Veeky Forums was right again

>Veeky Forums was right again

Those reddit fags got GOOKED

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Are you Lebanese?

>Those reddit fags
You're one of em, stay there faggot

it's amazing how bad asian cars can be in the cold.

honda and most toyotas aren't generally too bad, but my father had a 2004 land cruiser and that thing HATED the cold bitterly (was my grandfather's, and my father got the car when my grandfather passed).

>Browsing reddit makes you a redditor

>>Browsing reddit makes you a reddito
Yes ? It's perfectly logical you cockmonger. Now go back.


kek excellent

No. Just because I browse something from time to time, doesn’t mean I am am avid user.

>browses reddit regularly
Keep your excuses to yourself redditor, just go back there.

Listen to me you nigger, just because you you are a hardcore gamer, doesn’t mean you can’t play mobile games while you take a shit

>Phone poster


You should go with him
>not saging this shit thread

There is literally nothing wrong with being Lebanese

What does 'saging' mean?

>There is literally nothing wrong with being a middle eastern.

wew LAD

>if you're anything but WHAITE FEK U
You're edge is showing

>buying a KIA in any year

Speaking of Lebanese faggots...

Why doesn't Veeky Forums display national flags like /pol/ does? I think that would be cool to at a glance know where everyone is from.

It means lurk moar and post less

Its not that vital to discussion here.
I guess Regional flags for US, EU, CIS, SEA or so would be kind of interesting, but other wise unnecessary.

Maybe you should let the car warm up first like you would literally every other car?

Because it'd cause non-stop continent vs continent shitflinging.
Hell, it's already pretty common to have a thread completely escalate just when someone mentions they drive some 1.2l euroshitbox or a gutless sub-200hp veeate ameribarge.

That is a waste of engine life and fuel on a modern vehicle. You can drive it to get to operating temp once you start it and give like 10-15 seconds to build sufficient oil pressure.

Just don't wring it out until it's at operating temp.

>That is a waste of engine life
Yea a minute before you drive is not such a detrimental waste That you worry about killing your engine over it.

I'm guessing you know more than the engineers that say you don't need to warm it up longer than a couple seconds in the manuals

Engineers want you to come to the shop once the warranty is over

You have a car that reaches operating in less than a minute?

>engine life
Is this something to be actively concerned about?
These fuckers basically leave their car running for 8 to 10 hours a day, the whole time.

Strange that a Toyota manual says that while lasting 300k+ miles

Kind of. I don't really bother warming up my newer car. I just take it easy until it reaches operating temp.

I give it until the rpm drops below 1k.

About 45 seconds in my car then I don't go above 3.4k rpm until warm

The best way to warm your car up? Drive it slowly until it reaches temperature.

yeah but they leave their cars running when its already at operating temps, the problem in letting a car sit to warm up from a cold start is that the oil is alot thicker and thus there is less lubrication and more strain on the engine components coupled with more wear. Not that i think doing it will amount to much but as someone who drives a car with high mileage i like to take ever precaution to ensure my engine life

The act of driving it or letting it idle to warm up has no difference on the life of the vehicle.

>the problem in letting a car sit to warm up from a cold start is that the oil is alot thicker and thus there is less lubrication and more strain
You put more strain on it when you drive. More thermal expansion = more redundant wear. Heating the car slowly is fine and your oil is literally designed to handle the cold. Synthetic oils are designed to have as little viscosity change between 0 and 100f as possible. This is why you buy appropriate oil viscosity for your car and never something that is out of the normal operating conditions of your car

my dads diesel landcruiser starts and works easily in -25c.
The vw touareg v10 tdi would fail t start at times despite being in a fucking garage in similiar weather
watch this

This is a fringe example still. You aren't putting such a significant amount of wear on the car or dissolving the oil with bypassed gasoline for this to ever be an issue. His example with putting the gasoline into the oil is a real extreme example as your oil will never get that much fuel into it to make it that thin. Furthermore your oil will oxidize and get thicker long before enough gasoline gets in to thin it. Your oil only gets thicker the longer it goes without changing. This goes back to my original statement which is your cars oil is designed to provide adequate lubrication at these lower temperatures. Unless you're running something ridiculous like 10-30w at 0f will the viscosity ever matter. Your standard econobox cars won't suffer from these issues when you use the correct oil the manufacturer recommends
Stephen Ciatti, a mechanical engineer who specializes in combustion engines at the Argonne National Laboratory, told Business Insider. "Gasoline is an outstanding solvent and it can actually wash oil off the walls if you run it in those cold idle conditions for an extended period of time."

What did he mean by this?


>"Gasoline is an outstanding solvent and it can actually wash oil off the walls if you run it in those cold idle conditions for an extended period of time."
That's just basic chemistry, no one is debating that. I'm debating the notion that so much gasoline can go by the cylinder into your oil pool that it significantly drops the viscosity

You don't need a lot of gasoline to wash the oil film off the cylinder walls, user.

read the pic i posted he specializes in low temp combustion using endoscopes in cylinders if it couldn't or doesnt happen he wouldnt mention it

You didn't read. Engineering explained said that gasoline can bypass the cylinder wall and into your oil supply. OK sure that part is true but then he moves towards the two wine glasses one with an unknown amount of gasoline in it and another without gasoline at all. This is the disingenuous part of the argument is that you'll somehow acquire so much gas into your oil that it'll thin out like that which I don't think is true at all. You'd need a lot of gasoline to displace the velocity that much in your oil supply. Hell my civic takes 4 quarts which is about 4l give or take and I seriously doubt that my car would stay so cold for so long that so much vaporous gasoline would condense and seep into the oil through the cylinder wall


>>my civic


Aka a generic econobox that takes a very generic synthetic viscosity oil suitable for cold and warm weather

>>I disagree with engineers who specialize in the very topic at hand providing only speculative information based around the knowledge of my civic

>still trying to argue when you're proven wrong

proof with what your opinion? Im supposed to trust the opinion of a rando compared to engineers who test the specific phenomenon

>What does 'saging' mean?
top bait

Naw nigger you're supposed to understand that any amount of gasoline ≠ half a liter of gasoline in your oil, and that frankly speaking with if you change your oil every 5000/7000 miles this will never be a problem

>>science is wrong because i say so
Also the problem with it isnt the gas leaking into the gas tank its the lack of oil on the cylinder wall

Did anywhere in that post I deny fuel makes oil lose vescosity?
Where in that dribbling empty brain of yours did you forget that with every stroke more oil is added to a cylinder wall and as long as you aren't running sludge or its - 15 outside you'll never not have new, correct vescosity oil flowing in your engine

Redditors lurk Veeky Forums tho so your logic crumbles

>>science is wrong cause muh civic

>he thinks I'm that user
Hi newfag pls lurk more or leave


denying the statements of experts in that field makes you that user
>>you dont need a blow off valve compressor surge was invented by the so called 'experts' to sell expensive uneeded parts

What the literal fuck are you sperging about?

>t. Batyeor fan

you're equivalent to the "global warming isnt real it's cold out" people

>car would stutter uncontrollably when accelerating
>drove 10 miles like this then did it again


Fly over state whites are essential the niggers of whites.

>Veeky Forums is l'exclusive club amirite gais

t. u