Veeky Forums needs IDs.
Veeky Forums needs IDs
How about optional ID's. The OP can choose whether or not they want to use them.
Why do you insist on id's? Everyone here is phoneposter, flags are the way to go dummy
This definitely. ID’s are easily beaten by airplane mode and I would like to see which country people are from, makes it easier to recognise what posters are on about
>different brands/models
>different car market
>different road rules
>different units and terminology
>different side of the road
>no more euros pretending to be American (and vice versa)
>I will know when other Kiwis are ITT (best country to be a car enthusiast)
We need flags.
Just like /sp/
go to red.dit
so we can confirm that lexus literally has a singular employee whose job is to shill here
/sp/ was ruined by flags.
>le reddit meem
>t. Third world shitholer
Why the need of IDs when we can range IP ban all the American posters?
spoken like a true red.ditor
/sp/ has improved ten fold
t. red.ditor who gets easily offended
Spoken like a true redditor
Instead of flags it should be whether you have a drivers license or not.
Imagine if users would have to log in with their bus pass instead of the Veeky Forums pass
nah, just needs flags so se can disregard ozfag and europoor shitposting
thats called a tripcode you stupid cunts
why would anyone want to use reddit?
>actually advocating tripfagging
what we need is moderation
faggots that should have been banned a long ass time ago need to be banned
>actually advocating tripfagging
>actually thinks he can read
neither moot nor hiroshima nagasaki had/has the balls to range ban. doesnt do any good to moderate if fags can just phone post.
so much butthurt itt
No. This board's users need common sense. 2/3s of Veeky Forums are so moronic they will outright jump to bait post after bait post and unironically try to argue with shitposters and as others jump in for the fun of it just spirals down to pure autism.
>hurr take anonymity away from Veeky Forums
perhaps try a different website if you can't deal
>waah I want a safe space
>anonymousity sucks they are so mean
Why not just fuck off back to plebbit?
How about, instead of flags, it just sorts you on whether you drive on the correct side of the road or on the left side?
This the prevalence of professional shitposters like soviet and kiashill is entirely the fault of other users.
that would still leave a great deal of the 3rd world on here tho
I agree wholeheartedly. Corvette vs GTR shitposters like Alphonse could be filtered immediately. Board culture, quality of posts and OC would see a dramatic upturn
I used to be a phone poster for a while but posting from my desktop is way fucking better.
>board traffic is among the lowest on the website and is almost dead
>hurrr wee neidd lezz poztarz
>tfw the generals are the only threads that hit bump limit reliably
why would you need flags? You can already tell whos an amerishart anyway
too many shills and general faggotry
fuck off skinnyfag thicc coming thru
Goddamn can he suck a dick. I want to marry his mouth.
You look like someone that frequents my uni, except that this one by doing mma has taken so much hits in his head that he close to the retardation threshold.
Moral of the story: martial arts are a brainlet sport