/twg/ - Total War General

Sunday the 13th edition

Norsca - Launch Trailer:

Old World Update:

Mini-campaigns are gone, 4 LL packs instead

Dark Elves Roster Reveal:

Total War: WARHAMMER 2 – Dark Elves In-Engine Trailer

Total War: WARHAMMER 2 - High Elves Let's Play

Total War Saga Announcement Blog

Lizardmen In-Engine Trailer:

Lizardmen Roster Reveal:

High Elf Roster Reveal:

Total War: WARHAMMER 2 – Announcement Cinematic Trailer:

>FAQs and General Info


Last thread Screenshot sharing and campaign posting encouraged!

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Finished Bordeleaux. Who shall I bully Norsca with now.

>GW being sued for $62.5 millions
Ahahaha holy shit, looking deeply into it, i never even know GW was such cancer company


lemme articulate my questions:
in the early game, who do i throw at whom in battles against the beastman as the empire?
All the infantry seems to melt. Pistoliers are fine but they're expensive

I just started my first Bretonnia campaign. Not really sure what direction I should take. Is rushing to take Marianburg a good idea?

Just... kill them. Unless they're coming at you with Minotaurs and Bestigors, they're fucking worthless.

Yes, park mr trident there when you confederate. Maybe take out the orcs first though

Who's Mr Trident?

they do have minotaurs

Announcements are always on tuesdays and thursdays. Do you really think they'll break from that for the symbolism?

Skin wolves were missing one third hp on average at the end.

Greenskins seem to be holding on a lot more efficiently. While heading to the badlands for the errantry war, I came across them still living and apparently even thriving. This was around turn 100 with no mods affecting them.

Hope they lose

Fuck it, never done this before. Rollan

who the fuck said anything about an announcement

First for best boys and girls

Alberic de Bordeleaux, LL of Bordeleaux, you will confederate with every bretonnian state soon enough, when some turns have been spent they have little to no opposition to it.
Alberic has an ability that makes ports' income greater, and marienburg's port is already the best one in the game


Well then you got real fuckin issues unless you have handgunners or artillery

GW chosen.

let's see

Skinwolves won on the charge but lose sustained.

There was a rumor going around they were going to announce Skaven on the 13th even though it was Sunday. I was assuming that was what OP meant.

Bearded Light Wizards look cool af where can I get them

Well, 13 would makes sense in relation to skaven. But being that it's also sunday makes that pretty much a load of bollocks.

Chosen were all at half hp at the end.

Pistoliers managed to annihilate them before they came in contact with the main army. Bless em, best unit.

Well at least they lose to the best fucking infantry in the game

Minos up next.

Both sides have massive impact and ragdoll each other.

Well Minotaurs have to beat them, right?

can you test swordsmen vs miners next

I was going to test these guys against ice trolls but something tells me there's no point.

if you need help testing in a controlled environment lemme know, I'll be up for a little while

Skin wolves have anti-large. Their only weakness is no anti-armor.


What the fuck. They body Minotaurs? The designated shit-fucker? What's their cost in MP again?

Why wouldn't they?

But they already bodied greatswords last thread, which have armor and armor-piercing and this was the armored version. Skinwolf weapon damage is so high they don't need AP

I'm not the mino-wanker from last thread, I'm just shocked these supposed to be flankers can go mainline better than designated mainline monsters

outriders are probably better against minotaurs fyi since they have AP damage, handgunners even more so

I'm curious how a hero only army would work. Would have to be melee heavy since you'll eventually run out of power, but throw in a dps or two, a few healers and the fighters for the rest... hmm. Maybe even supplement an elite unit or two if you can't fill to 20.

I'd wager vampires would be the best faction for that. Although I have some fond Clan Angrund memories in Belegar and the ancestors storming a wall breach themselves.

Despite the AI trying it's hardest to skew the results I manage to get a fairly even fight.

>Skinwolf weapon damage is so high they don't need AP
They really struggle versus chaos.
>I'm just shocked these supposed to be flankers
They are also anti-monster unit.

Hey would you mind just nabbing a few close up shots of fimir against greatswords or anything empire really? My computer died and I can't play to get them myself at the moment.

Because Minos are large, SWs are small.

But apparently they have the mass of a large unit. I'm seriously wondering if CA forgot to tag SWs as large.

Gelt is being a dick in the centre but as you can see from the flanks, swordsmen do beat miners.

Minos only have 35 armour.

why not use the unit generals for custom battles mod?

>Because Minos are large
Yes, and skin wolves have anti-large.
>CA forgot to tag SWs as large
But they are not large at all.

Testing user, if you wanna test with me, lemme know. I'm bored.

Keep doing god's work regardless

okay they do beat them, thank god

but still, it seems to be barely beating them, stupid dwarves

I mean, dwarves are better fighters than men, it's a fact

I was referring to the knock-down that SWs can do against Minos. Seems weird for a "small" unit to knock over a large one.

