Most Veeky Forums approved subie?

Most Veeky Forums approved subie?

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A stock one

SVX. The contrarians choice.

LS swapped WRX.

Only the Subaru GC8 WRX STI Type R and you'll never get one

A stock GC8 Type R.
A stock second gen WRX wagon. Avoid EJ25.
A stock fourth generation Legacy wagon. Turbo is mandatory.

Tastefully modded specimens like this.

Forester because of how Veeky Forums feels about crossovers

>needing approval from a bunch of spectrum surfing degenerates

XT is p'good tho

Hey man, I have an EZ30 and it's a delight.

Any subbie with that sweet sweet K&N airfilter brah, an extra 30 Horses pushing under the hood bro!


>inb4 pure sin

Is that by any chance... a V8 V8?

Cobb** but good try

This desu, you amerafats don't even get access to what I'd call the "good" stuff for another 4-5 years.

any glaring problems with picking up and imported legacy b4 blitzen

i just want to go fast and have awd lol

Nothin like it

Second gens are great too. Can't wait for these to be legal.

I have a 2000 Forester with one inch lift and some good sized all terrains on it

Great adventure wagon, perfect for putting around up mountain roads or going through snow, plus plenty of room in the back for gear


But wut about my EK civic wagon?

4Gen Liberty (Legacy)

id like for you to know i spat my drink out on my trousers and looked like i pissed myself laughing because of how hard i laughed at that pic

Fuck hahahahahhahahhhahhahha

not a subaru fan but god those cars look good

he ruined a pigbox, nothing of value was lost.

oh god

My friend just imported a gc8 STI type VI we can already get the "good stuff"

All ruined in my country now, but they were great.
Were cool as hell back in the day.

i just bought a 1996 impreza rx lads

XT is correct

Subaru mini

That's not a s85

Forgot link

my eyes... it burrrrns


Love the low key bugeyed ones



2002 best year

Pure sex


I'd unironically consider spending my shekels on this one

gen1 or go home

>Nothing about, our Lord and saviour, the Justy.
I'm disappointed in you all.

EZ30r reporting in, feels good not having to worry about muh head gaskets

Wise br/o/s and Veeky Forumstists,

Help! Is this a good car or a total shitbox??

Took me a second

Wow, as if it couldn't get any worse, then I noticed the entire graphic is backwards too. 10/10

Hard to say, looks like guy did his own work, it's a gamble. If you're serious take to shop for thorough inspection with compression and Leakdown test

The real question is how the fuck did we go an entire Subaru thread without posting best Impreza?

This was the best looking generation of the Impreza. My neighbor had one in red.

Why do Subaru's appeal to lesbians and soyboys so much?


But user I am at home

This one



A 22b by this point is unobtainable, so nobody talks about it. They start at 90 Gs and only go up.

>They start at 90 Gs and only go up.
Holy fucking shit

it's just nice to meet another human that shares my affinity for elf culture

you in the pnw?

yeah Oregon

1st gen with v7 wheels


Surprised noone posted the Subaru 360


factory rice

any Legacy, SF Forester GC, hawkeye, hatch and obscure Japan only Kei cars

Nah, they still do head gaskets, mine needed one when I bought it. Also be sure to check your oil regularly, they like to burn it at higher RPMs and when engine braking!

just this one. literally only this one


holy shit man
that's beautiful and I never knew it existed

What is the intended purpose of wheels like that? Small diameter rims but huge sidewall semi slick tires?

Had a giggle. Good pic.

putting down a fuckton of power

What do you think?

Is there any type of racing that requires huge semi slicks to put down a fuckton of power fast or is the owner retarded

most people build clones instead

The ones that go BRRAP

Do you honestly believe that's a Subaru?

Well, it is.

Do you know what a Vivio is? It says it on the trunk lid.

Only correct answer

Good reasons for that

thats looks really good from behind

Close enough...

200cc less and a more responsive turbo.

Also has nicer looking interior, not that ugly facelift interior.

i have one, its alright. somehow really reliable so far, but i feel like i could break it if i went hard on it

Newer interior > Older Interior