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kill all tripfaggots
I love Feh.
But why?
i wonder how Feh tastes.
Found her on the side of the road. What do? -atk +spd
I'm legitimately curious. Do other generals have the same issue with retards making early threads, or is it just us?
Veronica recruitment when?
What does ike +hp -res want as his C skill? A buff or threaten def?
I want Palla to snap my neck with her thighs
That's the same I rolled and she is awful. She can bait mages safely but can't kill for shit
when the last chapter is finished
Why does warriors look so fucking ugly?
Is Feh a male or a female?
Infantry Pulse.
I love Patty because she is my wife!
I want to fuck her!
Can we all agree to ban Lucina images in the OP?
Who did you guys give atk ploy 1 to?
Ok I will roll for summer xander
Man, i don't need mage bait, i got plenty of that.
Fuck nigga share some of those greens.
Yes oh YES. The more popular/retard attracting the game the worse it is.
/fgg/ is a low example of masturbation addicted faggots spamming threads.
From the generals I visit, the FGO generals are pretty good about making threads after bump limit and /civ4xg/ is so slow that there's absolutely no reason to make early threads.
It'll never happen sadly, because there'll always be some idiot falseflagger who wants to shitpost, and there's no way something so specific will be a legitimate rule.
When FGO released in NA both the original /fgog/ and the NA /fgog/ got a sudden spike in early threads. Someone also admitted he was the one doing it here in those threads.
does anyone have the eliwood stabbing bunny ninian pic?
A least those two have good Skill (GT breaker and LoD)
where are the Linde lewds
This. fgo attracted some autist from this general I think
when an eviler villain appears
Any mage with good res would make a great use of it, like Julia, Katarina or Mae
Gotta love my sheep in my auto-battle TT team. She barely receives damage because she's -Res +Def and keeps her safe distance with Physic. I love my sheep so much.
ummmm sweeties we're over here
I have none. I do have sanaki but I don't really like her and my sonya is -res fml.
Don't you want me in your game user
Get ready!
Great now TT is infected with tier idots.
only if she gets art by HACCAN or another good artist
>being this mad
Everyone report this IMMEDIATELY
She is a Fehmale
I want to know too
shit hat
I want to kill Patty!
Why is Sonya the boss, anyway?
Lucina falseflag
does feh have a cute little cunny
Did you steal this from reddit
I'm unsure what to put in my doot's B slot. I've been thinking either vantage or desperation. Vantage would be nice since she hits like a truck and can't drop below 1, but desperation works great with her since she gets speed from the team she's in, and a double hit would kill guaranteed.
What do you think?
I suddenly need like 60k feathers because I finally summoned a Corrin and she's perfect. I was totally ready to just let her sit in my barracks looking pretty but now I need to pluck that owl for everything it has.
Wow, that was extremely rude
Delete this
Put in the benis
if we ever get a veronica GHB are you guys just going to argue how she's just an inferior julia/nino with a meme weapon?
>MFW my wife, Olivia, will always be great.
It's time for Severa! The cutest of the cute!
I put lance breaker but green tome breaker or blue tome breaker work jsut as good. If you habe no swordbreaker units go for that first though unless you feel confident in your doot ability to nuke em in 1 go.
user that goes in the other b-slot
Unless her stats are really good, yes.
Your wife has extremely lewd damaged art and it makes me want to jerk off.
I want to cum so hard down Yuria's throat that her breath smells of semen for the rest of the day.
Reminder that after this TT literally everyone with have the seal that completely cucks both Desperation and Vantage, causing them to never be worth running.
Miracle/Heavy Blade/Renewal is the patrician Doot build.
i use swordbreaker, it lets you double super speedy swords or memebuffed swords
*Pomf =3*
What are we going to do on the bed?
lol it's a sacred seal and only one unit per team can use it
Phantom speed seal literally doesn't work wiithout a -sweep skill, no?
Which banner should i try more
TT for Doot or Summer for Femui?
I have 3.50 on Summer btw
I want to bench my rein because i feel dirty every time he oneshot something
Thanks but I want more than just one team.
>there are people that actually believe this
She deserves it for theft!
Should I try sniping a sheep? I already have a Julia and Ike, and I'm debating between going for sheep or Celica.
90% of people would rather run Atk+1 and Spd+1 on their units. Even QP isn't on every team like it should be.
>gtomebreaker on blue unit
I want to cuck Azel and fuck Tiltyu
dumb frog poster
>lol it's a rare skill cancal affinity won't have any effect on TA raveners
Meanwhile in reality TA ravens fucking PLUMMETED in the tier list because they're now worthless.
The seal only works if the unit have all his life and is limited in one unit, also the seal prevents that the unit can use Vantage/Desperation
Do you already have an established flier team? Try for corn. Do you not have an established flier team? Go for doot.
once valter comes i'm going to switch my catria for him and run him with the exact same build
darting blow/drag back/fortify fliers with QP and memebow is absolutely a shitty meme build but its so fun to use
>having to be at 100% HP to use it
If it gains any popularity I'm going to be the first one in on the savage blow meta
>Constantly bully /fgoAlter/ and shitpost about their bad rates so they come here
>And spend their time in IV Horsehell
Who here /devilish/?
Your mistake, idiot. Meanwhile I've got 220k feathers just waiting for them to let me 6* my meta meme team.
first of all that's obviously a different case.
second of all that never happened anyway.
Doot can nuke pretty much anyone red in one hit because in action she usually has 63atk 39spd, and i don't think she can get g tome breaker?
>one seal
Really makes me hmm.
Think i put it on her when i ran into enemy sweep users all the time, it helps against those. Guess it just stayed on.
Worth noting is that she almost never gets counterhit, target either can't, dies, or is candle'd when she attacks.
That's not nice.
To each his own.
good pic, shit dialogue
Jokes on you, I play both.
I have Michalis, Hinoka-atk and Cordelia +atk-hp?
Michalis and Cordelia are fully builded
I might sacrifice Hinoka to michalis for her Hone fliers
+3 atk or +3 def on xander
What A slot do I use for a Falchion healer Masked Marth? Fury? HP+5? Darting Blow?