>new car market

How can anyone here even afford 800 dollars per month for a car?!

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by turning it into $399 a month on a 128 month term at 28% interest

They can't,They spend the rest of their lives in debt.

By working hard and staying positive bro

I earn 3 grand a month, and pay $500 for rent.

It took me 5 years of education and job experience to get here though. Take your career seriously, even if other people don't.

I could afford it But I don't because my house is paid off, and wife works, and no kids.

My dealer was sending me crap monthly on specials where Icould trade in my old car and they'd put me in a brand new one for $500/mo.

Yeah.... I'll keep driving the old one for $0/month, tnx.

>mfw 40 grand for 60 months is 700 dollars + insurance payment

How the hell can one live on a modest $2500-3000 monthly income? That's 13 to 15 an hour working 40 to 45 hours a week.

Maybe its just me but I don't think a house payment, utilities (including services like netflix), going out, buying other stuff and such related things would be feasible with that kind of income. You'd be redlined every month.

500 bucks for rent? What do you live in, a trailer?

>draw user
>eurobeat user
>4P user

where have they all gone...?

Mfw i could make you guys eurobeat if you wanted.

I do this stuff for a living.

If you work a 50 hour work week and make $15/hour, which is attainable for most Americans with some education and skill, that's $3000 a month.
Lose $600 to taxes, spend $200 on food, $900 on rent, $100 on insurance, $200 on other expenses, $100 on beer and put $100 in the bank. That leaves $800 for a car payment.

I don't think it's a very smart idea to spend that much of your paycheck on a car, and I also don't think most new car payments will be half as much as that. But it's easily possible for the average person

>500 bucks for rent? What do you live in, a trailer?

Not everyone lives in assrapehousingvania. There's plenty of places $500/mo can get you something livable.

>$200/month on food
How cheap is food in America? Jesus.

>$100 on beer

lol only 100 bucks



tfw im an alcoholic

I personally spend around 100 bucks per trip to the supermarket. Booze, decent foods.. thats about once a week or two.

I also go out to eat a lot.

God damn... I spend a lot on food.

You think you can be working 10 hours of OT a week and be paying 20% tax? Have you never worked before?

California. Condos are 1500-1700 a month.

sure, do it

make a thread to take suggestions for one track, if you want
it's what the other user did


That's pretty autistic.

I make darker stuff.

But I just bought some synth tools that sound like this, maybe I'll give it a try.

I opened logic and made this in 10 minutes.


interesting, but doesn't sound quite eurobeat-y

It's crap. I know.


OP. Youre fucking poor. Get it through your fucking head.
If you cant afford it, yet theyre selling. Youre not going to buy it. Sellers dont care about you.
The car market isnt going to build some stupid niche car for your faggot ass.
If people want to put themselves into debt you wouldnt accept. For a car.
Then thats the fucking game dude. Grow the fuck up.

Whats even funnier. Everytime one of these niche Veeky Forums cars pop up. Its either never good enough for this board or sells like shit.

you tried, that's what counts

I can, but my take home pay is $6k a month.

The short answer is don't be poor.

Maybe in Stockton. I just looked at a 225 sqft studio asking $2800/month

sounds like the Bay Area or asian landlords

Yeah Bay Area. The only good landlord I've ever had was Asian, they lived in Hong Kong and I never saw them, just sent them a check. Most landlords in the Bay are boomers that bought at the right time. I don't know if it's more ironic or sad that some of the most educated, top of their field people in the world pushing the tech envelope are struggling to pay to rent to a landlord that worked a basic labor job and bought a duplex in 1973 that is now worth 4.5 million. What can you do.

have you tried getting a job you fucking leech

>800 a month
Finance at a longer term
Don't finance with no credit, build it with cards.
>It took me 5 years of education and job experience to earn 36k/yr
Fuck dude where do you work, starbucks?

2500 a month is like a millimeter off the poverty line.

>If you work a 50 hour work week and make $15/hour, which is attainable for most Americans with some education and skill, that's $3000 a month.
You don't need much education to make 36k a year dude.

Everclear my dude, just don't die.

>What can you do
Vote their property taxes up, and vote for pols that will zone new construction.

Whatever you do, don't move to a free state and spread the cancer.

I deliver pizza and clear 4k a month

I dropped out in grade 6. Education is bullshit.

I would imagine darker stuff being more autistic


Its stuff like this.


>2out of 3 years into finance
>Get called to local stealership
>Pop in to see what they are trying to sell me
>New version of my car but slower
>twice the price
>but its a new car

36 ($200)/m no APR.


