Help me chose my shitbox

I need a sub 100hp shitbox bc i cant insure anything since im a new driver.

smart roadster v. vw polo 4 v. old gen suzuki jimny v. Old gen suzuki swift

Which is the best/the more reliable/the most fun?? Just know i mostly drive on the expressway and the city ( i do more or less 500kms/week ) and that i have a 4k budget

+ if you have other options, pls contribute

Suzuki Jimny. I wish we got them in North America, I fell in love with them when I drove one in cuba.

Jimny. The cheapest and practical 4x4 ever.
Polo. The regular econobox thats literally a mini golf.

ill give you 4k to smuggle a Smart Roadster into the US for me.

These fucking idiots recommending a jimny while he clearly stated he rides on the expressway and in the city

I would go with the roadster since its the only 1 with character and will have collector value in the future.

twingo for 1k.

Jimnies are pretty rare here too. But once in a while you can find one in good shape
Would one be comfy for my daily use?

About the Polo, im a bit worried that it has no character but its the cheapest of these 4

I hate them

Im thinking about the 80hp version, but are they reliable? I heard you should have it serviced every 10k kms or so

jimny is the coolest but also the worst choice.

watch out for polos with the 1.2 tsi because they had some timing chains that would snap and completely destroy your engine. i don't think it's a problem with the older version but you
should definitely look it up.

i don't even think that smarts have the right to be classified as cars.

The suzuki swift seems like a pretty good car, of the cars named this seems like a solid contender.

the jimny is not a comfortable car

Chevrolet Spark Bifuel

jimny: why?

polo: id chose a TDI, so that wouldnt be a problem

smart: id agree if we were talking about the fortwo or the forfour but i think the roadster looks good and seems fun

agree with the swift. Not really original tho

Thought so, but i’ve never been in one :/ what is it like

dont like the design :/

it's a small bumpy offroader that feels like it was made in the 80s. it doesn't ride well and there's a lot of noise. it's problaly not that bad but it's definitely the worst riding car in your list

t. Spark owner.

There's nothing wrong with it, I just hate my life for having to drive it. I'm buying an IS300 the day it's paid off. At least a Jimny would be fun and feel like I get to daily a UAZ.

>having horsepower be your rating for insurance
imagine being this cucked


Opel Corsa

yeah, this is a good sugestion

9n3 Polo driver here
The car is very reliable, you can fit 3 out of 4 tyres in the boot unless you have niggertastic 19 inch wheels.
Basic maintenance is doable, as the the a/c does not obscure anything, unlike in the 9n.

no, its not. Your car will kill itself with its own oil OP


jimny +1

95-05 Civic.

Easily the polo.far better build quality and reliability than the ither 3 shitboxes

do you need the car to be practical?
smart roadster, get the coupe version though, it looks better had has more boot space

jimny is kinda cool but probably a bit too heavy cause of the awd system, so fuel economy might not be as good. check insurance costs for the roadster as well, it might be more than you think

>build quality
good goy

Smart roaster is fun as fuck, but its not a shit box -- by which I mean it won't take abuse. Take care if it or get something else. Parts aren't as abundant as something like an zzw30.