SWs are larger than a man. I know they're not as big as a mino or troll, but it seems like an easy fix for their OPness would be to tag them as large units.

Not to mention cav units count as large, and they seem on par size wise with cav


what's the absolute worse unit? Not counting weapon crews (i don't mean the least cost efficent i just mean the one with the worst stats)

Yeah, exactly.

SWs are supposed to be Norsca's cav. They're fast flankers that can eat up light cav and keep Norsca from getting skirmished into the dirt. So it doesn't make sense balance-wise for them to not be countered as cav.


On average yes, but the Empire State Troops are a bit weak for what they are. Dwarves are not such better fighters than men that their laborers turned militia should be almost as good as trained imperial soldiers.

My sources say, today we going to have news

Probably peasant mob. Goblins, ungors, and Bret spears behind that maybe.

Zombos, presumably

like even gobbos and ungors are better than them, I think

Dwarf lord solo'd out the rest of the fight. How is it that these guys always hold on after the rest of the army breaks?

Thanks for the offer but I'm only doing a few more, then back to campaign.

Zombies or Peasant Mob. Both exist to be fodder, but zombies can't rout whereas peasant mobs can. I'd say zombies are more useful to their faction than peasant mobs are to theirs.

Oh shit I forgot zombos. Hell, it actually might be Fel Bats.

Word, thanks for the tests.

Werekins are too strong, what the fuck.

>Look at chaos warriors
>Literally no effect
>Look at skinwolves
>Traits upon traits upon bonus upon whatever the fuck

How can anyone claim the power creep ain't real?


zombies are worse, imo

>Tormentor Sword
>Effect: Enemy CAN'T MOVE
omfg, what an awesome ability.

In raw stats yeah, but I've used zombies as summons to bog down the enemy at least. Can't remember the last time I willingly used peasant mob.

Zombies followed by peasant mob, although you might be able to take peasants off the field quicker.


Summons get bonus points because they're summons. If you could summon the (elector) peasants (counts) you'd use them too.

It also gives -34 melee attack to enemies. Great for ganking cav and archers. Even using it in the center is good for debuffing their main line.

Showdown of the century.

Welp. I just had Ol' Lou run from the fight. Sure he nearly died, but he basically just did the most un-chivalrous thing he could possible do. His honor will be forever tarnished now. I think I'm going to have to restart my campaign.

Pleaaaase mammoths win

So all 4 giants are identical, except Beastman giant gets the no forest penalty thing, which technically means it's superior.

What simple way could the other giants be differentiated?

Close so far.

>start a Vlad campaign
>not even 25 turns in
>the absolute fucking state of the Empire
>that chaos corruption

Is this common for other people too? Is Norsca the new Hitler faction?

Makes you wonder if it was a trial run to get used to things being in Chinese for an upcoming release that people in China would have interest in.

Terror rout.

Norsca giant gets frenzy, regeneration, physical resistance and vanguard deployment.

Looks like my game is frozen on the loading screen after the battle. I guess that fight will be non cannon

It's kinf of bullshit that i need K&W to get the Regiments of renown. How good are they?

tbqh chaos corruption has always been op. Even spamming buildings to lower it, it still goes up.

That and the Empire AI is a shittshow.

More terror rout.

Seems a bit much. Frenzy I could see, but it's not a very substantial buff for a unit like a giant.

A 1x or 2x per battle frost breath or something would be cool. Give Beastmen giants a speed buff to help them keep up with other beastmen. Give chaos giant some sort of AoE debuff, etc.

Mammoths are still reigning champions. Wherever you are mammoth user, I hope you're happy.

You cheeky cunt, i see what you did there

wait shit did I get memed on

it's almost 5 am the joke went over my head


What the fuck is this dogshit combat, faggots jumping and spinning, what the fuck

Is this what you guys play all the time? How can you stand watching this shit combat?

Yep. You've done god's work this night user.

why do people even care how combat looks when 99% of the time you're zoomed out and giving orders?

Why isn't the game remembering what mods I have selected or not anymore in the mod-manager?

For some reason they all start as un-selected every time I start the launcher.

Giants shit on them even harder than mammoths.

King and Warlord? The pack is worth it just for the new LLs and their respective campaigns. The RoR are pretty good if you enjoy the vanilla factions. If you are only worried about MP however, then I'm pretty sure the DLC is redundant since you should already have access to the RoR of all the factions you own in MP.

Rolling for CUNTS.

The prevailing theory at the moment is that folks kept spamming CA about their game not working when it was their mods fucking shit up, and so CA rushed out a hitfix to auto disable them. You'll have to re-enable them each time. Just unsub to the ones you aren't using and us the enable all button.

Ah okay, I'll do that then. Thanks for the reply to a question that's probably been asked a thousand times already user.

Ice trolls.

What's the name of it? I found one on the workshop but half of the comments say it's outdated or broken.