>retarded roasties edition
Veeky Forums cringe thread
Then why not replace it yourself?
Well, maybe learn to put the battery in the correct way in then, op.
>cringe thread
>phone posting
you win OP.
You can't put a battery backwards, that's what makes the "car guru" cunt on the OP cringy.
What is upside down?
You would instantly realise it was upside down because acid would leak out
Idunno about "instantly". Some kids gotta hold their hand on the stove for a long time before it clicks that, well fuck, this isn't a good thing to be doing.
>me: *without missing a beat*
this shit 100% didnt happen
>man say bad ting
>girl say gud tjhnig
>then every1 clapped
Are you fucking retarded? The terminals basically have to be oriented just one way for most cars - there's not enough slack to pull the cabling all the way to the other side.
And even if you could actually do that, why the fuck would you?
you can though. terminals end up reversed and in wrong locations
Why didn't she just put the battery in herself?
This. I've also seen battery brackets designed to only allow one particular orientation. It is entirely possible the OP image isn't bullshit. I wouldn't put money on it, but I wouldn't get against it either.
And either way, this isn't funny or cringey enough to warrant a thread.
Because empowerement and YAS QUEEN.
Because "Lol I put my battery in my car" is not impressive in any way shape or form, but is.
i don't think it would fit
that man? Albert Einstein
so is anyone gonna post another roastie
thot status: patrolled
>rape civil case coming in 3....2.....1.....
Why do burgers call everyone sir?
>Formality and respect, even to a car maintenance guy is a strange behavior exhibited by Americans
No criminal charges though, because those need evidence.
>Be me
>In middle school, don't even like cars yet
>Autist in my class named Brian
>High level sperg, interrupts all the time and is a general annoyance everyday in class
>Constantly talks about how when hes done with school hes going to drive high end cars
>Maseratis are his favorite
>Spends almost all his time in class on one of the two computers watching car crash compilations on youtube
>One day, our teacher says that we can work on our writing projects on the class computers once we finish what we were doing in class.
>Finish work early, notice one computer is taken up by a qt, the other by Brian.
>walk up to him and politely asked to use the computer for my project
>"no, im using it, go away"
>alrighty then, lets try this again
>"I'm nearly done my project, I'll only need the computer for 15 minutes"
>"Im busy with it, fuck off"
>teacher didnt even notice
>not wanting to look like a bitch I said, "your stupid car videos can wait, Brian"
>"Im going to run you over"
Im going to make an insert here, just so my reaction doesnt seem really overreactive, almost everyone in the class was genuinely nice, but most had some degree of beef with this guy, we were about 2 months from finishing the year and there was a general doneness with his shit.
>I snap back at him "I would feel threatened, but they dont give out licences to retards"
>everyone who overheard goes dead quiet
>teacher still hasn't taken notice.
>Brian looks up at me with an look of unprecendented rage mixed with "shit myself on the bus"
>runs out of the classroom
>yes please haha green
Yes you can, have you never tried to replace a battery before?
My ex girlfriend said I needed a better hobby than hording bmw parts and going to scrap yards to pick up "useless" pieces of cars. Said I needed a hobby that paid and that I should have been working more than 40 hours a week to support us and a future family and that stupid bmw parts dont go for alot of money. She ended up breaking up with me and I just purchased a brand new 2 car garage (its deeper so it can fit mybe 2 normie cars and maybe 2 small ones) 3 bedroom. LOL AHAHHAHA guess much those parts contributed.
>Teacher finally looks up from his desk as sperg sprints down the hallway
>gets up with a long sigh (hes has do chase him down about 8 times in the last month)
>teacher finally returns after about 15 minutes and taps me on the shoulder really lowkey to follow him out into the hallway
>"user, I know how hard its been on the class having Brian with us for the past year, but you really cant just say the r-word to him like that"
>"yes mr. W"
>"alrighty then, now get back into class and finish your work, Im going to go get some papers from the office"
>I stood there for a moment in amazement of how i didn't get suspended
>mfw I got away with calling a mentally disbled kid a retard because the teacher was done with his shit
ff 8 years and I still talk with that teacher, he keeps a black foxbody on the road in great condition.
