Veeky Forums humor thread


Everyone here is generation Y, and 99% of us drive manual.
This image is stupid.
I also don't know a single male my age who cannot drive manual.

I'm game.

I know precisely 1 person my age who can drive a stick.

What kind of soy boy cucks do you know?
Either you know liberals, you know very few people, or you're 16.



I'm 26, I live in oil country, we lynch liberals. Young people are fucking lazy.


Rate my oc



So you don't know anybody.


The only guy I know who can drive a stick voted for Hillary

I hate niggerlacs


Speak for yourself, I'm 35. I'd imagine more than 50% of this board is over 30 and probably a good 25% is over 40.

Remember this isn't 2003 and everyone on the internet isn't a teenager...

How cucked are you

>brown Lamborghini
Well, time to kill myself

Get back to the coal mines grandpa.

>tfw live in the heart of soyboy liberal country and everyone can drive stick

>STI Badge
Checks out, no millenial would buy such trash


im gonna fuck that deer

Wait there are liberals in the country?

Needs a range selector


Millennials know how to drive stick if their dads aren't cucks

My 22 year old GF drives stick.

Which is cool.... but she's one of "those" people who whenever I drive her car and take it above 3k RPM she says "Stop revving so high! You're gonna hurt my car!"

>pic related

Can we all stop being autistic as fuck and post some images?

I like your gf.

I've literally dragged one of my friends of of my car for revving it to the limiter.

I'm sure it's OCD

i learnt from my grandma
meanwhile i dont let my dad drive my shitbox because he's awful at manual


i hope you realize not revving the engine high can let compression issues and thus piston damage go completely unchecked iirc
its limit is set for a reason, not for you to sit it at 3k for its life time

Doesn't mean I still don't give it the beans when I drive it. It's an Accord for god's sake you gotta let it breathe!

Same but replace "GF" with "wife" and replace "drive her car" with "drive my car"

Well, my car is a stick too.

She shifted my stick

And you should do that on your own car--not other peoples' cars. When another person is letting you use their things, you should treat them much nicer than you would treat your own things.

Imagine getting irritated at your bro for trying to stick his hand down your pants to tickle your balls. Not massaging through the scrotum to feel for unusual lumps on the testicles can let testicluar cancer go completely unchecked iirc

what kind of retard analogy is that?
>rev engine vs grabbing balls
are you fucking gay?

>driving a car the way is supposed to be driven equates to touching a mans balls
what sort of autism do you have i need an excuse for neetbux

That's funny, looks more like an anti American security device to me.


I know that...i've never shifted higher than 5k....Im OCD about revving the shit out of my cars since they are my pride and joy....Someone else's car however, depending on what it is, will get abused by me

Manuals have higher uptake in the Land of the 56% than in Europistan.

it also wastes fuel

You're just doing hard pulls in friends' cars to be sure the engine is healthy, right? It's surely not because you treat others' vehicles like racecars because everything is your toy, right?

..and you just get grab your mate's hairy, wrinkly sack to be sure he's a healthy man, right? It's surely not because you're just a horny, autistic homosexual, right?

But that's bullshit.
Literally every shitbox car people first drive here in bongland is manual. Few Americans aren't regularfuryreviews tier at driving manuals
>Oops I over revved it
>Wow this clutch feels different to mine
>This car feels weird ooooooops I accidentally shifted into 3rd not 5th
>*Gears grinding on somebody else's car*

How is properly running a car and revving at the proper amount, not just low revving all the time comparable?

How can you even call yourself a man if you have never driven a manual before?

>ooooooops I accidentally shifted into 3rd not 5th

Fuck when I first started driving I did that on the motorway driving my FWB home...I felt like a right cunt

I don't, why next shitmobile I'm planning to get is a 08 Civic si
Where would you suggest learning to drive manual then?

I never had an opportunity to drive a manual before.

I'm not talking about never going above 2k, but to me, "letting the engine breathe" seems like a euphemism for opening the throttle and holding it the revs in the powerband to zoom around.

