James "Put the Canister in the Banister" Porter edition
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Am I the only one getting the "ubisoft service not available at the moment" error? I cant log into uplay since morning
i want to lick IQs sweaty soles
i think so
i just started the game tru steam and it works
>wanting to play as a pole with fetal alcohol syndrome
It just logged me in, but it shows my level and renown are 0
>get killed again by a retard trying to make holes with a nitro cell
can this meme fucking end already?
start a game and it should fix itself
>inb4 poles posting
The only constant is you
>Drop my Nitro off by the hostage
>Run off to reinforce
>Hear a distant shot
>Nitro is gone
>Not trusting your teammates
Rook would've been dissapointed.
Why would you put your nitro by the hostage anyway?
>join match in progress
>little kid 1 afks during prep
>cav impact gernades him trying to kill a drone
> cav has a negative score in the scoreboard
>little kid 2 says i shot him on the mic
>fucker tks me
>just leave and find another game
>cancel content
>cancel content during summer
>cancel content last-minute possible
>dont even apologize for their incompetence
are ubisoft the grandmasters of bad PR?
Ubigay have no idea what they're doing, the limited success they've enjoyed with this game was a sheer fluke.
This game was intended to be a pump and dump.
No, that would be Square Enix's Hitman 2016
>Loved the ones before Absolution.
>We'll take our formula that has provided success and throw it out of the window.
>We'll make them convoluted messes, while extracting as much dosh from the player base as possible.
Thanks user, I'll have to go back to Blood Money some time very soon.
What are you talking about? That game excels at PR, retards defend it today despite the fact the game started out good and was patched into a burning trashpile.
this is a good watch on the topic tbqh
Why are we getting M4s on the polish op and not the MSBS and Polish made weapons?
>started off good
someone post the beta m1014 clip
>25mbps download speed
>removed from game because speed is too slow
You fucking what?
I meant like the first two episodes, not the beta. The game has always been a glitchridden hellhole and continues to be.
The fact they considered it full release in January was so fucking baffling, I was literally watching a stream the day before it was "finished" and guards still couldn't react to noises correctly or even consistently (sometimes they'd hear the thing next to them and stop but then just leave without investigating, sometimes they wouldn't hear it at all, sometimes they'd get another guard to investigate despite being a guard).
That game is a prime example of Early Access being trash but people eat it up because it was AAA.
>ping spikes to 1000+ because router is shit and router placement is shit
>wait a minute or so for my shit to get a fucking grip
>finally dies down to 60 ping
>you have been removed from the match
t-thanks ubisoft.
ffs you dumb fucknig newfag, its fucking promo art which siege has had before, its not the GUN
i really really want operation hell to end already
I want to help frost toss "economic migrants" onto welcome mats!
download speed doesn't mean shit if your connection has huge amounts of package loss for some reason
the ubi servers tolerate very little of it until they just close connection without giving your connection the time to stabilize
so even a small spike in connection instability will get you kicked
>you cant unbind the mousewheel weapon switch
fuck me, first time thats killed me
>huge amounts of package loss for some reason
Funny you say that, I ran a 24 hour ping the other day because I've been having some connection issues and I had a 2% packet loss total.
I know the servers tolerate very little, because if one of my DSL lines stops for even one second, despite still having the other I get "Lost connection" even if it comes right back immediately.
I've never gotten a "slow connection speed" message before.
I can't wait for the Polish op and her fanart.
>implying she needs help from a dumb white male
Ubisoft is fucking up so badly few will miss them when Vivendi takes over.
>tfw the enemy turns a 5v1 into a 1v1
Was a good watch.
>Only one guy on the enemy team
>Round starts
>All of my teammates run outside
I want IQ to put her feet in her shoes
no but like seriously can someone post it?
I want to see it again and I cant find it.
why fucking august 29th
Questions about Frost mats, I'm new and only have a basic understanding of the game. I know you only get 1 down unless you get Rook armor afterwards and if you go down with no one else up you just die. However, if you're the last person and you go down in OBJ during secure you do not die, at least when being shot is concerned.
