Who else in BC getting fucked by ICBC rate increases...

Who else in BC getting fucked by ICBC rate increases? My insurance increased from $110/mo to $132/mo on my Accord with maximum discount. If I was driving the Corvette I wanted it would have been over $250 per month.

In British Columbia there is only one government run insurance company, and they keep getting raped by ambulance chasers suing them for millions. They have lost over 1 billion dollars. in 6 months.

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Trudeau will hopefully have some type of answer for this.


>Selfie queen of Canada actually doing anything else other than DUDE WEED

He's going to have to do something. The ICBC is completely fucked and its not going to work anymore. Rates will keep going up and the ICBC will keep losing money, this system doesn't work.

I don't see where Trudeau comes into play with provincial government insurance mandate.
It's not surprising that the system is inefficient since the lack of privatization for 3rd party coverage, but then again Ontario is worse with privatization.
Hopefully caps on minor injury pay outs will alleviate the issue.

The obvious answer is to privatize it. That way the losses don't affect taxpayers, and the prices will either go down with competition in play, or skyrocket to the point that people finally get their shit together and start voting from the rooftops.
Actually, all of British Columbia is a dumpster fire, and has been for two decades. People should just leave and let the Hoo-Flung-Dungs keep it.

Wew lad, thank god you aren't Ontarian. Meanwhile in Quebexico, my premiums are 75$/month for full coverage with "free" roadside assistance after 1 at fault crash. Git gud rest of Canuckistan

I'm glad I'm in the US, where as a 27 year old with a clean history I can insure a newer car with full coverage for $100/mo and liability alone for $60/mo in new york (which has some of the highest auto insurance rates in the United States because of ambulance chasers).

more likely than the ICBC being privatized is the canadian government limiting the amount of certain claims in BC.

Imagine a world without auto insurance.

would suck when your babied car gets hit by an asian lady in a Lexus and you have no funds to fix/replace your car

Here in DFW, I'm paying $200 a month for 2009 Toyota 4Runner.

>he’s going to have to
Like the rest of Canada’s massive failures, he won’t and it’ll continue to get worse
Enjoy sharing your neighborhood with more refugees

It should be law that she pays for the repair

It's insane listening to some of the Canadian /dbt/ guys talk insurance.

>mfw someone says they are paying 1200 a month for insurance on their literbike

And when she doesn't have the funds then what happens?

If only she had a way to mitigate a rare but pricey financial risk by spreading it out among a large pool of people.

The guy you're arguing with is a chode.

these rates MAY come into play if they cant stem the flow other ways but its not ICBCs fault entirely. The former liberals kept siphoning money to the tune of 1 billion from ICBC to pretend balance the budget. That extra would have been enough to almost smother this fire and buy time to figure it out

>132/mo with maximum discount
what the SHIT

damn im 25 driving a 12 year old benz full coverage in a high risk area (Chicago - 900 carjackings in 2017) and I pay $79/mo

>was planning to move to Comox soon and escape brutal Ontario insurance rates
>read OP

Maplebucks. Closer to 100 in real world currency

It's a government no fault insurance scheme. On the upside payouts are relatively quick if you do make a claim

Still, that's quite a lot with maximum discount.

It's not even full coverage either. Full coverage for my Accord is $215 with a 43% discount. Everyone that owns a new car or doesn't have full discount is getting FUCKED.

Not exactly. The premiums for 3rd party don't increase that much by declared value. It's a bigger impact on collision and comprehensive but you can use cheaper private insurance for those

>lives in a place that's 90% asian
>complains about high insurance rates

It's the same as Ontarible fags bitching. What do you expect?


Have her sell her car/possessions/house or work as a slave?


haha, you are a little baby, watch this

18 years old with an 'N', university student, 2006 civic....


>It's a bigger impact on collision and comprehensive but you can use cheaper private insurance for those

all universities have adequate bus service around BC.

in BC there is only 1 other car insurance provider that you can legally use, belair direct, and its so shit its not funny

I assumed it would be the same situation as with bikes. I use megson on the island for drastically reduced rates for optional coverage

I'm 18, been driving since 16, have full G, CF member, 2012 Silverado in ontario

Starting insurance for my 2008 Civic at 23 with a clean record is $350 a month. That's the lowest rate I could find.

That's starting rate for bikes in Ontario. Not even for litrebikes. No one I know who rides actually has their M or registers them. They just wear full gear and run from cops who can't catch them cause lel no chase policy.

