/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General

Slow Internet Edition
Previous Thread: >Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.43.05

>Official forums:

>Find a bug? Don't tell us! Tell Toady! Complaining in the thread will accomplish nothing.

>Have a question? Check the wiki first:

>Fireden archived threads:
boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/Dwarf Fortress/

>Dwarf Therapist (Standalone is out of date, use Starter Pack for 43.05):


>Starter Pack:

>More DF stuff:
Modanon's Mods: dffd.bay12games.com/who.php?id=3558

>Dwarf Fortress General IRC chat:
(to connect yourself: webchat.freenode.net #dwarffortress)

>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

>Video tutorials:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66 (Dated, but good)

>Text tutorials:

>This pasta:

Strike the earth!

Other urls found in this thread:


First for halberds


Third for spishab.

Why don't you go ahead and start counting to the bump limit again? If you start now you might be able to make another thread tonight. Faggot.

I'm a different guy.

Why do my indoor wood stockpiles never fill up but my outdoor ones do almost instantly?

Works well against both armored and unarmored opponents, and with animals+beasts too.
Need to get through armor? Stabs have better penetration. Need to hack off limbs? Use the axe part!
Having trouble with a big old beastie, well, just stab it in the upper body, and with the penetration, pierce its heart!
Sadly, it isn't available to dwarves, yet it seems to be just the things dwarves would invent.

Oh. Well that guy knows who he is. And he's a faggot. Sorry you got caught in the crossfire, you did a good job I guess.

You can sometimes rarely get dwarves with a preference for foreign weapons, and Weaponsmiths in strange moods will make their preferred weapon.
Meaning you could if you're lucky get an artifict adamantine halberd without cheating

Doesn't matter unless you mod dwarves to be larger or halberds to be smaller. In which case you may as well just mod them to be native.

Right, the multigrasp size threshold bug
Toady can't keep getting away with this!

Making it smaller doesn't change the way it behaves in combat too much, does it? I know there's no reach but weight matters. I'll do a quick test I guess...

You don't actually have to make it smaller, I misspoke. Every weapon has a minsize tag that only looks at the raw-defined racial average to determine if a creature in fort mode can equip it, so it bars all dwarves whether they're big enough or not. That's what you would need to reduce, not its material size. Although reducing the latter will also reduce the weight of the weapon, and therefore the momentum it has in the damage calculation.

Wait no I'm retarded, you just change the minimum size to wield it, not the size of the weapon itself.


reposting for art-user

Probably for the best that you didn't get a chance to reunite them.

Is that a crowd of rescued children attacking their happy relatives because of their affiliation to the goblin civ?

And now none of them are being filled. There are a half dozen idle haulers, hundreds of logs on the ground outside, and my legendary carpenter has to walk halfway across the map to get his own logs.

So, will the update be released before the nuclear war starts?


What causes an entire population to suddenly go rogue like this? Was it a race war?

On another note, this sudden betrayal has completely gutted the one kingdom that could have stood a chance against the goblins, so good fucking job you dumb dorfs.

Could be wrong but I think it represents refugee groups that settle in other towns that way. Have there been any major wars in Dwarven territory lately that caused a lot of settlements to get destroyed?

so i want to make a world thats as player-created as possible, basically a kind of scenario where the dwarves "land" on a planet that has a bunch of inhospitable shit like necro towers and goblins (no humans, elves, etc). is it possible for an embark i make myself to evolve into a civ that is able to send caravans and shit to later embarks in the base game, or would that require a bunch of modding and shit?

In the 700s the entire civilization of the dwarves was destroyed. The ones in the human city are the only dwarfs that remain. They weren't outcasts a few years ago though, they were listed as normal citizens. In addition, the city no longer appears to be attached to its founding kingdom.

nibba that's basically what the least few updates made possible

start with a dead civ
start a fort. bam, the civ is back
now if you retire and start another fort, migrants will come from that first fort (other than the hard-coded dorfs you get in the first year

Basically it's the relatives attacking their kids while running up to hug them and saying "child, is it you?"

Sort of. You can mod some civs to have 0 maximum sites and/or set a really low total civ count, then start playing at year 1. But you can't embark with a civ that doesn't already exist, so there will have to be at least one already existing dwarven site. Also, you won't get any necro towers without dwarf and human civs and some history, and the more civs and more history you have the more necro towers you'll get. Instead you may just want to have a shitton of evil biomes. Savagery doesn't really matter much, every evil biome has the same chance for evil weather and reanimation, but there are a few evil creatures that savagery-dependent as well. Ogres, harpies, and blendecs all come to mind, but there are probably others.

Simply fabulous

Forgot this other one.

Bumping because I needed to see the numbers on this real quick.

(Previous: )

How the fuck? That'd probably melt my computer.

Sometimes I think my dwarves are just horsing around when they go into battle. Like they have no respect for their enemies and just want to see what kinds of drunken shenanigans they can get away with.


The champ is probably the strongest dwarf in the fort, and could kill any of these gobs in a single swing with her adamantine great axe. She's done it with an FB before, chopped it right in half. But instead she's just walking back and forth down the line taking hands and feet off. I know it's rng, but it makes them seem like psychopaths.

close one

7th gen pentium+ddr4 ram ftw.