Do Frost mats kill the last surviving member of a team if it's in the OBJ room on secure?
Do Frost mats kill if you've gone down before or are they an always down?
If someone is downed in OBJ on secure and you're the only other living person and you step on a Frost mat outside OBJ do you go down or die?
Frost mats always down
If I'm not mistaken you can survive a frost mat and win if you are on the OBJ
-It's the week after ProLeague finals.
-Tuesdays are the big patch day for consoles, makes sense to do PC on the same day.
>mfw everyone was mad at nukemdukem for being right
>Frost mats always down
Even if you've gone down before? I know they do kill, since I got a kill with one, if it's the last person on a team and they step in it (this was on bomb so securing is irrelevant).
What was he right about?
I mean they can bleed out but it's the same as going down by getting shot
I'm not sure if DOC can revive a trapped attacker with the stim pistol though
What are you even talking about? I don't follow e-celebs.
niggerdigger is an attention whore youtube celeb cancer who steals people's finds and content and makes stupid speculation videos to amass praise and money from retarded children.
he's pretty much reddit: the person
>I mean they can bleed out but it's the same as going down by getting shot
In my specific example the guy straight up died when he stepped on the trap, there was no down or bleedout, the trap killed him and that was the round kill cam.
But you're saying if I go down and then get Frost trapped I still just go down?
This the one?
yes, thank you
>he's pretty much reddit: the person
Rainbow6/ would disagree
he theorized that the new operation wouldn't drop until after esport finals
everyone, including /r6g/, got extremely butt mad over this speculation. He and anyone associated with him were ostracized from the community.
>I know you only get 1 down unless you get Rook armor afterwards
Rook armor doesn't give you a 2nd down, picking up a 2nd Rook armor just gives you the damage reduction again.
>Do Frost mats kill the last surviving member of a team if it's in the OBJ room on secure?
Frost mat trapping the last member of the enemy team on Secure puts them into DBNO, so they could hypothetically win a Secure. However, someone in a Frost mat can't hold F to slow the timer, while a downed defender can.
>Do Frost mats kill if you've gone down before or are they an always down?
Never tested this, but I'm going to assume they always down. I've never seen someone die immediately to a Frost mat, unless they were the last attacker alive (outside of Secure objective, as mentioned above).
>If someone is downed in OBJ on secure and you're the only other living person and you step on a Frost mat outside OBJ do you go down or die?
You'd die, and defenders would win, as you only survive being the last attacker alive being caught in a Frost mat, if you're in the Secure objective room.
I'm an idiot, you can only enter DBNO once per round.
I'm not sure if the Frost trap counts as the same as gunfire, but I'm sure you die if you step on a 2 traps
never heard any butthurt over that speculation.
This wouldn't be the first time ubi's pushed back content due to esports faggotry
>he theorized that the new operation wouldn't drop until after esport finals
I've been saying this here since July, it's no surprise. I thought everyone disagreeing was because they couldn't wait another month, not because they were obligatlingly opposing a Youtuber.
>the game literally hasn't improved since beta
Holy shit
>he theorized that the new operation wouldn't drop until after esport finals
dumb fuck
it has been like this since the pro league
I've been saying that since the end of June, it's not some magical theory exclusive to your favorite e-celeb nor was it universally distrusted by everyone, especially not /r6g/ where other people also were saying it.
Your persecution complex for your friend simulation is pathetic.
redditfags here were pissed about it, adn so was the subreddit
i couldnt find the original post but here it is in video form
>some retard posting Spongebob images crying about how his favorite e-celeb was persecuted in his imagination
We're getting better by the thread.
if youre the last attacker and you get caught in a frost trap outside of the objective you will die straight away
>I said it before he did!
that's not what I'm talking about
5,000 fags jumped up his ass because they didn't like what he was saying.
I don't have screenshots but in mid july there were people posting about it here.
