Have you ever gotten into trouble due to your automotive escapades?
Have you ever gotten into trouble due to your automotive escapades?
Looks like it's England based on the buildings in the background, not Mexico.
yes once
99% of the time those are near misses though
Almost big time, one weekend I don't decide to hit the highway races with friends is the weekend a snitch recorded people racing. Huge bust, 3 personal friends have their cars confiscated and sold at auction out of state. One of them was his first car that he had for 15 years and fully modified.
>unironically living in a country where the police can legally auction your car without your consent
Lmao what kind of third world fascist shithole do you live in user?
Sounds like California
>uses car to pickup girls
>girl gets in car
>"user, why is the interior of a $1m car plastic?"
>"w-weight reduction"
"Same plastic they use in the space station"
yep got dragged to court for almost a year trying to clear my name due to a dumb detective overcharging me could have lost licence.
won in the end wasnt cheap
Look at the comment and the flag.
>implying a mexican doesn't lie
Also look at the wipers. Their fastening/rotational point (unless mono-wiper) is always closest to the driver, in this case showing the car is RHD.
Also, it says "I'd drive it".
Not "I drive it".
Mystery solved.
Still to stupid to read the comment.
Oh it gets better.
was all me.
I've had cops questioning me a couple of times. Every spring I take my motorcycle to an empty parking lot with some cones and do some slow maneuvers or however the fuck it is spelled to familiarize myself with riding a bike again. Every fucking year boomers living close by call the cops on me for noise and claim I do some stunts (=instantly lose your license in the dutch caliphate). I've even had the same cops as a previous year once and they said they know I'm not doing anything illegal and they think its gud I familiarize myself again but they're obligated to check it out.
I've had people in my appartment butthurt because they live at the ground floor and car alarms go off due to both my motorcycle and '99 impreza. They say I shouldn't be making noise at 20:30 because muhh kids but my latest lectures are at 20:00 because the gubment wants to move students out of peak rush hours.
My bike with stock exhaust got black flagged for noise at the nearest track, top fucking kek.
Cops questioning the loud stock exhausts of both my bike and impreza
Cops questioning whether the wing on the back is stock because it could endanger pedestrians. There's been a lawsuit recently about a guy who had a gt3 (rs?) who got a massive fine because the wing endangered pedestrians according to a cop, even though that's how it's registered. After a clusterfuck the guy eventually won.
Don't get me started about this fucking country man, I swear to god there is no other country with such draconian traffic laws as ours; the fucking united caliphate of the Netherlandistan. Oh hey, you drive 5 Km/h past the speed limit? Here have a 70 euro fine.
Woah dude, according to my 'stellar' hearing your exhaust is too loud, here have a fine and guess what, you need to get your car rechecked at the M.O.T. station, goodbye to 100 euro and a good part of your day. Don't you need to, like, measure that shit I ask. Nope, me saying it's too loud is enough. Well fuck me and fuck them.
And I'm leaving out the neighbours complaining the instant I do minor maintenance on my car, replacing the oil, pumping up my fucking tires, that kind of stuff. Which, I hear is pretty common in this place we live in.
True that bro but have you seen the local regulations of rotterdam and that area (Algemene Plaatselijke Verordening)? I live in groningen but over there the APV says it's illegal to even work on your vehicle unless it's in a closed off garage. I understand that it's to prevent achmed and mohammed from working on cars and shit without a proper company but it's fucking retarded because housing over there is expensive, especially with a garage
>boyracers have their cars confiscated and sold at auction out of state and no one bats an eye
>suggest freeing a valuable rotting car from a retarded boomer, everyone goes "muh property"
"""land of the free"""
Well you don't need to tell me the Randstad is a muslim invaded hellhole, which has more in common with Morocco than the actual Netherlands. I can understand that they forbid it in those areas.
The APV over here (Arnhem) doesn't have a clause about vehicle maintenance, as far as I know. So it seems to me it's A-okay to work on my car as long as it's on my own ground of course. I presume the laws are quite lax, for dutch terms at least, over there as well?
Just glue some cheap leather from a sofa to the plastic. The dumb bitch would never know
wew i though hamill posting was dead and gone
Yeah we have pretty much the same, it has a line of text about having to use a tarp in case an oil spill could be possible so it's nothing too bad