Why the fuck do people buy Civics and pay retarded amounts on insurance? Just buy another shitbox that's likely newer and better and pay way the fuck less...

hmmm maybe bikes are different or maybe the rules changed

I think that most people here are leaving out important info. I have a 2011 toyota yaris and my insurance with all the bells and whistles is only $147 after 10 years safe driving and absolutely no tickets. A civic couldn't possibly be more.

Civics are one of the most stolen and most crashed cars you can buy. The 2 doors are especially bad.

Don't worry user it will drop considerably after the first year, my first car dropped from 330 to 250

but ICBC does not take into account the type of car, only the displacement and the class (I.e. light truck, economy, sport etc) and how you use it (commuting, buisness, pleasure etc.)

>ICBC does not take into account the type of car
This is why I like ICBC to some extent. If you go private, you could possibly get charged more money.

true, but i do wish they would put a brand tax for luxury brands into the premiums so trust fund babys and their bmw/Mercedes/land rover suv crashes wouldn't have to affect our premiums so fucking bad.

Isn't the entire goal of an insurance program to make money or does the ICBC do some type of weird wizard shit? If they're losing money, then whats the point of the program? Raise taxes even more?

>Isn't the entire goal of an insurance program to make money or does the ICBC do some type of weird wizard shit?

when ICBC was created, the whole point is that it was to be a non profit insurance provider that would only take in enough money to maintain its claims payouts, operating budget and a contingency fund to draw from in situations like it has going on right now.

The BC liberals that just found themselves out of the job in the last election retooled the M.O. of ICBC to make the contingency fund into a profit account that government could draw from. They ended up taking all the money they could just to make budgets look balances as they pissed money all over LNG (failing miserably).

bc driver here. I think there needs to be a couple of major changes in how we view vehicles and driving in general. As it stands you don't even need to read english to pass a drivers test, you can get 15 speeding tickets and not lose your licence, and the insurance on a lamborghini driven by an n driver is fuck all compared to some other vehicles on the road. Not to mention that there isn't a system in place to get all the terribly maintained and illegal vehicles off the road. So here's a few ideas on how we can change icbc
1.Make it mandatory to take a drivers test every time you have to renew your licence. Far too many drivers pick up bad habits and are never confronted with these bad habits until an accident happens. Right now the test is a fuckin joke and we really need to elevate the standards and strictly enforce who we allow to drive on our roads, especially with all of the mountain passes and varying conditions we deal with in british columbia.
2.limit icbc's coverage on more expensive vehicles. If you have a vehicle that costs more than 50,000$ than you can only get basic coverage with ICBC and you'll need to use a secondary insurance for your collision insurance. If you are declared a high risk driver you won't even be able to be insured by ICBC, go somewhere else you drunk fuckin idiot.
3.Greatly increase the fines and punishments for poor driving. No more of this bullshit where someone can get 5 distracted driving tickets in a year and still be allowed to roll around with their face in their damn phone while they drive 30 over the limit in the slow lane. 3 strikes and you lose your licence for a year. If you bitch about it then maybe STOP BEING SUCH A GARBAGE DRIVER.

We can ask for more police reinforcement all we want, but we as a society would be far better off if we could enforce ourselves and be far more responsible with the GREAT PRIVILEGE of driving a vehicle.

>1.Make it mandatory to take a drivers test every time you have to renew your licence

this would do nothing. everyone knows how to drive, they just choose not to apply it

>2.limit icbc's coverage on more expensive vehicles.

better Idea, outright ban any vehicle deemed "luxury" from regular insurance. make the insurance they can get only valid for 2 weeks at a time not to exceed 8 weeks a year. You DO NOT NEED a luxury vehicle for a DD (not to mention they eat gas)

>3.Greatly increase the fines and punishments for poor driving

better idea: How bout the police ACTUALLY ENFORCE THE CURRENT LAWS? I see a cop on the road maybe once a week and I have put 10,000km on my car in the last 3 months. maybe its time to put signal jammers in cars?

The gov. pays you, and she pays the gov back over time. Simple.

I dont think you understand how retarded canadian governments are when it comes to money...

Think of the US government but without a TEA party faction to throw a fit when money is fucked with. Then multiply the resulting retardation by 10. I mean for fucks sake, we apparently cannot afford to supply out veterans with a decent pension to the point of fighting them in court for the last forever (with all the legal fees paid by taxes) and yet we can pay out 10 million to a terrorist because we hurt his feelings....

