So when is Veeky Forums going to be modded correctly?

So when is Veeky Forums going to be modded correctly?
There are literally 5-10 bait threads up at all times. And somehow the mod in charge of Veeky Forums fails to see that, despite it being really obvious.

Oh and interior thread, I guess

Get on irc


terrible taste

We have fat and lazy mods here, makes you think how long they've even come here

That looks like an old plastic shitbox.

Minimalism meme has gone too far. Literally communism.

I occasionally to frequently - depending on board - see obviously rule-breaking shit stay up for hours or days and then disappear shortly after getting reported by me. And this has been going on for years.

It made me believe that both of the following statements, to a varying degree and depending on board, are true:

1. Most mods and janitors refuse to moderate anything that doesn't get explicitly reported. It's difficult to tell whether this is a matter of policy or a complete disregard for their board(s) beside the report queue (meaning it even looks as if some boards are not frequented by mods AT ALL).

2. Most users don't give enough of a fuck to report shit, or they think it does nothing.

It's like a Prius but worse

>wh*te subhumans this triggered

>the mod in charge of Veeky Forums
Are you sure there is such a thing? I think every mod has control over the whole site, it just happens that some mods dwell more in some boards than others.
That's probably why /a/ seems to have so many mods.

Maybe, but janitors are supposed to be assigned to one or two boards, at least when they start. Going by the state of some boards, it's easy to get away with the impression that they are not frequented by ANY mods and that the jans somehow only respond to reports and do ZERO proactive moderation based on browsing their boards in real time.

>Not posting the Pinnacle of human design, ergonomics, and engineering.

My former VW beetle. R.I.P.

>being a nigger in 2018

I'm guessing our mods are no car europoors that think the low quality shitposting is entertaining

stay mad cumskin

Veeky Forums can police themselves through witty bants. Quit replying to bait and toyobaru threads though.

or just ban wh*te subhumans from Veeky Forums altogether. shitposting rates will drop by 99% and the issue will be resolved.

Have fun getting shot by cops any time you leave your house shitskin

>i vo tuhed fo trauhmf

>Be nigger
>get btfo by smelly cavemen

the fact this thread is still up tells you something

the mods want wh*te people's retardation on full display i guess
keep sperging cuck

Why do the cutest jungle bunnies only fuck white guys?

>fucking snow chimps
wh*tes are disgusting

Old people beige, what a lovely colour

U mad, nigger?

I swear to fucking god, the day they fuck up and give me mod powers I'm gonna make snacks look like a saint

nope but you are lel.

can't believe wh*te subhumans are this butthurt
>wh*te subhuman having his nightly meltdown
looool. now now.

you aren't scheduled to meltdown till 8 am tommorow. too soon

>slavery abolished
>black girls still willing slaves to white dick

>wh*te dick
I don't serve the invisible





How does this make you feel, nigger?

>Replying to blatant baiting
Dude, cut it out.

Black slaves are literally made for white masters

Fuck, I get a 3 day ban for forcing a link through the shitty spam filter and these mouthbreathers, some of which even use trips ffs, are still at large
sage in all fields

Git gud

The only sure fire way to get a mod or a janitor asap is by posting CP. Other than that, Veeky Forums is too slow to have quick moderation.

>slavery abolished
Not in Africa where slavery was invented thousands of years ago. Other races abolished it, but organized mass slavery continued into this century in parts of Africa. Slavery only had a short time in north america as historical timelines go, yet blacks living in africa want the usa to give them reparations for slavery. That instinctive lust for entitlements is strong with the Dark Side of the Force.

it's one nigger that makes all those threads