>things that didn't happen
it probably did put she left out the part where he mansplained that the terminals on the new battery were mounted differently than the her old one and had to orient the batt differently. Thankfully the batt a cables have some slack and mounted just fine.
social interaction beats work
This. Going to Autozone for anything at all is usually a bad idea, let alone having one of the chimps do an installation.
But he wouldn't be "struggling" to put it in if it were backwards, the fucking profiule of the battery is going to be the same whether you put it in one way or the other. It's just the terminals that will be switched left and right. The bottom of the battery is still the same fuckin shape and size, it's not like the battery tray is a specific shape. That's how we know OP's post is fucking bullshit.
*desire to racemix intensifies*
What are you, fucking stupid? On pretty much any car you must put the battery the correct way in so that the clamps can actually reach the correct pole
I need two batteries where the poles are in opposite positions. Get two of the same and I'll end up with just one battery fitting. Do you comprehend?
it would still fit on the tray and the clamp would go over it just fine
no one would be "struggling" to install the battery because it was in backwards, they'd just have trouble making the cables reach
at which point they'd flip the battery around, effortlessly
OP's post is feminist shitposting designed to rile up MGTOW brainlets and provoke an endless hurrah of YEAH YOU GO GIRL from tumblrites
Here's a pic to help you stay on the straight and narrow.
Do batteries really leak out when upside down ?
Well it would've helped immensely if he hadn't picked an ugly black woman.
>implying you wouldn't make underprivileged babies with this girl
The OP post itself, if factual, could also be simply the associate struggling to drop it in to a tighter spot due to how heavy they are and the little surface to grab, or it could be him struggling to make the cables reach. I've seen folks seriously not realising why the cables won't reach the designated poles, needing to have it explained
Did Brian ever got a license?
I suspect a fake.
Depends on the type of battery, but non sealed lead acid ones leak.
>and then everyone clapped!
Are you alright ? Your post was written really oddly, are you some sort of maniac who sells bmw parts he finds in scrapyards ?
>implying criminal rape charges need any """evidence""" beyond the woman saying "he raped me"
the standard of proof might be higher for a CONVICTION, but simply arresting someone on those grounds and throwing them into jail (where they are likely going to be fag-raped) while they await trial is entirely legal
genes flushed down the toilet
>non sealed lead acid ones
Ah maybe they don't sell those kind around me, thanks for the info.
do you really have to derail every thread into /pol/cuckoldry or /r9k/bawling ? Just open a new tab with the other board, ffs.
lol triggered
They are the ones most used in cars.
>if you call out retards shitting up an already retarded thread you're triggered
>if you're pissed off at my chimping out, then that makes me right
>one of the chimps do an installation
My old Land Rover started beautifully, drove to the fuel station, I fuelled her up.
>wouldn’t start again
Asked if a mechanic could come take a look to help me get it moving since I’ve only had it a short while and I’m still a noob at mechanics. I had already ruled out a battery failure since I went to jump it with my jump pack.
>sorry mate, don’t know how to fix this old school stuff. I can jump it though
Told him I had tried.
>I’ll give it a go anyway
Mention it’s a negative earth with the positive having a black cable instead of negative
>he ignores me and puts the cables on wrong
>massive shower of sparks
>he just helped me push it out of the way
I mean, it’s a glorified tractor. A “certified mechanic” should be able to help.
I got it going by using the crank handle. It almost turned over. So I hopped in and started rocking back and forth turning the ignition. Fired up.
I just can’t handle the massive thighs. I like a bit of shape but these women have arses and thighs like balloons.
I briefly dated a half white half black girl. She looked physically white with just darker skin. Hot as fuck. It can go either way though.
These are the same as the “my 7 year old said *insert smart ass comment about trump*” posts on twitter back during the elections
lol double triggered
>one post
wew lad, take your meds
No its just that English isn't my first language.
How is she filing her nails with gloves on?