Qt edition
>Deck lists, news etc
hsreplay.com (Buy Premium For Us)
>Open Tournaments
old thread
Qt edition
>Deck lists, news etc
hsreplay.com (Buy Premium For Us)
>Open Tournaments
old thread
First for memes.
>Tech DK into Jade Druid
>Win even harder
>haven't played wild in a while
>want to try crazy value priest
>third player in a row nearly ropes every turn to read all the cards
What a guy. I hope he's enjoying the game so far.
Enjoying that Druidstone?
Reminder Blizzard thinks this is OK because they balance around rank 15
>opponent puts me to 1 then concedes
>you sneak in that wow emote
From last thread
Enough dust left for 1 (one) last legendary. I have every DK except Mage and Priest, Rotface, Prof. Putricide and Lich King.
Without telling me to wait until the dust settles, which lego do you think is left?
Tainted Zealot is my waifu, I want to take care of her and nurture her back to health and comb her beautiful hair.
The whole game and playerbase is a meme.
Lich King is the obvious choice since it's good and neutral.
DK Priest if you really love priest
lich king goes in every control deck
>Opponent plays Crypt Lord on 3
>Can't kill it right away
>It survives literally the whole game
That card is frustrating to say the least.
>tfw you are part of the problem
I just like druid so much, and it was the class I pulled a DK for
This is the control meta you wanted. I hope you are happy. I do not believe how anyone could shit on un'goro meta.
>balancing cards
Calm down, it will rotate out.
Which warrior deck is better between the mill deck or the death knight nzoth deck?
Shadowrapist Anduin is a fucking monster in wild, jesus christ.
>deck has 12 one drops
>draw all of my late game at the start.
That's enough for one day.
This reminds me of the prenerf Pirate Warrior days
I tried coming up with a cheap aggro druid deck, please post feedback:
2x innervate
1x naturalize
2x mark of the lotus
2x enchanted raven
2x fire fly
2x mark of y'shaarj
2x power of the wild
1x acidic swamp ooze
1x dire wolf alpha
2x druid of the swarm (rare)
2x savage roar
2x crypt lord
2x vicious fledgeling (rare)
1x swipe
2x grim necromancer
1x skelemancer
1x druid of the claw
2x bonemare
How high a rank could I get with a deck like this?
>everyday people complain about mage
>not even in the double digit cancers
Within two weeks, everyone will be playing a busted aggro deck. WOG had the same control meta start and met the same fate.
I am extremely overjoyed, thank you all so much.
>tfw jade has been ruining this game for almost a year
>tfw it will continue to ruin it for another 6 months
CANNOT wait for this bullshit to rotate out
>infnite value decks
Is this a joke?
Death is eternal...my turn is not!
Jesus I was really really hoping Jade Druid would get fucked but it is better than ever what the fuck
Not going to happen. Aggro simply hasn't received ANY tools. The only remotely viable tool aggro got was that 2/1 that's a shitty version of Abusive.
Aggro has nothing that can beat Spreading Plague, not to mention the Druid DK that gives you INSANE survivability.
When Pirate Warrior, the premier aggro deck, gets absolutely shit on by Jades... then you know aggro is dead.
Which decks have literally infinite value? I only see druid with jades and warrior with dead man hand.
Explain how other decks can have infinite value
Lich king is kind of safe since it's neutral but I can completely imagine people start cutting it eventually.
His hero power works with Velen.
>it's a rogue gets meme legendaries episode
>tfw 3 N'Zoth as Deathrattle Hunter against Control Pally
Finally Priest is T1 again
This, if you're playing an aggro deck and you have one shitty token on the board that's an extra 4/8 taunt that gets summoned
>Play Gnomish Crocolisk
>Get erection
I probably shouldn't keep these.
>tales from rank 18
Rank 5 easy
Legend if you grind literally 1000 games
Priests players should just neck themselves.
>Playing the most greedy fucking decks.
Where is the aggro to keep them in check.
>run into a fucking c'thun druid before running into a jade
And they say matchmaking isn't rigged
Why don't you play an aggro deck and do it yourself
Once I reach 15, I'll consider this deck a success, considering the cancer bullshit starts there.
>Want to use the new Druid hero
>Only deck I can find for it is Jade.
There's no aggro DK. People want to use their shiny new DK right after getting it.
What? Taunt druid is another great deck as well.
Wrong image.
please Rexxar save us from the jades
>Mfw Wallet Warrior is back.
Alright so this has been my experience with the 4 DK's that I pulled.
>Scourgelord Garrosh
You get cucked absolutely by the weapon hate that everybody else is running. Hero power seems like a downgrade, even in a list built around it. Let's see if someone can make it work
I have been playing a modified list of Jackies deck. Pretty good and has a ton of board clear. I have only beat jade and taunt by the skin of my teeth by trading hero powers. Might end up as a high tier 2
>Shadowreaper Anduin
I have been playing a highlander list. The card preforms pretty well but because of the inconsistency of highlander If I do lose it's because "the shit was at the bottom of my deck" Good card, could probably take priest to tier 1 if someone can make a good list.