>$200 on food
Maybe if I eat spaghetti every day.
Trying to eat healthy without pcb laden food or prepare meals working overtime is not a simple task.

>be car guy
>dont mind financing your dream car on intrest
>live 2 hours from the city in a house that costs pennies on the dollar
>get to drive your car and enjoy if


Most people can't, the median household income is $45k and there are two kids. Only 3.5% of millenials have legit investments.

>$128 month
i am not sure if this is b8 or if this actually happens

Poorfags financing cars. You save up for what you want and then you pay no interest. You then drive it into the ground, cry because it feels like loosing a family member, and buy a new car with the money you saved up over the years.

Unless you're legitimately rich financing is usually just a waste of money.

Lmfao, here in Texas, 15 minutes from a major city I have a 2500 sq ft 4 bed 2.5 bath for 800/month mortgage
White neighborhood btw

If those are your earnings $800 should be about half what you are looking to pay for a car, not a monthly payment

What the fuck? I make $22.12/hr and my bi-weekly take-home ends up $1,350 from a gross of $1,800, if I stick to 40hrs strictly. Are you guys not contributing at least 5% a 401k, if not an IRA? Social Security isn't going to help us guys, you gotta start putting something away. Preferably 12-15% a month!

3000$/Month after taxation in a shithole socialist country like Canada is a lot of money.
Don't forget 40% of our hard-earned pay get taken.

Then I don't think you have any room to call other peoples music autistic

t. high schooler

Wish I had followed that advice in my earlier years. Now I only buy cheaper old cars and life is good with no monthly payments.

>you gotta start putting something away. Preferably 12-15% a month!

Best post in a bread full of poorfags. Poorfags can't into financing because you need excellent credit for it to make sense when you consider total interest paid. Poorfags also cant into $800/mo car payments, because they're fucking poor. This isn't hard to grasp.

t. 0.9% APR on a CPO.

The user you responded to will be making triple that in a couple of years
Enjoy that permanent shitbox

>tfw make less than 10 dollars an hour
>tfw spend 150 on food, 150-500 on car mods and 80 for fuel, rest is all saved up

I can survive on $200 a month. Meaning: Rent, Hot/Cold Water, Electricity, Heating, Food, Internet and occasional Go-Kart with friends. It helps a lot living in a dorm costing $40 total, but whatever.

I like new cars but I refuse to get anything for an interest rate higher than 2%, since above that you are not matching the rate of inflation.

>500 bucks for rent? What do you live in, a trailer?
I live in a 1bd/1ba apartment in the center of town for $550/mo
It's called Cost of Living, and it's low in flyover country.

>mfw living on $500

You guys complain a lot.

I fix buses and only get 2.2k a month, do you live in San Francisco or something?

>I'm too poor to save up money

I could afford it by american standards but I like having that extra flexibility in my budget to do whatever I want

Being able to afford something by American standards means you're in the hole if something expensive breaks and you're constantly budgeting the rest of the time

$2700 after taxes a month here making $20 an hour

AFTER taxes is the thing. The state takes over a grand in taxes.

>800 dollars per month for a car

Kek, who is that retarded? Getting memed into such high car payments is top notch retardation.
>inb4, i have a hight paying job that i worked for hard
Then why are you now workong hard on throwing that money away on modern numale mobiles? If i had money id rather experience better designded cars from past times.

By making actual grown up money. My car payment is $1100, but that's less than 10% of my take home pay.

>not brewing, moonshinig your own stuff
>drinking bad quality spirits
Become a sophisticated alcoholic and make better shnaps for less.

Where the fuck is this? 3000$ at 15?

I make 14$ and net 1600$ per month LUL maybe cus I'm canadian and we have high taxxes

nice meme

>How can anyone here even afford 800 dollars per month for a car?!
You don't get it financed at the dealership on their $800/mo plans. .

You go to your credit union and make an appointment with a loan counselor who explains various options and deals they can offer. You'll see that the credit union deals take big nosedives on costs when you can put $8000 down instead of $3000 down. It should be almost HALF off the total cost due to that difference. That's how powerful it is. Your dealer's plans won't be as good. If you buy GM cars, and have been using that GM credit card (buypower program), then you can slap that big discount onto your credit union plan as well.

>tfw car payment is $473
Atleast I'm not upside down on it anymore and I can start looking at trade ins

>Be Car salesman
>Customer asks what you drive
>MFW I have to tell them I own 4 15+ year old vehicles.
>Try not to blurt out how retarded I think people are for taking out massive loans on cars they really cant afford
>Close the deal