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nth for Halone a shit.
xth for stealing somebody else's gimmick
tfw you will never have a qt pi tall elezen waifu to step on your hand and look at you like this woman
what the fuck did you say you little bitch
When you craft too much and realize you made 3 items collectables and some other collectables as HQ's
It's all a blur
I said your deity is trash, fit only for savages and filth.
I've never much liked mmos aside from City of Heroes/Villains before it died.
Would I like XIV? I know this is a fucking retarded vague question but I'm bored to fuck, there's absolutely dick all being released for months. What's the levelling process like? What's end-game like? What does it do that no other MMOs do/what does it do better than other MMOs in your opinion?
>City of Heroes/Villains
This game is probably the polar opposite of that.
private pf under S.K., should say xivg
pass is 1
There's a trial version. Try it out.
it's WoW with better but slower combat, a prettier coat of paint and it doesn't look like it was made in the late nineties
there's a trial that's completely free and unlimited until level 35, give that a try maybe
xth for stealing somebody else's gimmick
>What does it do that no other MMOs do/what does it do better than other MMOs in your opinion?
Nothing, most is just sunk cost and no better alternative.
Age of smol is over. Max height only.
I want to level either SAM or MNK. Convince me to pick one.
Well, remember that FFXIV does have a main story quest that is roughly equivalent in length and scope as a standard numbered final fantasy title. You can do this MOSTLY single player and never even touch the MMO aspects of it, except for a few mandatory dungeons that you have to group up with other players... but that's all done automatically for you so you dont have to actually meet and know people.
You can play it through to the end of the main story (which will take you probably 40-50 hours, if not longer) and then stop playing the game if you want and get a full, single player final fantasy experience out of it.
Or keep playing and enjoy the MMO aspects of it
who /lit af on fleek/ here
i don't think i've ever crafted in this game yet. what should i expect?
anyone have experience with serious network issues in this game? on na, primal specifically.
Whats the initials of somebody you miss
Duuuuuuuuuuuuude i've been 90k'ing every hour for the past like two weeks, shit's dumb.
>TFW you forget to turn on the collect status for multiple crafts
to waste a ton of money leveling up your crafter, being required to have all crafter classes to at least 50 to compete in the economy and be able to make the valuable stuff (because not every crafter has all the skills you need)
and then using a crafting simulator to just generate the macros you need to run to make the item.
And when I say a lot of money, you can expect to spend at least 2-3 mil for a max level crafting set with melds, NOT pentamelded
;-; i can barely get through dungeons at this rate, i just want to hit things with a spear
How do crafting macros work out anyway? Do they just ignore condition?
>raids since first day of savage
>12+ hours a day prog
>60m given to buy crafted gear
>on v4s
>raids whenever they feel like
>2 hours top since they just want to have fun
>got free gear from deltascape normal mode
>on v4s
why is the gamemaster good again?
/womenoftheraing/ - General for Roegadyn Babes
Highlander and Elezen women are sexy as fuck, too Edition
i'll fukken wreck u mate, so help me halone
They just do enough skills that for the majority of the time, you can be expected to complete it. They'll build up huge inner quiet stacks, enough that when it executes at the end (under steady hand so 100%), it will always complete the craft
This is what I wanted to hear, I can't stand MMOs just being a shit grind until end-game, where all you do is grind in order to be able to grind it faster.
How's the difficulty of that plot?
does /xivg/ have a discord?
You're not gonna let this go, are you
read the pastebin that shit in the op is there for a reason
It's not really hard. A lot of the older stuff has been tuned back to make it pretty easy for new players, but some of the stuff can still be a challenge. The final fight of the entire main story quest ( end of Stormblood expansion ) is actually pretty difficult and still wipes groups constantly.
which one of you degenerates ordered this?
>gets merias milkies
>gets merias blockies
Oh god. Once is enough for me but damn.
This is your dps this evening.
Very much if you power rush your crafts
Though guaranteed slot melds would probably cost more depending on server. A set with just guaranteed melds might cost 3-5m on Gilg
i heard highlanders
You don't want to join it unless you're willing to conform to the circlejerk of wiwiten.
Oh and to top it all off, at least on Gilgamesh, the economy is so fucked that people are selling 2* crafted items for less than the cost of materials.
So you won't actually turn a profit by crafting. You can harvest/farm the mats your self and then just sell them on the market board and make the same amount or MORE than if you spent all that money to get a full melded crafting set and all crafters to 50/70 and made the item itself.
People are under the mindset that any materials they farm themselves are free. So they don't care if they lose money because to them, they think it didnt cost them anything to make! Wow! What a profit! .. you could have just sold the mats and made more you idiot. This is the kind of thinking that really fucked a lot of EVE Online's economy on certain items
I don't trust this link . . .
>People are under the mindset that any materials they farm themselves are free.
In every fucking mmo.
It's a discord link. Nothing bad could happen.
It's the discord not ran by the lalafell erper or the transexual that poops in boxes
I like dis blue cutey. I will call her 'Kablooey'.
no bully's allowed in da discord
must be the discord ran by an abrasive fat fuck nobody can stand and his socially retarded orbiters
fishing is dumb
I want her to kablooey all over my face if you know what i am saying dawg.
Not even your garbage goddess will be able to help you when I'm through with you. You will be reduced to even less than the dung of the birds which she bars from their right place in heaven, for unlike hers my fury is fueled by righteous indignation. There will be a reckoning and she will be the first to answer for her sins.
>riri being this mad
>People are under the mindset that any materials they farm themselves are free
It's almost like people don't value the time they put into farming stuff on a game they pay to spend time on
This also happened for 3.0. Now is not the time for smart marketing, people are hording gil for upcoming housing.
>must be the discord ran by an abrasive fat fuck nobody can stand and his socially retarded orbiters
so the one with the lalafell erper that bans people for saying kill all pedophiles
you're dumb kid
highlanders are the best
someones mad lol
>abrasive fat fuck nobody can stand
but he said it wasn't riritens discord
This is sad
righteous indignation over what, is the heretic sad their hovel got broked?
Blonde highlanders make me miss mine...
it's time to go back
>doesn't play the game
>plays the game
This is Nophica, goddess of soft silky skin, fluffy hair and big BIG tiddies.
Pay your respects to her!
It's also due to faggots with massive amounts of gil who purposefully undercut by 300k on 2* in order to crush newbie crafters trying to get in on the market.
>being this mad
Why not make your own Discord, with black jack, and hookers.
Nah, I'm good with my fair winds and following seas, land-dweller.
Newbie Highlanders ok?
this is literally not a thing that happens. How do you think they got massive amounts of gil? By losing money left and right to stick it to some unnamed random guy selling a craft on the marketboard?
you're not getting unbanned lol
that's what this is pedophiles are shot on sight
She's trapped as my retainer now forever.
you seem pretty upset yourself dude calm down with that green text
i find this hard to believe happens with any sort of frequency. maybe one autistic idiot, but enough to remark on? nah
Llymlaen or get out.
Goddess of Midlanders
No, let them do whatever so I can easily ID who has good taste.
Night Nemesis on Gilgamesh literally does it every patch.
So with Salted Earth, I just run a pack in and out of it for damage? Sounds annoying as fuck.
Hey guys I'm on my white mage and I'm 50 and don't have my ability gauge thing. Do white mages need to do a quest for theirs?
I really dig that color, plus you're super cute. Nice!
Shame, she was top tier.
Reminder to run right up to the edge closest to Lakshmi when she does her embracing ultimate attack
Now this is more my speed.