XCOM General - /xcg/

Failed to EVAC Edition

Previous Operation News:
1)EXPANSION dropping August 29th

2)Julian Gallop Phoenix Point AMA

3)Jake spoke at PAX East on March 10th on the growing pains of rebooting XCOM

4)LONG WAR 2 1.4 is OUT

The /xcg/ Mandatory Read:

/xcg/ XCOM 2 Character Pool:

Image Library of /xcg/:

List of compatible mods for Long War 2

XCOM2 modlist, updated a bunch of threads ago!

MEGA Mod Repository, now contains all of the mods in the modlist!

Modlist Steam Collection - Contains 99% of the mods in the modlist:

Assorted improvements (Skip intros, alleviate stuttering, multi monitor support, and resolutions past 1080p):

/xcg/'s Long War Library (New LW players read this shit or you will be ignored):
Piratez mod for OpenXCom:

covert and ghostwalker on a technical makes me happy

Post final teams.


can alien rulers be mind controlled?

can a mind controlled sectoid mind control an alien?



Does your squad get out at Water World? and if your whole squad is wiped except for the commander does the end cinematic change?

You can just retry the mission I think.

>new rumour discovered
>convoy ambushed with grenade and ammo reward

aw yiss

The ending cutscene seems to imply the Commander's avatar holds the portal open for the squad to get out of T'Leth.

XCOM game where we go back to cydonia when

Pistols a Useful.

are there any mods that RNG advent reinforcement location? Right now they just land in the same place over and over and its making supply convoy and the end of easier missions feel really stupid. I know a mod exists to set them to take an action when they arrive but I worry if that'll be too much for the tough missions.
also any middle east or portugese voice packs?

snek boobe

better than that


>crit: 1%

>29% hit

i may've uncovered large source of beagleluck

Which game user?2?

yeah, i think i killed the rng because way too many below 40% shots are hitting

awc or proving grounds first?

t. vanilla

Awc, you kidding?

wait, how it did work in vanilla? at what rank do you get the perk?

trojan is such a good perk I have no idea why anyone would ever not take it

>at what rank do you get the perk?
Its random. Now, if you asked what you needed to build first generaly? It's gotta be GTS for upgrading your squad size+training rookies.

alrighty thanks

If. You were to design playable aliens to have classes what would you like to see? Or would you purposely want them more restrictive than humans due to thier innate abilities?

Alien: Snek
Class: Prostitute

I think proper classes make sense. After all, xcom classes have basline abilities that everything builds off of.
Specialists have rifles, drones, drones can interact with things remotely
Grenadiers have cannons and a grenade launchers
Rangers have a shotgun and a sword
Marksmen get a sniper rifle and pistols.

These innate characteristics are just as defining of what you would expect a soldier would do in comparison to an alien.

Having an alien in the squad is special enough, I don't feel they need to be further specialised with dedicated classes. Each alien would be its own class, with the typical two columns of Perks to give them some variety. Vipers could be split between mobility and crits, acting a little like Rangers with rifles, and longer-ranged harassment Perks that buff Poison and Grab/Bind.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a feature let send out a second squad to do missions at the same time?

Sometimes I have entire platoons of decently trained lads and they have just sit there in base while berserkers molest the civvies. I'd take a few a casualities just to thin the herd.

Would be nice, but balancing would be a bitch

>Specialists don't get a special weapon
what did they mean by this

Specialists do get a unique secondary weapon: the Gremlin. It's just that Specialists are shit so it rarely comes up.

>It's just that Specialists are shit so it rarely comes up.

Specialist are my favorite class son. Heals and guarenteed 7-10 damage on robotic taregets is pretty cash. You can never have too many specialists whereas a mission with too many snipers or Grenadiers is troublesome.

say that to my face when sectopod is nearby and see what happens

>too man grenadiers is bad
Son, what the fuck are you on and where can I buy some, because you are high as balls.

Sectopods are niggers that get cucked by Grenadiers. Don't need no shit Specialists for that shit.

>no movement speed and innaccurate weapons.

>what are PCS's and scopes

Crutches for people who can't hit things without them.

>muh grenadier
>muh specialist

you are like little babies, watch this

Sorry that you don't like using the tools the game gives you. Kinda makes you a bitch, but whatever, 's your game.

Also, let's agree that is a shitnigger and needs to shut up.

For real. What kind of fag uses psionics.

Ok, so, without memeing, I can say that I use psiops in lategame X2 pretty regularly (usually train up one or two, max), but they're kinda lame and I only do it because they are so brokenly powerful. If they were more balanced, I'd probably just skip them.

I much prefer the various half-psi classes people have made, like the Fury and its ilk.

