Get rid of 10yrs old shitbox

>get rid of 10yrs old shitbox
>get a new car (1 yr old)
>3.5L/100km / 80MPG UK / 67MPG US @ 70mph

Why are you still keeping your old shitbox on life support, Veeky Forums?

Because my car uses more fucking washer fluid than that. I don't need to drive something that cucked. MPG's that high are just emasculating.

Because my 10year old shitbox also gets 3,5L/100km and is easier to fix.

I can afford to pay for fuel.

My 2013 cuckbox claims 52 combined MPG. I drive moderately, and I don't clear 40. If I hoon it I'm still slower than a fifteen year old Civic with a slushbox and I get sub 35, that Civic gets 30 with twice the power.

Small engines getting good economy is a colossal fucking meme because you have to cane them constantly for any semblance of power.

1.6TDI 110BHP isn't that slow, at least by European standards

>110 BHP isn't that slow
A 30 year old Civic has more power and will get 45MPG.

Motorway miles aren't the issue lad, try driving that thing around town and watch your MPG plummet far below what the manufacturer advertises because you're not a grandmother.

And mine is a 59hp 3cyl petrol, so I'm much worse off in that department.

The engine alone says nothing.
>110hp in large truck
Slow as shit.
>110 hp in Maluch
Verry fast.

seat leon

Well, that thing is heavy AND unaerodynamic.
Of course it gets bad MPG...

long story: got a personal loan against it, and owe too much to just sell it. and i need to get working again to smash loan back.

>filled up last time in november
because it doesnt matter

>MPG's that high are just emasculating.
Imagine being so fragile your masculinity is tied to your car's gas consomption.

Yup, not bad. But lets face it, you don't get 3,5l/100km in real life with that engine.

Because i like my car and there is no need to get rid of it for a car i have no desire to own

Naw. I just don't feel the need to drive a tiny, slow and useless clownbox to get that mpg.

I get 20 MPG at absolute best, but you know what else I get? Happiness.

really am not surprised

>Imagine being so fragile your masculinity is tied to your car's gas consomption
Like Opie

>buying VAG

>15 yo diesel shitbox
>3.8L/100km / 75MPG UK/ 62MPG US @ 90kph
>300€ insurance/year
>180€ tax/year
>less than 200€ maintenance a year
>paid 2k€ for it
You'll never have my glorious dieselbox

Because my car uses 5L at 80 mph, and the miniscule difference isn't worth spending thousands more on a different car.

Because when I went out with a budget for my next vehicle I realised that the $20,000 I saved on buying used and an unpopular model gets me 2 years free fuel even at 13 mpg.

That's before considering depreciation.

>many euro dollars for a new car
>mine costs 2k yearly to maintain
>marginally would save 200€ annually on gas probably
>"muh old shitbox on life support"

Even by buying an electric meme I would save 1.3k yearly, it would take me 30 years to recover the initial investment (the cheapest I can get is 30000 yuros)

Are you perhapse underaged?

A year old car isn't new. Obvious bait that I'm gonna take.

Because buying a $500 shitbox and putting $1500 into it is still cheaper than the $20,000 plus you'd have to spend on a new car. And old shitboxes can meet or beat the gas mileage of modern cars. But why the fuck do we care, it's not the fuel-starved 70s or 80s anymore gramps, gas is cheap again.

only women, faggots and poor cunts care about MPG

>having a diesel fiat but shitting on diesel vag
I lol'd

Why hate on Fiat? Unlike that meme egg heat it actually already developed and mass produced camless engines.
Are you jelly camlet?