We need to charge a premium for high priced chink mobiles to get insured. The way they drive and the costs to repair their high end vehicles is killing us.
Also, make it law that ICBC money can't be used for anything but ICBC. If there's a surplus invest it to make money for the corporation so in the future rates might come down.
Another thing I'd like to see is transferrable insurance. For instance, if you have more than one vehicle you pay the rate for the highest one but can put your plate on whichever vehicle you chose to drive. It's a pain if you change vehicles with the season, as I do, and have to insure multiple vehicles.
Another thing driving rates up is all the fucking shit skins driving into each other on purpose pulling scams. A buddy who's a fireman says he's seen accident's where there's 3 people in the car and 6 show up at the hospital claiming to be in the accident.

so this all comes down to
>PC culture is killing us cause we cant call a spade a spade anymore

seems about right

31, male, America

$241 a year for full coverage on my Mazdaspeed Miata.

The fuck? How did you manage that?


Socialism 101

this guy gets it

Dunno that's just what it is. It's not my daily, only gets 2-3k miles a year on it.
The daily is a Saab and that's $35/ month with full coverage. Think they're both 50/100/50.

Is this a fucking joke? I'm 25 and pay 106€ a month in Germanistan for a '08 VW Touareg

>insurance 350€/year
>VW Golf

>this would do nothing. everyone knows how to drive, they just choose not to apply it
Bro... Have you ever driven in Richmond / East Van / Burnaby... Especially Richmond

yes and I know what your getting at. But I'm also convinced that the Asians there know how to drive but through sheer lack of respect for human life and property beyond their families they don't apply what skills they have.

Except the women, but all women cant drive.

Oh my fucking god this

The whole meme of people in North America not knowing how to drive is a myth. Almost everyone knows how to drive properly but choose not to because they're arrogant or just shitty human beings

Privatizations is always the answer.
Free enterprise allows for competition and the market takes care of itself.

till you end up with oligopolies like the cable companies. Then they just get together and set the prices at whatever they want

£340 per annum, Supercharged BRZ. Suks to be north american in so many ways.

>20 dollars breaking the bank

Being this socialist

this desu

That's an extra $264 per year for no reason other than PC culture, I have pretty good reason to be annoyed by that.

I reduce bills elsewhere in life to keep things tidy, switch cell carriers to save $10/mo and drive a bit differently to save $10 more on gas and then ICBC shits on it by raising insurance $20.

>ICBC shits on it by raising insurance $20.

>and hydro
>and fortis
>and landlords
>and property tax

and to top it all off, they are looking at taxing roads to keep poor people off them.

truly a magical shithole we live in

>Who else in BC getting fucked by ICBC rate increases?
All parts of the canadian government see budget squeezes due to the large numbers of corrupt african immigrants that Trudeau agreed to allow into the country above the normal immigration limit.

A lot of the corrupt people see lawsuits as the get rich quick scheme after they arrive. It gives them a big bunch of money to open up a business (where they do yet more shady tax-dodging business).

I live in bc and pay 250$ for a fuckin diesel mk4 golf

>The gov. pays you, and she pays the gov back over time.
You'll get a lot of racism lawsuits then if it was like in the USA. A lot of minority students had large student loans in the 1990's which were governent-backed student loans. They prevailed upon President Clinton that it was racist to have those debts weigh them down. The government then wrote off the loans and thus those minority students didn't need to repay the loans. If you were white or asian, then too bad since you were not part of the class lawsuit.

In the USA, lots of people would look forward to the federal government assuming responsibility for debts. Then all they do is wait for a sympathetic president (Oprah for president) and congress, then file a discrimination lawsuit and get the debts forgiven or haircutted.

this is all getting reedy for the inevitable raising of the minimum wage which effectively will bring us back to square one but the voting public will lap up

>Bro... Have you ever driven in Richmond / East Van / Burnaby... Especially Richmond
Not that guy because I'm just a visitor to Richmond from the Seattle area. But I am sure they know how to drive. But they are just arrogant about having their way. I drove and they sometimes didn't yield right of way and almost hit me. Another time, I was in the checkout line and I have a respectful space between me and the person in front of me. Some big asian older man simply walks up and fits into the space in front of me. Clearly there is a line, but he doesn't care and would not answer me (ignored). He knows I cannot assault him to get out of the line and forced the issue. These "new asians" from China are nothing like the normal canadian asians I grew up with on my many visits to BC. The chinese asians are really self-superior assholes and I bet that is why traffic sucks with assholes driving however they want.

