Show me what you got!

Show me what you got!
Post your best Rice!




But that's actually pretty well done desu


Ok WTF was this before the ricing?

Those wheels look like the OEM wheels of a 1991 Honda Accord.

Looks like an EK Civic.


Looks to be an early 90's Honda, or at least the wheels are...

where do i buy body kits like this?
do i have to make them myself?
asking for a friend

admit it, this and the first one had rice

So? Early 2000's rice was fucking awesome.

The headlights look like sad eyes...

the gt3000 is already beautifully modified

same person?

is that a 3rd gen camaro posing as a 5th gen?



Some of my abortions



>even their fucking clothes match
This is Ur-Rice, no ricer on earth can even come close to this perfection.

These I unironically like

This one was made from the point of view of HotWheels Picrelated is from the point of view of a newly rich street nugga


this is pretty good tho lmao

>tfw a stanced 5th gen V6 camaro tries to drag race me at a stop light