/gigg/ - Gigantic General

Gigantic General #20
dark goblin edition

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First for "hatless goblin is cute!"

Zandora's futa dick

any fellow core member have any insider info? I hate being left in the dark and i wanna know how things are truly going for motiga

Oh yeah is for you fellow user




Core is no more, not enough resources to run it.

That user here.
Quality gobbo tuft. Would ruffle lovingly.

i know, i was in. I'm asking if anybody that speak regularly to motigans (some do) have any insider info

Nah but I'd like to know too. People saying only 1 programmer confuses me, since I know of 3

(Neomatrix, Carter, Arroz)

Were there more layoffs or something?

How did you know was mozuanon? lucky guess?

The original filename was on the Mozu picture he used. I took a gamble based on that.

Oru Skin teased on facebook

So how do you do that attack withdraw shit on the map?

>Who got the highest efficiency?
>Who deserved the highest efficiency?

I hate your shading user. You wouldn't mind if I tweaked your images, would you? I would draw my own but I suck at putting things on a blank canvas and editing/revising is much easier.

Imani got it
Gresemla earned it

I heard this game is actually really popular with the Koreans/Japanese
is this true?

I don't believe that's true, since Asian servers are ass.

What cannon upgrade is the best for beckett?

>1hp adult cyclops on E
>Margrave doesn't go in to give us cover to kill it
I'm standing there as Xeno and he's looking at me like I should tank it 3 players and a creature for him.

Eh, I tried something different with that image, it's not my usual shading style, here you go, knock yourself out (but don't do the other ones)

Depends, most of the time flame cannon is better, but if there's an Imani turning the game into a poke fest then you might be better going long ranged cannon with bonus damage when full ammo.

Margrave players are usually retarded, which is why they're playing a tank hero

Do you think Beckett likes dick?

could you do an eternal master edit

Probably, but she's probably also a top

If you need to poke people at distance, get distance, if you have a large amounts of team fights and close quarters shit you want flame, and whether you want the pierce or the AoE is up to you

With or without my shitty shading?

>Fixed computer, realized Tripp is in my free rotation
>Read a bit of her abilities and jump straight into a game
>This happens on first try
Jayzus you guys weren't kidding when you said she is easymode Tyto.

Your shading is fine

Wu? More like...... Poo.

Imani? More like....... Ewmani.

Don't lie to the man, the only way an artist improves is if he hates his own art.

Zandora? More like...... Zandon'tplaythishero.

Mozu? More like...... Nozu.


Beckett? More like...... Bawkett.

Ramsay? More like....... Pansay.

Xenobia? More like....... Xenhoebia.

HK-206? More like...... HK-205.

Knossos? More like...... Knossass.

Imani is really under whelming

Margrave? More like....... Margroan.

Charnok? More like...... Chorenok.

Tyto? More like...... Shyto.

>Play solo
>Throw every game because I always get the retarded as fuck team that has no hope of winning but try to drag the game on for as long as possible.

you play knossos

Oru? More like NOru

No, I don't play a fixed characters, but every game my teammates are genuinely retarded compared to the other team.It's not a matter of just being slightly worse at the game, they have no idea where to go, what creature to put and don't even do basic multiplayer game stuff like focusing on the low hp enemeis first.

Anyone else had this guy in their game?

Seems like he's got an aimbot running.

I meant to post this.


not a furry but we need some Leiran porn a$ap

Why is Ramsay immune to the Juju posion
Also why did Wu even join Ramsay's gang

There was a drawfag a while back but some other user kept bothering him about whether he finished pic related so I think he gave up entirely.

Yoh start with the smaller fruit to build up an immunity.

cause he's such a chad the virgin poison couldn't even THINK of hurting him

Wu joined him cause he looked cool

As much I want to come up with a complex, lore-abiding answer, is probably right.


I can get 1-5 deaths, sometimes you gotta dive to get those kills, but how the FUCK do you die 12 times as tripp?
>posting losses

Can't wait to fling dailies at people

This game is great until you actually start playing it

I don't think he's going to be that good.

>Play charnok
>enemy tripp tries to 1 vs 1 as always
>Use burn dive with slow aoe and fire shield.
>Literally melted and dies in stealth as she runs.

No better feeling.

you guys also say Vadasi is shit and I laugh every time.

No trying to dive my team 1v3 is how you do it.
I won that game tho.

Thing is this guy's meant to be a caster like mozu and charnok, but he has no way of escaping and his damage looks shit compared to them.

I'm starting to understand why ragequitters do it.

>A dps hero with no escapes in a game with moblile assasins and bruisers everywhere.

Nah pham his going to be nothing but free power and rampages

He looked more like he was about CC to me, more like Xeno or Pakko

Nope, he's meant to be a caster like Charnok and Mozu.

>1450 Execute on lvl 1 focus
oru is gonna be awesome

>Running out of Zandora lewd ideas that aren't just straight porn

These threads are too classy for that. Fellow drawfags lets make a deal. I'll do a Mozu if one of ya'll do a Zandora.

just like HK
ya know, just like how HK is the worst dps in the game and isn't actually the best haha xd

Why else would his ult just be flat damage with execute threshold?

At least all of hk's abilities are useful.

Why would he have a shit-ton of debuffs and CC though? Motiga used to call Pakko a tank before they settled on "bruiser/control"

Zandora playing basketball with Ramsay.
Jump attack animations are fucking balling

HK has defensive abilites to help him.
New hero has no defensive abilities to help him.

>Slow is not useful
>Burn is not useful
>Focus execute is not useful
>Traps aren't' useful

>placed with the same premade 3 matches in a row
>they all go 3-15
>take a break for an hour
>requeue again
>get them 3 more times
>lose every match

this game isn't rewarding anymore

>get bad luck
>it's the games fault

>These threads are too classy for that.


so put them somewhere else and link em

>Tfw you get a mid air back attack kill
Those are the most satisfying

>the two drawfags like Mozu and Zandora, the two of the WORST girls in the entire roster
there are other girls in this game you fucks

I'll give you Zandora but Mozu is cute fuck you

I'm fine with Mozu but there are A TON OF OTHER LEWD WORTHY GIRLS REE

The traps AREN'T useful

'scuse me, I like Aisling too, fellow user

Then you'd better draw her eating a big bowl of soup

user's right, traps suck.

Placed at your feet, only push enemies away, only hits once, only 150 damage.

But user you drink soup

It really doesn't matter where the fault lies. I enjoy playing with and against people of similar skill. In this game, people without a basic understanding of the game are regularly matched with top 100 players.

Whether it's bad luck, bad design, destiny, karma, or someone sitting in a small room cackling madly and intentionally rigging the matches; the result is the same.

do that then

they buffed the baseline range on them, they're not placed "at your feet". And even then, you're meant to use them preemptively

then quit you already you dumb fuck and spare us your bullshit

Zandora squatting with her massive thighs

How do i build tyto?

Buffed by how much? It still sounds really weak CC and damage with a LOT of stipulations on it when other heroes have similar abilities that have a lot less stipulations on it.