>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
wife's wife
>tfw no lute
Which one of you is this?
Raul is shit.
Impregnate me, user!
>crave a full summon
>don't want to be a whale
Gross art
Gross girl
Shush faggot
>pulled a +spd/-def Celica in under 30 F2P orbs
>there are people RIGHT NOW in this THIS VERY THREAD that have put hundreds into trying to get her and never will
>there are also people in this thread RIGHT NOW who didn't get Camus and Xander
There's only one M Robin and they put all 40% heroes on on banner every TT.
The image they used to show off the Catalog recently shows 168 heroes instead of the 159 we currently have.
People are theorizing it's Valter + 7 units (Most likely a pair of banners with 3 units each like Alm's Army and Celica's Army/ a 6 unit banner like Sibling Bonds and another GHB or TT reward.)
I kinda slacked off during the last two sessions. I still don't really get how the ranking system works. What makes the tier rank go higher, and when?
Raul is a good guy!
Not bullying Raul!!
She looks like a melting autistic little boy in that image
Please do not post lewd images of my daughter.
+def -res, just slap on bonfire?
>tfw neutral Julia
she's still useful right guys
I guess that makes sense.
Cumilla, Sonya and Ursula are my wives.
5*s, merges, SI'd skills, having all units survive
Ty user
She's only in her underwear user, nothing lewd happening here
Kill yourself redditor.
any good builds for autism green mage?
I've currently given her green tome breaker 3 but I'm not sure what to do next.
good taste
tfw cucked by Nintendo
Trip back on.
Is Raigh good?
and why he looks like a etrian odyssey character?
same artist
I was afraid I put that wrong. By "higher" I meant the number increases, meaning your tier goes down or stays the same
I have decided that I am not gonna roll this herofest since the only unit I am interested in is Julia because I have a +Atk Sonya rolling for her would seem redundant.
Also I am not rolling anymore for Celica even though my pity rate for the tempest banner is at 3.75% because i already have a +Atk tharja.
I am F2P I hope I am not making stupid decision
I don't understand your question. If you mean what makes you go to a higher rank it is your score in comparison with everyone's else. In your case you are better than half the people in that tier, so you go up. rank changes happen every tuesday/monday, you can check when it happens on counter at the default arena page
Basically me, but I'm also still pulling for Summer Xander because I'm an idiot
In case you want to know the next TT is sacred stones related and htat's why the next GHB is Valter.
Did you mean husband?
If you have him you should send all copies of him home. He's bad luck. He infected my roll rate now I can't summon a 5* to save my life. Well, that is what the case would have been had I not sent all copies of him home...
I now roll 5* ever 20 orbs because I have no more raigh infection.
Clarisse builds?
Im not sure what A slot she needs ?
Do we keep her bow ?
I want Himukai to draw Midori and Myrrh
can't wait for someone to get the art cg from Himukai's new eroge
Finally got a deathless run, a-am I going to make it /feg/?
Depends on how many cumulative points you have compared to everyone else, but for tier 19 into 20 the cutoff is around 4800. To stay in tier 20 you'd have to be hitting 4900s at least.
>rank 1300 of 7500 with 2 days left
I dunno fuckhead, you tell me
-def +res Ninian or -atk +def Ninian?
bullying raul by fucking the shit out of his daughters!
(lol good luck trying to ko Hector
+spd/-def Is she any good? Should I Bladetome her or not?
-atk +def since she shouldn't be fighting, but will wall off more units.
>3 faes including 5* fae early on
>no julia
>over 7% pity
It's the same artist. He isn't very good but ou could 4*+10 him as an extra body to throw into arena assault if you roll a ton of him.
You will kill yourself training an atk bane ninian.
How do I build this qutie?
Only recommendation I noticed last thread was green tome breaker so I offered up one of my 4 Henry's.
Would fury 3 be any good? I still have one Hinata and a few 4* Jagens.
Shes +hp -res and yes these IVs are pretty terrible but at least she iant -atk so I'm happy to have her.