>new mission comes up: Spider hunt
>shambler hunts are cool, let's go
>disembark, couple of spiders nearby, they're not as big as I thought they'd be.
>stun them and pick them up
>actually, there's quite a few dotted around, better not split up
>finish second turn, actually, there's fucking loads of these little shits and they're all coming this way
>get back on the boat, niggers, stat
>end of third turn, 4/5 aboard, none of them near us
>a fucking horde of them swarms around from behind the airbus
>we are covered in spiders the ship is full of spiders everything is spiders
>the camera can't keep up with all the movement and keeps jumping around largely blacked-out terrain, all I can hear is the door, spider moves, and biting
>boss chops her way out, picks up the downed crewgirl, fuck reaper who needs it I got TU, gets back on
>rookie shocks the boarders into submission
And when I got back we had to release the ones we caught because you need cages for those so all we got was 100 days total in the infirmary. I did learn that cattle prods are pretty gud though. She hasn't failed to 1-hit a target with it yet.

I tend to find that PSI don't do enough direct damage in the late game, they make great support troops though

how good is street sweeper really?
cone attacks seem like one of those things you use from concealment once and then never bother with for the rest of the mission

I don't like them because ruin the rank structure. When I train guys I like to have a CO, an XO, and some enlisted guys on the mission. Where the fuck does a warlock fit in there?

As a side note I wish vanilla had a rank SGT and LT like S/SGT or SFC or something. Guys shoot up the ranks too quickly for my tastes.

>Where the fuck does a warlock fit in there?


We all know Bradford secretly loves the loli sneks.


>unhide the awc perks in the console
>look through the lists for my A Team
>theyre all terrible

>uncover last pod with hacked mec
>use his artillery to soften up the enemies and finish him off with one of my soldiers
>ayylmao turn
>advent mec barrages my position despite not having los on me

did i break los too hard?

It's random. And if your soldier has already passed the rank at which they'll get the perk, they will never receive it.

Now do you see why you probably want to build the AWC first?

>tfw elders command you to patrol around some train but you just want to chill at nearby pub with your muton friend

>And if your soldier has already passed the rank at which they'll get the perk, they will never receive it.

Wasn't that confirmed to be a bug?

Jake confirmed it wasn't a bug, besides its going to be going away in 2 weeks.

Huh. I don't know anyone who plays without a mod to make it retroactive. But like you said, it's not going to be an issue for much longer.

I hope the new training center will let you do pic related outside of LW2

You should have a burrow or something like that in your starter base that can house captured animals. I don't remember having to build one in my last run.
Cattle prods are pretty good because of their accuracy, but they're on the slow side for melee attacks. I think the handle, fitting nicely in the belt or holster, is the way to go for general purpose stunning while the prod is for hunting specific, tougher targets. Also the only way to stun academy drones early on.

fookin laser sights

I honestly hate monster hunt missions. Such a bore. Heavy shotguns in general clear everything out early game though.

>You should have a burrow or something like that in your starter base that can house captured animals
I don't, and I'm not particularly inclined to waste the time, space or effort on making one unless there's a good enough reason to do so.

I just had a drop in of an officer, 4 stun lancers and a demolitionist in my second mission.

Long War 2 was a mistake.

>long war

Oh and a pack of 6 just showed up with 2 fucking drones in tow

Changes nothing about what I said.

ggnore, user

Not even lump makes 6 man airdrops

Yes he does

Not on the second mission

if its an extract mission and you extract the civilians, but not the soldiers, it does

>if you play like a total moron and let the doom reinforcements come in it does

I think his point that it was indeed possible despite how unlikely

>have my soldiers fighting some ayys, but can evac the vip that turn is the moronic play, not just having the vip sitting with his ass in the wind so that he can possibly be shot

Now I just have my vip sit next to the evac instead of evacing them immediately because of this stupid mechanic.

uhh user the doom reinforcements are prompted by time elapsed, completing the objective makes it happen faster but not like that.

Nah user, that is how it works. I've done plenty of evac missions and the time I evaced the vip, but still had 2 troopers to far away from evac to evac the same turn. I've never seen doom reinforcements like this on a fixed/timed evac mission where I didn't have some laggers.

holy shit, I guess I never noticed. I usually extract the VIP like 1 or 2 turns before my dudes

She's a big girl

What did CIA mean by this?


How you could actually just make it so that the missions get harder quicker due to the extra supplies , Intel etc

Looks like you dun git STUMPED

> uninstall lw2

No I mean you start with a free one, did you dismantle it for space or what. It isn't the best use of a space but scout parrots and dogs are pretty good early on and combat animals are a cheap and easy way to fortify a base against landing parties.

This stuff is the whole reason I play long war

I don't remember doing so but I have a barracks there instead. I must've thought it was inefficient.

dude like blaster launcher volley lmao

I don't even have to look at the LW2 wiki to know this isn't possible because it would be fun.

>implying this is impossible

Thinking about buying Ufo defense , can anyone tell me how much different it is from 1 or 2

Why? Just pirate it.

> pirating games in 2017
Why not support the devs who make the games you filthy pirate

Microprose has been dead for decades

They were absorbed retard the purchase still helps

Hey dummy nobody who worked on the original game gets the money. You're paying for the steam integration, which is worth it for like 99 cents.

> the company who owns the rights gets the money

No one owns the rights to x-com

That's usually how it works, user.