Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Thread wars? Thread wars.
I assume this one will win because 3d is pd
Why aren't you making art for the Capcom fan magazine?
old ladies makes me puke
Who's the Samus/Peacock/Juri of Goober/Booger?
Christmas cakes are top tier.
keep practicing whatever the hurdles
You've come to the wrong thread, pal.
That would require Capcom to have fans in the first place.
thoughts bros?
fighting games need more pantyhose mommies
>2lb sanwa spring sold out everywhere
the what
play the superior sequel
whats so good about that
Daryl reveal when?
Play Weiss
i just want to try a heavier spring.
i see 4lb ones but that looks waaaay to strong.
>that webm
I don't understand.
The projectile character in Guilty Gear and BlazBlue, amigo.
>mago is a broken husk of a man
feel bad for him bros
2d god is dead
What a coincidence, I'm making something Urien-related too.
Fuck off Urien is better
that's funny
What is Infiltration's gameplan?
Why is he picking Juri and underachieving? He is not beyond tierwhoring, ditching mains and counterpicking in SF4. Did he just got lazy and use muh Juri as excuse?
I made top 8 for the first time at a air /fgg/
I'm happy
Congratulations man!
Who's the gouken of sfv?
That's pretty funny.
Grats m8.
good job mate
Juri's a projectile zoner?
Anyway, to answer your question:
GG: Dizzy. May and Venom can throw out a lot of stuff on the screen too. Axl zones also, but in a more Dhalsim kind of way
BB: Nu-13, Lambda-11, Rachel, Mu-12 slightly less so, Platinum can also toss out a lot of stuff depending on what items she gets.
So Momochi didn't participate in japan cup because he's part of the event organizer, why didn't Tokido and Bonchan participate?
Congrats Red.
I love it.
the hell is an air
thanks for letting us know, they didn't update the brackets at all so I couldn't tell.
Meant major, autocorrect sucks
Top 8 in unist and now fighting through top 16 in bb
because they want their friends to get more points
who fucking knows. he has tried a bunch of different characters but can't seem to find his perfect match since s1 nash. his attitude towards the game might be an issue also.
He can't find a decent character who fit his playstyle so he intentionally pick an obviously underpowered character and wait for the next patch to buff her so he can win with her.
LOL what a bunch of faggets
good shit dude
Momochi is actually competing
Chris T acts like he plays but really it's Momochi with a remote stick, operating Ken from a hidden room
who is this semen demon
>Juri's a projectile zoner?
She basically has three different projectiles which she can store and the start up kick can safely break opposing projectiles so I'd consider her a hybrid zoner and rush down character. She's the closest thing to one in USF4.
I'll give Dizzy and Rachel a shot.
Only the oldest
Asakura Abigail Hirano
>korean wrestling man
Is it finally his time? Will he finally win a SF V CPT event?
>No 8' tall GF that fucking loves trucks
haitani will beat him
How do I deal with her st. MK spam? It says that it is -2 on block, but for some reason my character's 3 frame either always trade or got crushed. Is there a secret hitstop in the move that I'm not aware of? Feels like when caught in st.MK blockstring I have to V reversal and burn a bar everytime.
>Not playing hungry
You deserve to lose.
Redblade up for BB
post the best fightan themes
>chris t in top 8
>literal gg god knocked out by no name shitters
>a no name nigger won esl and a pad guile won capcuck cup
>all this mounting evidence that points to sf5 being a trash game with a waist high skill ceiling
why doesn't sleep fighter have characters using their native languages like in tekken
you could have looked at literally any tourney and came to this conclusion
Do you know any voice actors that speak ancient Aztec or Illuminati?
>sf 5 is a trash game with a waist high skill ceiling
>guilty gear gods get destroyed in it
goobers EXPOSED
This bothered the fuck out of me when I played Tekken Revolution.
How do they communicat with each other if they just talk in their native language?
What's /fgg/'s steam avatar?
My wife
Their warrior ki
King speaks in growls and everyone understands it. Who gives a shit, it's not like Tekken is serious.
>chris t in top 8
He trained in the hyperbolic time chamber with one of the best player who uses the same main. Of course he's gonna improve.
>literal gg god knocked out by no name shitters
Gllty probably can beat JDCR the Tekken God at SFV, which is not saying much about either of those games. I don't understand your logic.
>a no name nigger won esl and a pad guile won capcuck cup
Nothing wrong with pad
>all this mounting evidence that points to sf5 being a trash game with a waist high skill ceiling
It is probably too volatile, I agree. However it is still a good game regardless. It is the most balanced vanilla SF ever.
nahuatl has 1.7m native speakers and illuminati isn't a country or a language
I really love this artwork.
What tournament
Walk out of range of her
the only thing controlling chris t is the will of the lord and savior jesus christ
unless it's well spaced you shouldn't be getting counterhit when challenging.
what about sfv?
>tfw no slovenly, unkempt, hairy armpit, hairy vagina, slightly chubby shut in christmas cake waifu
But things that smell bad are bad
if i lived at momochi's house the past few days, the only thing controlling me would be choco's used panties
>literal gg god knocked out by no name shitters
Usain Bolt beats Lebron in 100m sprint. Basketball is exposed as being a shit sport
I dont understand your logic bro. Chris T would get 10-0 in GG against Machabo
is japan cup happening and missing it? why yall niggas talkin bout it?
did it end last night?
>tfw you're the strongest fighting game player in your household
Rather play love heart with blonde alt.
>get engaged/married
>get succ'd
>started to succ
>suddenly underachieving
Sponsored player should be banned from having intimate relationship
wasn't there some moba esports pros who advocated against dating women because it made them perform worse?
Why has everyone abandoned Ed? I don't know anything about him because I wait until the season passes are on sale.
Redblade is on a tear