Holy crap!
Here's a photo of a Tesla Model S and the car that rear-ended it.
Holy crap!
Here's a photo of a Tesla Model S and the car that rear-ended it.
heres a picture of me giving a shit
Here's a photo of James May instead.
Here's a photo of mai waifu
I really do like this picture.
Is your name short for "Justin this board to shill for Tesla?"
Awesome viral marketing Elon but maybe lurk more before making an ass of yourself.
Here's a picture of an objectively better car than a tesla
this but with 's text
Wouldn't that be super shit for the telsa. No crumple means all the force gets transferred to the driver.
yeah lmao the retard tried to shill and ended up btfoing himself
Some bitch in a Rav 4 pulled out in front of a 325 a year back next door, bent the steering and part of the subframe and I think cracked the xfer box. Beamer was a complete frontal write-off.
Everyone went to check the beamer dude out first but he was fine and already calling the cops, driver of Rav 4 had 2 broken wrists, and possible collarbone, passenger had concussion and almost lost consciousness.
I'd take the totaled car anytime, but I imagine with the advent of high density batteries, there can only be so much crumple around them. They'd go off like a bomb.
my 90s corolla did the same thing, some dumb bitch in a crv read ended me hard, her hood was all fucked but there wasn't a fuckin scratch on mine
>and then it turns out the frame of the Tesla is actually bent which makes it still a total loss
I've seen dozens of scenarios like this where the car that got it in the ass looked seemingly fine but the frame was a bit bent underneath which in some cases even really fucked with the driving.
Fuckin weird. I used to drive an 86 Accord and t-boned a dumb bitch in a 90s corolla who pulled out of a driveway right in front of me while I was going the speed limit, and I got a dent in my hood while her whole front end was practically ripped off. Wound up fucking her a couple days afterwards.
Doesn't that mean the Tesla driver got turned into fucking jelly by the forces from the other car?
Tesla don't have crumple zones?
how is that even allowed?
your body is not the crumple zone, talk about whiplash.
Happened to my towncar. Fell off the side of the road like a dummy. Tore up some rims and tires. Repaired all of that.
Bent frame wouldnt align.
Straight axle in back bent upwards from the crash too.
Tesla’s are heavy. The other car looks like a shitbox.
It’s not really so much about the Tesla not having crumple zones
He had his towbar on lol
Plus when you are braking heavily you expose the tougher underside of your cars rear to the softer crumple zone of the car braking behind.
Bonnets are nothing, they’re not designed to transfer crash forces to where they’re supposed to go. They just crumple easily as fuck. Same win the plastic bumpers and radiator. It’s all the other beams inside that are designed to take a solid hit and transfer the forces along the car
Maybe, but it looks like it got all transferred to the car behind it. :)
That's okay, because the rear could still protect the rear facing child seats.
It has to be reinforced for the rear facing child seats. The Model S without them has no such structural reinforcements.
I think they were okay because Musk tweeted about the crash.
Yeah, that's a factor in why Teslas are so safe. They weigh as much as full size pickup trucks.
That is nothing special. The front of cars is designed to absorb as much energy as possible.
If the Tesla rear ended a car it would look similar.
Happened to me on front impact.
I realised it two weeks later.
this is bait
Holy Crap!