Nicely done.


if I play rimworld first would it make it easier to learn this game?


Well done lad, I cry everytim

The hardest part of DF to learn is the interface. Playing rimworld is unlikely to help with that. Unless its interface is identical, which I doubt. I dunno, I've never tried it.


Good job, though now I'm reading Lani's words in the voice of Mr. Magoo.

Did anyone hear about Em Hatedrasp?

Is there an utility that can show the relationships between your citizens? All the migrants are always part of someone family and I want to see it easily

Also ever since my civ is at war with some elves, all the newest migrants have some combat skills, a few elf/animal kills, and some +elf nail crown+, cool.



Is there a way to set up a specific order of actions or so I have to sit here and babysit each step of every industry?


these are nice.

Dag yo, I think bromigo just got complemented by ninedots.

A manager? j-m-q

Did you check your [o]rders screen?
Also make you didn't accidentally set a weird burrow or something.


>accidental cave-in
>its the top of the noble tower, I forgot I mined on the top z-level
>punch through and completely destroy 5 levels of masterwork furnitures and engravings
Oops. At least none of the miners were hurt.

The middle of my tavern collapsed yesterday because I wasn't thinking when I deconstructed floors to put in walls upstairs. Some guests, a diplomat, and a legendary clothier were killed. I wish you could just build walls on constructed floors.

>I wish you could just build walls on constructed floors.
or maybe just plan ahead when constructing the floors in the first place? if you have to deconstruct, just make sure that things aren't floating in the air.

Is there something like LegendsViewer for Linux?

He received a compliment, also.

Hah, was reading a sci-fi story and flipping over here now and then, they were talking about whether their suit had a full complement of ammo and fuel and I didn't pay attention when I typed, fucking fingerbastards.

is there no way to cross a sea?

Build a bridge.


if it doesn't freeze, you can cross it by swimming. it will take a while though, since handling all the water will make the game run slow as fuck.

So, there is a baby that came with a migrant wave, but his parents were not carrying him for some reason. Now I noticed him because someone was bringing him food, but how do I get his parents to generate the job to pick him up?

they won't. separated parents and babbies can never be re-attached. just wait until he turns one and it won't matter anymore.

>sixth fortress
>finally get the game down
>building a well

What the fuck

Build statues around your fortress and build a moat, wall and drawbridge. Werebeasts are buildingdestroyers and can't stop themselves from pushing over statues. So if you get the notification that one of your statues has mysteriously been toppled, you want to pull up that bridge and get your army to the gates in case that fucker somehow made it in anyway.
Also think about putting some guard dogs outside of your gate. They will detect the sneaking intruder and might stall them long enough for you to get that bridge up.
It also seems like none of your dwarfes really put up much of a fight. Have you even had an army?
Were beasts are one of the most dangerous threats there are for a young castle. I don't even know how you build 5 fortresses without getting absolutely wrecked by one at least twice...

They were busy training beside the entrance. By the time they got to the beast they just joined in and started mauling the rest of my fortress.

In my next fort I am going to focus more in getting them armored up, and splitting them into 3 squads to guard the door.

Just fired DF up after 8 years. god i hope its progressed a little

Im sorry

>herbalist breaks both of her fucking arms somehow
>has an infant
>cannot pick up baby because arms are broken

Someone is about to have an unfortunate accident.

Forgot pic

>ooga booga kill all injured dwarves instead of setting up a hospital xDDD
>being evil is dorfy xDDD

What do you expect from people playing a commiecave ,micro manage simulator

>playing df means ur random and CRAYZEE
if you know how to play the game, there's literally no excuse to treat dorfs badly.

judging by their lacking knowledge, I assume that most of these people are newfags trying to push the bay12 tier "being edgy is dorfy xDD" meme.

A bit of reason and actually caring for your dwarves, for starters

That's been a meme for years and years, even on Veeky Forums. You're simply getting tired of it while they are not.

How do i force my workaholic dorfs to start working 7,5 hours a day and not work till you drop slave labor?

I dont know except doing it manually
I wish you could the same that you can with military schedules

That would be cool and a nice feature to experiment with moods and such with

2/10 comic would not recommend
fixed typos. not that it really matters. no one even noticed.

thanks anons

Would you rather have a unlimited well of water or ocean of rum infested with the most bloodthirstiest dwarf pirates ever to sail.

The ocean of rum.

I'll just wall off the pirates

What if they are birdmen pirates?

Just build a roof

Rum, the pirates only add to the !!fun!!

Here's some OC I found on an old hdd, made this a handful of years back. Anyone remember some of these old fucks like monk12 or old greg?

>hit someone in the finger
>break hand and elbow

Can someone give me a run down on why everyone hates this guy? From what I've heard so far, some anons think he's an SJW because he doesn't want toady to implement rape or something like that.

Can someone give me the full story?

Putnam? I always hated him for ripping off everyone elses mods. He was a real dick to the modding community, I skyped him once or twice but he was just a cuck who stole others work.

>ripping off everyone elses mods
What? I've never heard this before. What did he steal? You sure you're not confusing him with meph?

Oh yeah shit my bad I meant meph not putnam. Putnam was just a b12 meme as far as I remember

Whats differences are there when doing a human fort?
Can they make and do different stuff or is basically the same