Have you ever have someone take a pic of your car??
Have you ever have someone take a pic of your car??
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Yeah I went to a friends birthday party at the beach and a group of youngsters took turns sitting on my hood taking pictures.
Hey I remember you
Did you fuck em?
Hello there
Nope, they were a good 50 yards out and it was all loose sand, didn't feel like sprinting like a jackass over to them.
Yeah, the guy who crashed into me.
Yes I have.
one time i was in my car about to leave frys and some asian guy was recording or taking a picture of my car
kinda weird since it's not that rare or anything (mr2 spyder)
which frys you bitch im gonna kick your ass
Yes. Quite a lot.
Somewhat frequently.
LOL Veeky Forums on left, normies on right
My car was featured in a fan video at a cars & coffee which is pretty cool. Webm is too big to upload though.
From time to time people will recognize the SVX and take a pic. And in traffic some times people snap a quick pic of my Buicks license plate.
No and I like it that way. Attract minimal attention
a passenger in a car behind me did last week
but he may have been calling the police
All the time.
27:50~ the red mustang is mine. The grabber blue, dark silver, and dark blue ones are my uncle, cousin, and friend respectively.
Yes, twice.
First time I had a blue miata with Eva's worst girl on the hood, a friend messaged me a link to a dudes facebook and he actually posed next to it and made it his profile pic.
Second time some hipsters from down the ally took a pic with my camaro for an album cover or some shit.
My friends bra gets its picture taken all the time because he's got a rocketbunny v2 body kit and bags
Is that Navigator and Escalade buttfucking?
do you know the name of the band?
Some faggot took a picture of my car, posted it up on Facebook for sale. How do I know this?
I'm rolling into Walmart, some boomber honks at me and motions, then rolls down his window. I do the same, and asks me if I'm the Wrangler on Facebook. I say no, then he hands me a printed status of some random dude saying he's selling a Jeep Wrangler, with a picture of my car. I tell him I have no idea about that post.
Went home, told my brother about it because he has a Facebook and I don't, and I messaged the guy with my brother's account that I was interested in buying the car. Faggot immediately responds and says sure I'll tell you when we can meet. I drive to Walmart with my bro, then park Jeep in the usual spot. Guy from Facebook messages us 30 minutes later while we're in the store saying he's ready to deal whenever we are. Walk to the other end of the lot where I parked, faggot shows up in some ratty ass Saturn and comes over to us. We shake hands, go through the usual spiel. I ask him how much he wants for it and says $6k. Ask to see the title, and he's all "Uhh, well, I don't really have it. It's my ex's car and she's kinda crazy and I bought the car for her you can look up the VIN I'm legit." I then pull the title out of my pocket and look at it, having planned this. "Weird, this has my name on it." Faggot got out of there faster than a deer in season.
I'm sure he's not gonna pull this shit on me again, but now I'm absolutely paranoid about people taking pictures of my car when I'm not at the drive-in or w/e.
All the time because it is one semon demon
I took my E30 in for a new set of tires right after I bought it because the old ones were dry rotting, and through the window I saw 2 of the service techs take pictures with it. Felt neat.
Took a picture of a DeLorean that I saw in the wild a couple weeks ago. Only one I've seen in the flesh. Also took a picture of a CRX because I thought they were imaginary until I saw one.
I like your R32
I take pictures of peoples cars all the time. It’s the law here in Massachusetts. We also send video recordings of them to the state RMV
what was going to be the next part of his plan, assuming someone wanted to buy it? take the money and then break the windows to get in?
I have a soft top. Assuming this guy wasn't a complete retard, he would just unzip one of the windows, crawl in, and unlock it from the inside.
As for starting the car/etc, I dunno. I never said this guy was a genius.
nice garage
How the fuck did you get a burger plate, and more importantly how do I get one?
No, but people have taken pics of my car to post on facebook car spotting pages.
yeah but my car is super cool
shoulda shot him on the spot.
No one would take a pic of my shitty HHR, but I got a random pic of a modded NA Miata in the middle of a midwestern winter. I wanted to talk to the dude who probably owned it but I wasn't gonna freeze my ass off waiting.
They're sharing a double ended trailer hitch
The only other /org/-guy & fellow norwegian hunted my Hilux down like the perv he is and took lewd photographs of it
Damn, do you think that's a K8 he swapped in there?
Yeah some guy pulled out his phone and pointed it at my car while i was driving through a roundabout, he then gave me a thumbs up, i can only assume he took a photo, he seemed happy about it
this picture is why i dont go to car meets.
Some pole smoker driving an Escalade took a picture of my car at the stoplight after he almost T-boned me.
tfw we live in the same small town.
Justice will be served cold.