>better idea: How bout the police ACTUALLY ENFORCE THE CURRENT LAWS?
They are never there when we need them. And if they are there, the bad drivers magically drive better. It's like a bubble of driving normality around each police car.

>Some big asian older man simply walks up and fits into the space in front of me. Clearly there is a line, but he doesn't care and would not answer me (ignored). He knows I cannot assault him to get out of the line and forced the issue

canadian here, I would have walked him out of the line no problem. if you start yelling at them the back down really quickly

>08 outback
$105 a month with intact. Was $90 with Johnson but oh boy are you skimming with that insurance.

>better Idea, outright ban any vehicle deemed "luxury" from regular insurance. make the insurance they can get only valid for 2 weeks at a time not to exceed 8 weeks a year. You DO NOT NEED a luxury vehicle for a DD (not to mention they eat gas)
the absolute state of poorfags

Because that's racist.

>tfw move out of the big city to smaller white town 10 min away
>Insurance drops $30 a month
>70 a month for full everything

Not bc but whatever

>the absolute state of poorfags
i would love it if they took your car, faggot.

>Because that's racist.
the world we live in, where common sense laws can be racist

This. I wonder what % the foreign Chinese drivers make up of all accidents.

>the world we live in, where common sense laws can be racist
It's like that when the anti-discrimination activists along with the minority groups manage to elect their puppets to the city council and mayor positions. Then you get "Detroit" syndrome unless the area is so blindingly prosperous and surrounded by non-detroit cities that the detroit corruption is held at bay. The other problem is weak-minded politicians succumb and enact laws the activists want which are typically anti free-speech, anti-truth, or are laws spending taxpayer dollars to special interest minority groups.

The USA has that problem. Even use of statistics can cause someone to be accused of racism. The activists then try hard to turn it into a witch hunt to reduce the chance that sensible reason recovers the situation. So what happens is the Chilling Effect and police and citizens are afraid to actually enforce legal laws due to racism complaints affecting their career or reputation. Remember, convictions aren't needed. Complaints are often registered onto personnel files as well and everyone likes positive promotion reviews. The activists know how to hurt peoples' careers and are willing to do it.

>$200/year for a Cadillac CTS with supercharged 3.8L swap, full coverage
Sucks to be European in so many ways.

so happy moved away from BC
now i'm paying less for full coverage of 3 cars put together compared to what I was paying in BC for one almost 20 year old car


All you people bitching... Do you live in Vancouver or Surrey or something? Is it still bad if you live in some small town? I mean you shouldn't be surprised that a Civic costs a lot to insure in a heavily populated, crime ridden place filled with immigrants.

where alberta?
Isn't that much cheaper

Why? We don't get shit like the CTS. Is that price fully comp with unlimited liability?

It's pretty cheap once you hit 25. If you're a 16 year old new driver with a subaru you're gonna be car poor. Which is having a nice car but no money for gas or a gf and having to work 40 hours a week while going to school. Don't even think about 2 door civics either.

I'm assuming that'w a mortgage based on the repayment term.

it's a visa statement dumb creditlet

That's not how ICBC rates work

I'm the dumb one? I'll have paid of my house before you have paid off you tv based on that. Also who gets a credit card they have to pay interest on? If you have a decent credit score yo can get 36 months interest free offers then just swap to a new provider. You must be a serious retard to not be doing that.

1. vancouver has the highest rate of $100k+ cars registered. this makes repairs expensive
2. indian immigrants love to make personal injury claims. ~$30K per claim average.
3. The canadian government does not have jurisdiction over road insurance. it is provincial domain.

I say cap the personal injury payout and progressively tax the absolute fuck out of the 18yo asians driving range rovers and AMG mercedes

>canada's massive failures
such as?


Location, I've been offered a few jobs over there and I couldn't live with the neighbours to the south.

spotted the retard with no credit and no credit card
those time frames are only applicable if ya make the min payment, which is only like $6 on the $2k balance or whatever it was.
I paid it off last week.

dude go outside.
this is literally no where near the truth anywhere but on the conspiracy-theorist corner of the internet. Canada is not france.

...what the fuck are you talking about. lol

actually it kind of is but not to the point that you would see huge deductions by living in a different rate zone

that would be a BEAUTIFUL statistc. but seeing as how long it took to get a statistic that acknowledges our housing market being fucked by the chinese and the government STILL DRAGS THEIR HEELS ON DEALING WITH IT, im not holding my breath