70 orbs down the drain and the only 5* I got was a neutral Reinhardt. Hero Fest is a scam.
>Himukai Myrrh
Gotta blast
Hector dies to a moonbow proc with a hone atk on her, so it's not like he matters at all ever. Even on the last map, my cherche can wall his shit and bring him into kill range easy.
Don't give up!
Posted this in the last thread just before it died:
Is there anyone who knows a way around this? I want to use a different phone, Apple ID, and card than what I originally was using to purchase Orbs but no matter how many time I try to verify the new ID and account it won't work.
I'm not sure if it's an issue with my Apple ID, my card / bank, or FEH itself.
r u me? need LaD too
+spd is the best boon because it gives her 4 instead of 3
-def is the second best bane with -hp being the other one
yes she's good
you can either go with bladetome or raven, there's no objective answer, although i use a raven cecilia myself
Post Tempest teams, judge other tempest teams, ask for builds from other tempest teams!
Does IOS have a complete purchase option?
Well got her to 40.
I like her. Definitely going to build a team with her.
Was she this ara ara~ in Echoes though? She seemed pretty chill from what I remember. She's putting Camilla to shame in this dialogue.
+spd/-def are pretty much her ideal IVs for bladetoming. And she's very good, since she can take advantage of cav meme buffs with gronnblade.
Crystals, friend
Contact Nintendo
Then Apple
Then your bank if it's not fixed
Why are you here? Why you don't use Apple's customer support?
If I get green orb cucked again I might
at least I was #blessed with a +spd Celica that I'm training in the Tempest since I already got my daily point requirement
Now I have all the lucky units except mae
Why doesn't your Priscilla have an A skill?
Some skill are expensive Like TA, WoM and Sword Breaker
>3 renewal fodder
Hey there's a silver lining to every cloud.
Please kill yourself
Nah, they're kind of playing up her sexy cake-ness.
It's pretty fun, but I'm thinking of putting sanaki back in over celica, I don't like her all that much.
Don't know which one to put on her. HP Plus or Attack Plus?
I can't wait for the x2 so I can get more points and play less.
user, you did beat both maps right?
You're not a LOSER are you?
What is a good C skill fit for Ike? I'm thinking I'll be attaching Doot to his hip for the near future, considering her buffing skills.
yeah I got to feed one of them to celica!
and I also fed a -atk minerva to her!
this is a cursed image raul, dont open it
Oh nice, I didn't know that spd+ is a superboon. Will definitely train her up for my Horse Emblem 2 then. Now, I need 20k feathers for my Nino to give her Bladetome to Cecilia and a Fury/Life and Death on her.
I did with only 3 units per map.
sack a fir for speed+3 or something lad
Alm is the goat of my team so far
It sound's like a Nino! post to me.
I'm going to switch them when they reach their max HM again
>rolled 2 Julias and a Sonya on herofest
>have rolled 2 Hectors off-banner
>gorillions of 5* and several hundred spent
>have never gotten a Fae or Merric
I really want her, too.
Threaten Res or Threaten Speed for Celica?
Doot with Breath of Life
Sonya with Breath of Life
Literally the easiest A/A ever.
>build a team
Build a family
Standard Doot, Celica with Renewal, DD and Ragnarok, LaD2 QuadLeyban and Azama (sometimes Maskcina)
preddy gud, I'm glad I made Raven, he's been a huge help
If using Heavy Blade Threaten Attack is good
Either HP+5, spd+3, or Grani's shield.
What build should I use on my +atk/-def Tharja?
No memes please.
little girls are the key to defense wins
Fury fixes that -res, if you don't like losing hp then res3 I guess? TA would make her tank blues even harder, and you have gtomebreaker for greens, but is a weaker option against greens overall
He's +Spd -HP so I'm running a Fury/Vantage build for him instead.
Godspeed. With the right SI and Hone Cav, she's a monster to use.
Maximum mustard gas