>having lunch at the beach
>just about finished
>see three women hanging around my bike
>one of them looked like they were taking a picture of the other in front of it
>finish up and mosey over
>"Hello, can I help you?
>"Oh, was just admiring your bike"
>"Ah no worries"
>she's taking more pics of her friend
>"You can sit on it if you want"
>"Oh really? Thank you" etc
>turns out they were taking the pictures for the lady's Facebook page
>"Love the colour"
>"Cheers, it's great isn't it"
>lime green
>"If I had've known this was gonna happen I would have washed it (front was plastered in bugs)
>"hehe nah it's all good"
>they finish up, say thanks and head off
Lime green is a lovely colour desu.
Yeah, lots.
Not mine, but same model/year/color.
if you own a sick truck or station wagon i have taken a picture of your car
Yeah after they crashed into it while it was parked.
If youre from Texas you can get one. Plus a free $100 gift card to Mighty Fine Burgers in Austin
And thank you sir.
Yeah when I was at vatozone one time some guy about my age with neck tattoos and piercings asked if he could take pictures of my STI. He drove a fairly old but still cool riced out bugeye Impreza.
some old jappo dudes took a picture of my ND a while back when I first got it.
Sadly no women have taken pictures of it yet.
I've seen pictures of myself driving it on local FB groups. Shit's weird. Guy in a Tacoma almost killed himself trying to take a picture on the freeway while honking to get my attention. Gas stations and O'reillys were frequent picture request spots too.
a few people but always someone who drives something similar and i assume it is because they like the colour which is what people always comment on.
Yep, but 99% of the time it's by teenage males. I've had people stare and take pictures of my parked car while I'm still sitting inside, kinda weird.
I've had people record my exhaust note on their shitty phone mic. Is that close?
Yea some dude was at BMW dealer waiting to see Finland first F10 M5 when i pick it up back in 2010
He took some pictures, thank me and drove away in 2000 M5
mostly my truck, people come up asking for a picture of it. my car the odd time too
i drove my car to the USA once and surprisingly nobody asked for a picture etc
I had a folder of pictures I've found of my cars that other people took then posted online on my old laptop but it's gone, a bunch of spotted posts, and some random ones with me staring into the camera.
I always wonder/want to see the pics that some people take that I never see. Like this creepshot I never talked to the group of people or saw whatever pics they took
Less people know what my AE86 is so don't have as many spotted pics, but still have a few
That gookshit literally looks like some rental pos.
Maybe they're actually taking pictures of you... Watch your back dude
always funny when people say stuff like this thinking my S13 is clean when it's been crashed and borderline totaled like 10 times.
Always had interest at car meets in my old Bolbo. Lots of older guys would approach me at gas stations and car washes and strike up conversations about how they used to have one, etc.
Every fucking day. Sometimes multiple times a day. Had some fat cart pusher at walmart record me the whole time i left and drove down the street. I swear this turns more heads than a ferrari would.
Every ride i make......
I was at a dealership up in Denver, and the showroom has a collection of Subarus that the owner collects, not for sale of course. an 88 GL wagon with 14k and an SVX with about the same. Was like a time machine...
>that plate
cringy as fuck
At least a few times a month. Plus there's a pretty big "car club" Facebook page for my state, with like 80k members. They do this "spotted" meme when they see the club sticker. So I usually see my car on that page a few times a month as well
>cringey as fuck
According to you
according to every european and other people with functioning brain.
some teens who had never seen a Golf Country thought i had converted a mkII golf myself
>rolled it in 2011, was dead broke so no way to repair
>sold it to a guy who was gonna restore it
>see it every now and then in tiptop shape
good feels all around
looks preddy cool
reminds me of an eagle
never had anyone take a picture of my car, but i sometimes get double takes from people driving near me by those who actually know what it is
where did you get that suicide boys sticker I want it
it is incredibly similar
I have considered importing an Eagle to yurope, but it would be ridiculously expensive, so that's a plan for retirement in a few decades
Small 4x4's are my fetish
Some asian kid at a carwash took a pic, dunno why.
>anons fantasies
Yeah, after I crashed it into the back of them and they took pics for insurance. Also both the times it broke down the guy with the flatbed took a bunch of pics I guess also for insurance purposes.
Who the fuck fantasizes about this?
dis guy has 60 of them
>car parked in driveway
>hear dogs barking at some shit, look out the front
>some guy standing in the driveway taking pics of my car with his phone
>get a really weird feeling
>wait for him to leave then move the car round the back
>30 minutes later a flatbed truck rolls along the street at walking pace then stops blocking my driveway
>sits for a few minutes then leaves
Good for you man.
>are you still in japan or did you ever make it back to SC
thats just a benefit of living in the land of the free where they can legally hold your possessions hostage for a fee
americans think this is normal
Surpisingly, yes.