Recently I was doing some mechanical stuff in a workshop and all the tools there were in imperial system...

Recently I was doing some mechanical stuff in a workshop and all the tools there were in imperial system, and I was baffled by how autistically over complicated they were, it was like I was trying to use the 17/8'' tool and it didn't fit so I had to go for a slight bigger one and the options were the 35/13'', 23/13'' or the 63/39''

Wtf, you brits and mutts should either go full autism and write it in form of square roots, cubic functions and derivatives, or accept this sucks and use progressive numbers, you know, like 10mm -> 11mm -> 12mm

fuck you, with no mean disrespect

learn your fractions, they dont often go below 1/16th divisions. Fractions of an inch, used long before metric was a thing.

bit bigger than 5/8ths? add a 1/16th.
1/16th + 10/16th = 11/16th. If you have to ask how i got 10/16th, then you REALLY should go back to school.

I know how it works, but why tho? there's no need to over complicate thing that can be so simple

Considering you're limited to a system that's doesn't offer same progressive scalability as in ...milliliter

way to miss the point faggot

Is this bait? WTF is a 17/8"?
You mean a 1 and 7/8" wrench, right?

imperial doesn't scale well

A poor craftsman blames his tools

.308 winchester is actually 0.3". 7.62x51 is also the same, odd you'd pick equivalent cartridges for your comparison Also, a 0.5 inch tool is a 1/2' tool. You're acting like commonly used tool fractions dont equate to clean percentage number
People dont like change, that was kind of the point. Fractional tools were around long before either of us were born, people were using them long before the metric system was introduced. And guess what, people dont like change, thats why fractional tools are still around.

Yeah, i find them to be a pain in the ass, but you either figure it out or you dont and struggle.

1-7/8th is a thing, it'd be 1.875" in diameter. pic related

brits cant into fucking math

>hurr durrr grab me the 17/8 wrench m8

fucking retards

yes, i messed up with the 7.62 because I didn't realize it was a european cartridge already in millimeters (i'm not into guns as you might have noticed).
but my point still on, it would be easier to write .625 than 5/8, or .688 instead of 11/16. the progression would be simpler

>or accept this sucks and use progressive numbers, you know, like 10mm -> 11mm -> 12mm
'murican here

almost all cars use metric, common fasteners are 7-14mm. SAE standard bolts are becoming almost unused, except in certain applications such as drain plug bolts and lug nuts

fractional tools just sit in the box. i think its a scam to get techs to buy more tools

Common denominators really aren't that hard, OP. Sure metric is simpler and makes more sense, but standard isn't that much harder.

because Three 'O' Eight sounds nice to say

and Thirty-ot-six, four fifty four etc

Read my post again, i agree with you. I was born and raised on both systems. Metric is easier to follow and mentally its easy to figure out tools "13mm almost fits, try a 14mm" rather than "1/2" almost fits, fuck what comes after that?"
Nip cars are almost exclusively 8,10,12,14, and 17mm. Finding anything inbetween is SUPER uncommon. Larger than 17mm can be varied, like 19/20/21/22mm and shit like that.


ought, as in nought


This is why the United States of America is the most powerful nation in the world.
Simple babby base-10 measurements have weakened your mind and spirit. Would centifeet or milliyards be easier for you to recognize? When are you going to come up with a new measurement for time so you don't have to use 60x60x24x365.25?

All of my vehicles have been Japanese so it's just metric stuff for me.

Metric is literally, objectively superior for 99% of tasks. About the only things we find it more convenient for are weight (lbs are easier to conceptualize), and height (feet and inches, again easier to visualize).

Miles, yards, inches for dimensions, etc. are fucking stupid. Americans just keep using them because they're difficult niggers who like to be difficult. Like the British with their faggoty "stone" and "pounds" and "Queen".

That meme you posted is actually plausible.
Al Qaeda is known to be quite active in Southeast Asia.

And America has deployed Arkansas whitebois to fight them, I'm sure.


The only truly plausible thing in that image is the severity of that gunt.

>And America has deployed Arkansas whitebois to fight them, I'm sure.
The Drug Enforcement Administration performs drug raids all over SEA. There's permanent DEA offices in pretty much every country in SEA. It wouldn't be unreasonable to say that the DEA has shot at Al Qaeda in Vietnam, seeing how Al Qaeda earns most of its non-Saudi money from trafficking drugs.

Feel free to delete your image and thank Americans for keeping you safe.

Her son wouldn't be allowed to disclose such details to her, especially if she's going around announcing it via Hoveround.