support, please play support property
name a character more fun than Rhaast
you cant
This needs to be a skin, so fucking adorable.
Which champion is Bane?
So I can instagib adcuck with Cho.
Singed has a Bane skin
what do i do against fed blue kayn if I'm playing an immobile adc and my team doesn't have a lot of peel
i feel like he just runs at me through a wall with youmuus and 1 shots me
That yordle in the dress at the stall...I dunno I really like frumpy dresses like that
EU LCS meme time
>not Xayah and Rakan
>How do we fix Yasuos ban rate
>lets buff him
Wanna know what's missing from this fine figure? A huge horsecock right in between those heavenly hips.
Which one?
They are not cute enough
A competent supp
Scorched Earth or that Shaco one
>pick anivia support because the other guy gets vayne
>lose early against trist/bard, which felt counterpicked
>vayne nerdraging and calling me a troll
It's a nice combo though? Came up with that myself. Guy just started feeding on his own
>Xayah and Rakan
Kayle Yi picked in LCS
Lol, wrong and not canon anymore.
Urgot wears the mask and embraced the pain
It's shit
>8 game losing streak
first and 3rd
>best mf skin
>no fan art of it
Scorched Earth it is
>8 game winning streak
it came after a 7 game loss streak
Should I be a big guy and start the fire? How do I play Urgot?
t. Level 11 noob
Watch out you'll attract the jew artists asking for commissions
>they don't talk to each other ingame
That's an unhealthy relationship, user. They could use some advice from the lovebirbs.
Are you implying Rakans and Xayahs relationship is healthy in any fucking way
Xayah was made the for the BHC
How can birb bois even compete?
da birb pusy is health tho
>31 game losing streak
Absolutely. That have chemistry on and off the battlefield. Did you even read their lore? LOL
>20W-70L record in urf
did you even read the lore of 2 boring shit stains that won't shut the fuck up ? LOL
How are they going to make support items like jungle items, the new mastery system?
>How can birb bois even compete?
by tossing ninjas around for fun
Does anyone have a rip of the Fiorameme emote?
>When you die in a Teamfight, but your passive still finishes off 2 enemies
Heh, everytime
Brand is really good in ARAM. What the fuck is that passive, it was popping dudes left and right
Tbqh? Just play Tryndamere.
>tfw you'll never be as good as the Mallet Man.
>when you die in 1v1 but your boomerang comes back to finish the guy you were fighting
Feels good man
Sounds like any healthy normie relationship to me, desu.
Anivia support is absolute shit.
>EU dab