>had my first epileptic seizure last week
>had my drivers licence revoked
>have to sell my car
Ah yes a hell custom tailored just for me.
Had my first epileptic seizure last week
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that must suck man. time for a new hobby. how long until you get your licence back? i think in aus its 12 months with no seizure and you're good to go again.
That's fucked did they give you xanax to shoot up rectally yet? Hey at least you haven't become allergic to almost every single food and thing though.
Can you afford a tesla?
Don't worry humans won't be driving soon after ICE is banned.
Sorry about that user. That would be hell for me too.
what car user
Do they give you medication so you can drive?
I have a friend who legitimately has so many holes in his brain that he looks like a 70 year old Alzheimer's patient on brain scans.
He managed to get his license back after taking a boatload of anti seizure meds and signing a contract with the government that he will take them or face immediate seisure of license
TL;DR there is hope for you yet!
I hope there is decent public transport where you are at. Here you'd be locked out of 98% of the jobs, and you'd pretty much be stuck inside town
Damn, user. I'm sorry about that. Even if it's not life-ending, it still fucking sucks.
I'm sorry user. Hope you can still find something that makes you happy.
This too.
>live in LA and would be pretty fucked if my parents didn't let me use their old Accord
You can keep occupied in Until you recover, sorry to lose you brother
This is why we need autonomous cars
Not in my lifetime freindo
i would rather move to some shitholio without laws
>user why are you break dancing
Fuck man. Words cannot express how sorry I am.
Honestly the only thing that keeps me alive are fun drives through twisties; I would hate to lose that.
Hang in there buddy, there's nothing else I can really say.
As someone who is in a similar personal hell type situation, I'd like to tell you ut gets easier, but it doesn't. You may think things are bad now, but friend, you still have no idea.
But hey, maybe you're lucky and there's a way out for you. Meds or something. Hope so.
Why the fuck did you tell anyone you had that shit? i sometimes pass out a bit when my heartbeat goes insane but i rather not tell anyone irl.
wtf why would you get yourself diagnosed with epilepsy that is worse than getting yourself diagnosed as a psychopath.
Not so smug against self driving cars are you no you little millennial faggot?
>drive car normally
>have seizure, car senses and takes over
no durr-hurr self driving cars are bad you stupid yuropoor
I'm sorry for your loss, user.
I'd have probably attempted suicide by now if i was in your shoes.
>why would you get yourself diagnosed with epilepsy that is worse than getting yourself diagnosed as a psychopath.
That's why bitter people who suspect they have AIDS refuse to get diagnosed for as long as they can. They spread the AIDS around as much as they legally can until they finally get diagnosed by a suspicious doctor.
and in california its legal too
meanwhile in california misusing pronouns results in jailtime
You'd know all about that.
nobody cares dude
>Good riddance! Epileptics are a danger to themselves and others! Personally, I think revoking his license isn't going far enough. This deranged retard should be institutionalized before he hurts someone!
>They spread the AIDS around as much as they legally can
As with other diseases, the more people that have it, the sooner a cure is found for it due to high demand and funding. Diseases that only have a few victims or are minority-only get less public funding. A larger pool of victims also means the costs of treatment are lower per person.
>being this edgy
neck yerself
I thought LA had decent public transit I heard some comedian say the buses even got TVs but it's fucked up cuz it's all in Spanish and white people can get DUIs too
>the more people that have it, the sooner a cure is found for it due to high demand and funding.
jesus fucking christ how deluded can you GET
>the more people who have aids the better!
this is your brain on soy
there's already a cure for aids
>dont be a faggot
>dont do needles
aids only kills degenerates
>tfw you were raped by a teacher and got pozzed
this is a weird strawman but ok
justifiable murder tbqh
Sorry, user. :(
Also, have you looked into cannabis therapy? There are people who used to have seizures every day who have none, thanks to cannabis and the people who work with it.
>dood weed lmao
go back to re**it faggot
Hey dude, I was in a similar situation as you. Had my first grand mal seizure when I was in college, it sucked. It can take a while to find medication that could control it, but I believe in you user. Just be open with your doctor and you will mostly likely be able to control it and get your license back. It took about a year of trying different meds to get some that didn't have shitty side effects, but now things are mostly good (Lamictal XR 400mg / day).
just add
>don't get raped like a bitch
to that guy's list you fucking faggot
CBD oil might be the better place to start.
Tourette's Syndrome but, you get the idea.
He’s right you know
The more people have a condition, disease, or insecurity, the more attention it will be paid by big pharmaceutical companies who are really the only ones large enough to produce a reliable and sufficient supply.
They won’t focus on rare diseases because there is no money in it. Say you have a disease and only 10,000 americans have it. If there is no cure or treatment you are unlikely to see one coming - 10,000 people isn’t a big market.
What’s big though? Heartburn, arthritis, dry mouth/eye/skin, depression, hemorrhoids, bad breath. So that’s what we continually see new products for these conditions even though several already exist.
If AIDS was reaching epidemic status you would suddenly see big pharm pouring billions into research on it. They already did a bit with PrEP drugs, probably in response to growing incidences among MSM.
>t. Healthcare investor
>Not getting prescriptions.
You fucked up.
>a cure
Yeah, right. Try effective suppression. The more people on their daily AIDS pills, the more money pharma makes.
Also this
Government control over sex could end STDs. Hell, quarantine people with them, and make spreading them a crime (that people are always happy to narc on)
I'd an hero if I couldn't drive cars
You could always hire a chauffuer and drive around in a chrysler 300 or e class. Poorfags in this thread overlooked that.
Hospitals user
Nah, hospitals aren't the place to go for casual fibrulations. That's GP stuff and then he can offer pills or a referral to a cardiologist or whatever. Dude would be better off seeking self-treatment and lifestyle changes as a first line of defense and keeping track of whether it starts getting worse or not.
>Have seizure
>Got to hospital for emergency
>Hospital tell driving license people you had a seizure
I don't see how you could have a seizure without anybody knowing.
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