The subaru, in its natural habitat

The subaru, in its natural habitat

>tfw this ice is the closest I've ever gotten to driving in snow in 5 years of owning a subaru

It appears stuck. Sounds about right.


I live in New England bub...........

Sucks man, whereabouts do you live

Jk, just saw your plate. Just drive north for a few days.....

Austin, TX. We got a little tiny bit of snow early December but the roads were too warm for it to not melt as soon as it touched down.

Snow is comf in a Subaru

I just moved to where it snows this year so I know the feel

I live in Northern Ontario. It's cute that you think that little dusting is a snowfall.

>virgin parking lot snow
fix ur shit m8

What kinda tires you running?

Cooper CS5 tourings.

Summer tires

>literally every image so far has been in a parking lot
Fix your bait, m8

Oof. I hope you know driving on summer tires below freezing temps damages the compound.

I moved to flagstaff, so it gets below 32° for only a few hours a day. But yeah trust me I wish I had some winter tires.

I've gotten pretty lucky so far since it's only really snowed once this year

Not b8 m8. If that's enough snow to take a picture of you'd best make use of it.

If you're saying to do some skids, trust me, if I wasn't alone I'd have video of that shit

That's not a mountain switchback though

What, broken down?

>Have RX-8
>Buy Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2 snow tires
>Drive past stuck Subarus and lifted pickups with no trouble

Snow tires aren't a meme kids

preach brother, did the same with an na6 miata and currently a 350Z

Not trolling or being a dick, but why buy an awd car somewhere that it very rarely gets cold enough to freeze? I live in northern alberta and we have snow for ~5 months of the year so it makes sense to have it here, but why in a place like texas?

Snow? Who the fuck cares about not having snow? Be glad the city doesn't have an excuse to piss 100,000 tons of salt onto your roads!

You new here ?

>be canadian
>get salt

Funny that doesn't look like an Lgbt parade

Lesbians enjoy Subaru. I don't know why.

>Be canadian
>Car become rust incarnate

in an inch of snow? you don't need awd for that

Subaru had an actual ad campaign targeted at lesbians in the 90's. It was shamelessly pandering but since most lgbt are mentally defective they ate it right up and they still buy their cars en masse

Now bring those Subies over here and we'll see how well they really do

Lemme mount some winter tires first then you've got yourself a deal

I've always wanted to go to Norway anyways (aside from hanging out at the airport in between flights)

You'd better

I've seen one dane attempt to drive in Norway mid-February with a summer-tire equipped Impreza wagon. He made it off the ferry, understeered in the first actual corner and hit the curb, cracking the alloy wheel

Any idea where you'd wanna go/what you wanna do? Its really dependent on just where in the country you go

I'd probably fair better than he did since I at least have decent all seasons, but I'd still want dedicated winter tires.

Fare, dammit.

You'd be hard pressed to do worse

I mean, you could easily make it to where I live from Oslo. The road will be plowed, scraped and salted to hell and back, and just by keeping the speed low it shouldn't be an issue for you personally. The problem would become braking distance; if you were to keep a speed thats safe for you on all-seasons you would be hindering the other traffic, who could go much faster and maintain a safe braking distance

>in that
where do you live? Have you never interacted with snow before?

What the shit are you supposed to do with a Subaru in Texas? You have no windy roads or mountains... Does constantly getting rekt by diesel brotrucks at the lights not get old?

nice one

No idea considering I don't know very much about what to do in Norway besides wear heavy jackets and use letter "o"s with slashes through them

Tfw never snows in SoCal

NH or MA? im currently driving a forester


ricer fog lights lawl. it only snows every couple years but, i took full advantage of it


Yeah snow is hella comfy in a subaru

>took nearly the same pic 3 years ago

NH my dood

200% comfy my dude

The bus, in its natural habitat.