Idk a parking lot or quiet road without much traffic?

holy shit these stickers scream subhuman mongrel top kek

You never check your friend for testicular cancer? There is nothing gay about wanting to make sure your friends are safe. My buddies and I do a thing where at the end of the month we take off our clothes and examine each other's bodies to make sure there are no abnormal signs. You may laugh but because of this one of my friends found out they had sarcoma on their back and he was able to treat it quickly. I'm going to my friend's house this Wednesday to do our routine.

Hes obviously flamboyantly gay. Crawl back into your convertible fagboy. Hes just looking for an excuse to talk about dicks

I'm 35 for another few months but I wouldn't assume 50% is over 30 just based on the how old are you/what car/what job threads.

Is there even an agreed upon range of dates for all these generations?

Just fucking drive one for five minutes. Where did Americans get this strange notion that driving a car is like piloting a spaceship? It's literally less confusing than automatic. You have a pedal that disconnects the engine from the transmission, and you have a lever that selects your desired gear. Do you not know how to ride a bike either?

What did he mean by this? Mitsubishi have improved the evo and will make it a cool new crossover like the eclipse cross :^)


Fuck, forgot pic

11/10 i always lose

This still boggles my mind. The designer has to be some chucklefuck from Veeky Forums memeing IRL.



>I'm 26
>Young people are fucking lazy.

yeah my dad sucked at it too even though he taught me
got his hand-me-down and the clutch was completely fucking destroyed due to him riding it like a dumbass
I've only let him drive my car twice and he bought it for me 8 years ago

not a single one of your friends has a stick?

>implying anyone autistic enough to drive stick will let anyone else drive their car, let alone somebody who doesn’t know how and wants to learn

Fucking this, only know one friend who drive's stick and he fucking coughs up a fit any time anyone but him is driving his manual car or when he's not driving it while he's in it.

I ain't worried about what other people are doing

>Which is cool.... but she's one of "those" people who whenever I drive her car and take it above 3k RPM she says "Stop revving so high! You're gonna hurt my car!"
You should marry her. Any girl who can drive stick has a father figure in her life that she learned with. You've weeded out a fuck-ton of insane women by just dating one who can drive stick. Put a ring on it.


i let me friend drive my pos chevy trugg


My dad taught me to drive stick on farms when I was a kid. He died before I got my licence and I ended up having to relearn once I was a bit older. My husband taught me when I went for my licence.
Girls need good men.

My driving instructor thought an alley in the city center was a good spot.
You can get the car going? Good, now merge into the city's main road.
Wasn't really a problem for me since I learned to drive a car long before, but he didn't know that when he drove to that alley. I wouldn't want to be there with some Stacy having her first lesson

36 reporting.

Haha oh my god

That is a bad spot and your driving instructor is retarded

>the state of Bishi


This just secures your car against american women

The automobile is in the hands of the user!

/k/ please go

31 reportan in

I'd steal his car just to spite his smug cuck ass. Either sell it or don't.

You speak like a pet dog, can't you learn something as trivial on your own ?

>I'd steal his car just to spite his smug cuck ass.
Sure ya would, tough guy.
>Either sell it or don't.
Make him.

>Bigger comfort is a bad thing

State of oldfags. I drive manual cause i am too poor for a nice automatic (europe) but when i get some cash then i am for sure switching to a nice auto

auto == comfy
the state of this idiot

Auto in a big city is the most fucking comfy thing in a car possible

Each to their own. I've been stuck in 2 hours of stop and go traffic every day, I would kill myself before dailying an auto. The only car I wouldn't ever drive when I am with my family is my father's w140 (which he bought for 1000 Euro, being poor is not excuse for driving manual), because it is so damn boring.

>being poor is not excuse for driving manual
It literally is when a decent looking auto
>inb4 who gives a fuck how a car looks lmao xDD

Starts at like 6-7k $.

You are helpless.

Prove me wrong, go ahead.

My definition for a nice car is different than yours and unless you are living in communist hellhole you should be able to get 4th gen legacy for less than 4k Euro. Not to mention all the Mercs that you can afford for less than the price mentioned, since almost all their E- and S-classes came in auto.