A few threads ago there was even a guy justifying his hate because "muh niggerdigger stolen content"
I know that, and that's what he based his speculation on. But Ubi promised it would drop in august, and 2 days before sept is hardly an august release.
keep crying faggot, I'm not going anywhere.
Found it.
>Thu 13 Jul 2017
>laughing at retards is "crying"
>you know you're such a cancer that in place of an argument you just threaten with your continued presence
I hope you do, this is great, you should team up with the illiteracy idiots if you're not already one of them or the actual illiteracy kid.
>it's a newfags won't shut the fuck up about reddit to fit in episode
Gotta get that youtube $$$
We'll see what other optional guns the operator gets, and there's always also korean season.
According to the leaks we're gettin the PR-15 so that's something ㄟ( ・ө・ )ㄏ
why is there so much hostility over a youtuber
who cares
Allright guys i have a pretty important question here.
I already bought Jackal and Mira with renown a few months ago and now i'm tempted to buy the Year 2 season pass. Do i get some kind of compensation for having 2 DLC operators before buying the season pass?
Pls respond
just dont
>>laughing at retards is crying
>still crying about people laughing at your illiterate retarded ass
lol nice red herring fallacy btw
>>threaten with your continued presence
that's not what I said lol
who's the illiterate now?
What do you think user. These are the people who made two season passes
People with a folder of images from a kids show they have an autistic obsession with despite being an adult apparently. Which makes a lot of sense, given they're now freaking out about how a Youtuber they obsess over was """attacked""". Same audience, clearly.
Just wait for season 3.
Goddamnit, FUCK ubisoft
people on youtube always have to have someone to hate
pick any year in youtube and there was at least one scapegoat on who was making the worst or "most cancerous" content.
his fans enjoy his speculation videos about upcoming content, so that's the kind of video he makes.
Why are you so mad over the content a youtuber puts out? No one is forcing you to watch it.
He means year 3
>quoting me quoting you
>le epic random statement
>random statement again
>quoting me quoting you
>saying what you literally said isn't what you said despite your post still being right here
>who's the illiterate now
You, clearly. Your random babble and lack of reading comprehension when it comes to even your own statements is baffling.
Yeah, that's what I meant. My attention is focused on Elite Forces: Spetsnaz memeumentary.
>obsessed with childrens show
>obsessed with e-celebs to the point he carries grudges for them
>feels the need to proclaim what a big reddit user he is
Is this that autism thing I keep hearing about?
>still over 2 weeks away
>something released in august isn't an august release
>thinks that's a long time
>make shit low effort videos with the sole intent of tricking retarded children into clicking them
>half of the video is promotional shit
>other half is his hot opinions and "speculation" that sounds like something a half-rate news anchor would say
my real question is why you
>start sperging in a place that doesnt give a fuck about him or most ecelebs for that matter
>get mad when people call him shit.
because you clearly can't read, let me put it simple for you
I wasn't "threatening" you with my existence. I was telling you that you couldn't make me go away, even if you don't like it.
don't assume that everyone you don't agree with is "threatening" you. Retard.
>>le epic random statement.
I was only calling you out for bringing up that stupid illiteracy thing you got yourself into for being retarded
It has nothing to do with what we were talking about before
Don't bother replying again, I'm not responding to anymore of your obvious bait, created by intentionally misunderstanding what I'm saying.
Do we know anything 'bout the GROM operator's abilities?
>le epic heist game xD
When Ubi announced an August release, most would think that means it's coming out early-mid August, not on the fucking 29th
Note that I said "hardly", a synonym for barely, or nearly.
clearly a whole collection of delusions and mental illnesses
he even thought we got butthurt about some shit he said even though nobody watches that asian jew.
>I was only calling you out for bringing up that stupid illiteracy thing you got yourself into for being retarded
Oh, so you randomly accusing me of something random isn't you being random, it's just you being random. Good argument, stopped there.
cleaning the toilets of the brit ops
>>le epic heist game xD
dont act dumb
also for the record, its epic dead heist game
>stopped there
probably because you can't read lol
I'm glad you took my advice to heart.