okay so i have a question. there's this one knob who doesn't know how to park in one parking space, and i want to get one off on him. if i stuck a 3 ounce strip of wheel weights to the back side of one of his front wheels where he couldn't see it, would that fuck up his smooth ride and make him take it to the shop for some diagnostics, just to wind up being charged too much to have some wheel weights removed, or would it be a waste of wheel weights?
>image not related
>tl;dr what would putting 3 ounces of wheel weights on a drive wheel do when you tried to drive it
Okay so i have a question. there's this one knob who doesn't know how to park in one parking space...
That's a good idea.
Sugar in the gas tank if you want to be a huge prick or let the air out of the tires if you just want to ruin his evening.
>what if I add slightly more weight to the underside of his vehicle
>by my calculations, an additional 3.8oz placed strategically under the quarter panels will have a nasty effect on his gas mileage
>after 17 years I'll have cost him an extra $5.20!
literally the faggot that you are OP
slash his fuckin tires, it'll be below his insurance deductible and they won't be able to patch it
you just cost that nigger a few hundred dollars
suger aint gonna do much besides clog a filter, pour a gallon of old oil into his gas to make him think his rings are shit if not a fucked engine
>clog a filter
That's a major PITA to fix on 90% of cars, it usually requires extracting the entire fuel pump and replacing it.
If OP really wanted to get back at him he'd stuff a half dozen dead clowns into the car and call the police. No way his neighbour is gonna talk his way out of 6 dead clowns, he'd spend some time in jail for sure.
You can do that or it would be easier and cheaper and have a bigger effect. You can rig up a pressurized water bottle to inject a couple liters of water in his tire. That would make his shit vibrate and it will take a while for them to find the problem.
man the fuck up and slash some tires
why waste time getting wheel weights and trying to stick them on the inside of his rim when you can walk by casually and punch a hole in the cunt's tire?
If you want total war...
Use a screwdriver or chisel and a hammer. Punch out his door locks. Or fill them with rubber cement. Or just break off the door handles. Dump black paint over the rear windows, smash side mirrors.
Get a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with rotten milk, fish guts and anything else smelly that will make you puke. Pour this mixture down his windshield and into the vents behind the engine.
Remove gas cap and leave an empty water bottle and sugar next to the car, he will spend a ton of money having the fuel tank removed and they will inform him that there was never any sugar or water in the gas. Psychological warfare.
Let the air out of all 4 tires, and steal all the lug nuts except the security lugs(this will act as further psych warfare)
And as a final act of lunacy, get a live rooster, cut its throat, and put a carrot into the throat-hole. Leave this on the hood, with a note in Spanish that says "the dogs come inside at midnight".
He will definitely call the police, but he probably won't feel comfortable parking anywhere near the same location ever again.
Hope you can pull this off user, this is how I got all the black people in my neighborhood to move away.
You have no idea how wheels are balanced, do you
>when you absolutely have to blast commies with 7.62NATO but you just don't have the shoulder room
Jesus Christ the Vietnam War must've been a hoot.
take a paint roller and draw the parking spaces' lines that he's on top of over the vehicle
t. busrider
ram a potato up his exhaust every day that he parks poorly
.30 carbine my friend, those MACSOG units(definitely not deployed in Cambodia) needed to be able to carry lots of lightweight ammo.
The Australians were the original Bubba, take a look at what those guys manufactured.
>maybe in 3 years he'll notice a slightly uneven wear pattern
>and have to replace his tires a full MONTH ahead of schedule
>0o0o0o0 absolutely devilish!
that just a foregrip, you brainlet
There should be a balancing weight on the drive shaft too if you can somehow get that off
>a balancing weight on the drive shaft
a welder and a piece of scrap metal
Or OP you could just try talking to him.
but that's a chopped M14, did they make those in .30?
uhh yeah its called the m1 carbean
also make sure to put a potato peeler on a coworkers desk too
if only they let all American soldiers nigger-rig their guns like that, the US might've had a chance at winning the war
don't forget to break his legs while you're at it.
M1 Carbine is not the same as an M14.
yeah its not the same because its cut down and in .30 you fucking mong
my understanding of it is that if your wheel is unbalanced enough it will shake the car and be annoying
the most that will do is make the car not want to start, but more likely than not it will just be a harsh start and blow the potato out of the pipe after the 3rd try or so and he says "huh that was odd. must be the cold or something" then drive away
i don't want total war, i want something that will annoy him, and if i get busted i can say "it was just a prank" and then everyone laughs and then i'm in the same situation that i was before
lol manchild sperging because he's too simple to perform a jewgle search
Just do this.
user it is completely harmless and extremely annoying. You dont even risk scratching his rim.
yeah probably right. a 2 liter soda bottle with water in it and some pressure will definately give it a shake. thanks, guys