>Thrall, Deathseer
Token shaman is in a bad state. Druid, warlock, pally, mage, and even shaman have such good board clears in this meta. You can play it and hope for a high roll, but if you don't get it just hit the shiny new concede button.
Alright, let me know if I am right, retarded, or how you faired with these or the other DK's
Hadronox is soooo good, definitely underrated
>someone included kabal trafficker in their demonlock DK deck so when he played his DK he killed himself from full health
Well played, silly warlock
Try this. Kolento got rank 1 with it.
It's totally unnecessary in jade also.
Try this
### Druiper
# Class: Druid
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (0) Innervate
# 2x (1) Mark of the Lotus
# 2x (2) Druid of the Swarm
# 2x (2) Power of the Wild
# 2x (2) Wild Growth
# 2x (2) Wrath
# 2x (3) Crypt Lord
# 1x (3) Tar Creeper
# 1x (4) Fandral Staghelm
# 2x (4) Mire Keeper
# 2x (4) Strongshell Scavenger
# 1x (4) Swipe
# 1x (4) Violet Teacher
# 2x (5) Nourish
# 2x (5) Spreading Plague
# 2x (7) Bonemare
# 1x (7) Malfurion the Pestilent
# 1x (10) Ultimate Infestation
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
If someone is playing a fun deck I don't normally see or is obviously new using shitty cards I get lethal and concede instead of giving the last blow if they didn't concede themselves. I won't get to legend because I don't play enough to grin out 5-1 and I will get to 5 by the end of the season just from doing quests so I really don't care.
Whats a good decklist for it?
Also how many legendaries does it require? I have enough for lich king and druid hero, but thats it really.
god hadronox is so fucking hot, first card i ever crafted golden
is it safe to dust c'tun?
started today from rank 19 and got to rank 12. Now literally every opponent is either playing big druid or jade druid. Fuck this.
good luck with that
Haven't you heard? Aggro is dead. All hail greed!
What kind of fucking shit deck are you playing that has 12 1 drops
Bros I love this card so much.
Everything from the MTG-esque art to the cool effect everything is perfect. It really feels like HS has matured from a design standpoint.
Just run a single Geist? Unless your deck is midrange/aggro.
>one win to rank up
>lose to Druid/Shaman cancer
>get paired against crappy homebrew
>get paired against Druid/Shaman cancer
>rinse and repeat for 6 times
Yeah, totally not rigged.
Blizzard is retarded. This card game is in shambles. The point is to give every class an equal opportunity at a deck, not this trash. What were they thinking when they gave the three best classes the best cards?
Fucking dumb
Does she make you hard-ronox? haha
oh lol, i didn't know..
I'm running control paladin. There's not really room anymore. Unless I want to take off my only 1 drop.
You can play elise and pull elise from the pack if you're lucky.
You can't he was free. You'll only be able to dust him when he rotates out.
If you have this much problem with that
Play Exodia mage
good luck you can't even dust him such bullshit
>hunter has lethal
>decides to go dk hunter for bm
cut a threat
>Scourgelord Garrosh
Savj is
Is it good to put it in a Jade Druid deck? Also, does the effect keep triggering until you have the same amount of minions as your opponent or does it just trigger twice?
>Implying Blizzard would let you dust a free legendary
any idea for improvements guys?
>It really feels like HS has matured from a design standpoint.
I don't know why a picture of an elf blowing on bugs is making you tear up.
That's like me show showing you art of a Sludge Belcher telling you about how gross and hardcore Hearthstone is. Grow up.
>I have every DK except Mage and Priest, Rotface, Prof. Putricide and Lich King.
>Without telling me to wait until the dust settles, which lego do you think is left?
To be more clear, these are the legos I already own. What else do I need? Or if not, what are some essential epics of the set?
Reminder the reason they keep Hunter to shit tier is because new players at rank 20 get dominated by Hunter because they build dumb greedy decks with no early game or anti aggro tools.
Rank 20 idiots getting farmed by Hunter is the literal reason why Blizzard never gives it good cards.
MFW fagets kept telling me to go tempostorm and hearthpwn or data reaper to get decks but instead i now use decktracker tto see whats winning the most which helped me get to rank 5 in 2 hours
We don't talk to wild shitters here
>rank 20
>tfw you realize that scourgelord Garry actually can be kind of okay.
Thanks Dog.
I'm experimenting with stuff. All suggestions welcome
yogg or ysera over n'zoth
Keep triggering until you have the same amount of minions. It's literally Unleash the Scarabs.
my spider fetish makes it so user
It's busted
or lich king
No thanks, I don't want to play a single player game