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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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I love Raul's daughter!
kill all tripfaggots
Fire Emblem VAs are against Drumpfy and wont hesitate to punch the fuck out of nazis.
Are you?
Should I 5* my +Spd Cecilia? What would be a good build for her
>being american
*licks you*
pls keep /pol/ in /pol/
What do the Japanese care about trump for tho?
What's the bane?
>roll Delthea
>"I see how it is. You're giving me this because you think I'm cute!"
>"So, confession time! I am darn fond of you. Huh! How do you like that?"
Get off my dick you dumb whore
calm down thot police
you don't see me advocating violence against commie sympathizers
Well Genny's rate will be higher than Celica's because of Herofest, and Celica is sharing space with Gray in the TT banner. I still don't like colorless units and I already have Klein and Elise though, so personally I'm going for Celica. It's up to you, though if you don't have a solid red mage or red sword the choice seems obvious.
Reminder, immediately report and ignore anyone who posts any of the following:
"m-muh favorites"posting
and finally, the worst for last
Thank you.
Report and ignore my friend. They got kicked for being retarded last time
but thats fredericks
Lyn~ Lyn~
>Fury on +Def Roy
>withstands all sorts of crazy shit
Many, why they gotta do him dirty and not give his sword Distant Counter? Seriously I'd love a DC sword that doesn't have absolute trash for resistance.
Do we know next arena season's bonus units?
>Zero Escape posting is allowed
glad you pushed ally, pal
so close /feg/
this is so dumb, I miss Ced with Forseti
No you cuck
Get off Veeky Forums Hector
>Many, why they gotta do him dirty and not give his sword Distant Counter?
DC is the most powerful melee ability in the game, they can't build it into that many weapons. There's a reason why Xander and Camus haven't had reruns yet.
I like Hana
Remember to send all of your Bercucks home. You don't need one for the inevitable rerun, because you shouldn't be letting him degrade your barracks with his trash stats. If you're using bercuck, you should immediately kill yourself to rid the world of your terrible fucking taste.
Don't bring your /pol/ shit into these threads, faggot
where is she?
He's actually my only Arena bonus unit right now. Are you mad?
+spd -hp or +atk -spd Leon?
I'm thinking the +atk one would be better for brave bow but I'm not sure
Literally who cares.
I'm not going to send him home but I'm definitely never going to use him
>American hick town politics
Literally no one cares
Which A skill? But yeah, go with +atk.
hopefully soon if the magvel banner memes come true
i'm debating whether i should roll for a spare genny in case she's staff'd
>everyone that disagrees with anything I say or stand for is a nazi
>when you have a 5% pity rate and none of the orbs have the focus color you want to roll
Build both. +spd for Slayer, +atk for Brave.
>implying he can punch me
I'll just teleport behind him
Americans should die anyway, they have such shit taste in characters and FE games
Why is she sad?
>Implying it's not japan that has shit taste
agreed, they're all fucking retarded
Myrrh when?
>an entire group should die because they have different taste than games than I do
Why do they let retards like this near a computer?
What does /feg/ think about fast units?
t. guy who's probably unironically called women feminazis
It's so strange how the irony of this is lost on so many people
Valter will be trash and a waste of 20000 feathers.
You do know that they INFLATE stats in Lunatic or harder GHB, right?
Shhhhhh, don't wake Doot up
>implying I was going to use him anyway
Is a neutral Fae worth promoting? I could use another Reinhardt counter.
That's a fine point but his weapon has 1-2 range in FE6. Him and Zephiel got boned for no reason.
>Nihonjin actually believe this
I want to step on Doot!
*smells her feet*
Watch me sluice right in.
Out of my way, I'm gay
Shut up nazis
I'll keep both then, one for standard brave bow user and one for a more creative slaying bow build, thanks anons
what about the ones that are literally self-proclaimed neo-Nazis?
you mean stahl's
Why would anyone field a non-cav?
Gotta go fast.
>not wanting the first non-nuFE character in months
That is Undertale tier smol.
He lost it for the sake of Ryoma I guess. They've been very stingy with those weapons for balance reasons
She had to double-kill her dad
This forced meme was never funny
Unless you have a Doot, YTiki and Ninian or a Nowi with Fortify Dragons, no.
Fae is good for regular arena only really. You might as well just wait for her to appear on banner again than waste your feathers.
Tell me about Doot, why does she wear the turtleneck
Lucky for you I'm a laguz lover
Im suprised this team works and its fun
I even trained up both Berkuts up that way up to 40 along with SP skills and sending him into fights makes him look actually passable but its only because of the bonus unit buff. Even trained up my 2nd Genny all the way up until 40 that way along with the other two misfits with shit IVs.
"Any community that gets off on ironic shitposting will eventually be flooded by retards who think they are in good company" - Benjamin Franklin
>these past 2 threads
Yes but you need lightning breath+
Elise, come here for a moment.
What ever happened to VenomRoy?
Why was Morva such a mook
worst legendary hero ever
Don't listen to this fucking retard: She's fine as long as you have lightning breath
he finally fucking killed him self thank god
Does her boyfriend have a smol yet?
What happened, why a nazi smol
I've only been looking for Velouria's and maybe FE conversation, not sure what's been going down.
This, "smol"shit is LITERALLY /r/eddit-tier. I honestly get this urge to brutally murder anyone who posts them, it was already bad enough with Nino.
All smolposters need to be put to death immediately.
camilla would be the perfect big sis for nino