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Previous thread >/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)
>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 8/10/2017*
>New to DR
>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc/Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair:
>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls:
>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)
>Danganronpa Interviews and Articles
>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*
>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*
/drg/ - Danganronpa General
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Acceptable post
That didn't even seem like big drama you dumbass
i want to be ouma's dumb dog!
I want to fuck Kaito!
Posting best girl!
good post
Shouldn't the OP have the English cast roll YouTube videos?
Don't just leave us hanging boys
Nobody updated the pastebin i think?
I really like Leon, I think he's misunderstood.
Amamianon wants Goro's dick.
No I don't.
Whomst is here to search for more femShuichi art?
A totally not weird user at all, that's for sure.
Correction: He wants to give him the D.
Reminder to sign this petition to localize Exile Election!
That's it? And here I was waiting for /drg/ Jerry Springer
I said in a hypothetical situation.
We are having this discussions for weeks now and he won't stop calling me unfaithful. It's really not something interesting
>made and escaped to a new thread because he thought their banter would get hairy
Oh wow
Why do you want drama from /drg/?
It's mostly just jokes. It's fun to mess with him.
Best giri.
It's Sunday, post confessions
Fetishposting has consumed my free time
I find Leon sexy and I don't think he deserves the hate he gets.
I suspected it was, ha
Everyone wants drama from /drg/, haven't you been paying attention?
Jokes aside, I suggested they first talk to eachother outside the general way back when and it warms my heart to see them getting along
/drg/ is a strange and funny place
I added them to the V3 news pastebin that is in the OP.
hey poyo
how are you
is your heart okay now?
I bought a car for my stepdad today.
On blind faith and no research. For the love of god please don't be a lemon.
Alright. That's over the line.
Also way to add 2MBs with such a small edit.
>putting glasses on Kiri is over the line
on and off, i still have a weird congested feeling but i havent checked my pulse today -- before i slept last night it started racing and went from like 53 all the way up to 90 something. im trying my best to keep everything down today too as well as no pill abuse and im contacting the doctor tomorrow... and i need my antipsychotics refilled but its such a pain to go thru the process of it so annoyed.
I accidentally got a new fetish because of a doujin I read.
Ah, so it was you. Thank you. You're cute.
Having glasses, like being gay and being black, is the result of inferior genes.
Or eye trauma that could happen with everyone, even you.
>accidentally getting a new fetish
This is the most relatable thing. Fucking /drg/ of all places broadened my horizons though, not doujins
Is that you Kuzu? I mean he's the only Leonfag around here.
You're over the line.
>wears glasses, gay, and has dark skin
At least I'm happier than you.
I'm tiring of modern life and all the fucking bullshit we have to put up with, and I'm starting to think I'd much rather just live off the land in some mountain range. All I really want that's "modern" would be a PC and internet connection to play games and listen to music. All other shit, I don't care that much about, I don't have anything against modern tech, I just hate modern life. It's a load of fucking rubbish.
I want to kidnap kaitofucker and make amamianon go through a series of dangerous and deadly challenges to get him back alive
to be fair, i dislike megane a lot too for some reason
but i think thats both because i hate usually glasses girl personalities and i have horrid awful vision and i hate it
Accurate normie Kaede.
Then I would get LASIK because I'm not a poor person.
Wow, it's a serious shame that it wasn't your body by our guy James Fields in his Dodge.
Yeah and so is autism, just kill yourself already.
Wishing all the best for the both of you, hun
Send me a wedding invite
Fuck no, I thought more people would like Leon.
Pretty much!
No you're over the line!
He wouldn't do it. He doesn't care enough.
And accurate normie Rantaro.
I kinda like Leon. Not as much as I like Shuichi or Kiibo, but I like him.
I want Kirianon to completely come out of the closet and learn to love and accept the gay
who is her?
Wow, what a sad comeback. Try harder next time if your puny brain can actually come up with an original insult.
I don't mean to sound cruel, but why did you even start being bulimic and abusing drugs if you knew this would be the consequence
I want him to leave and never come back
I am trying very hard to give him second thoughts and at-least see his opinions are based on mis-information and lack of research.
Why all the hate? Is it just empty hate?
I ship Kirianon and Aussie Celes.
i like leon
It's not really something you willingly and consciously start is the thing, it's a mixture of factors
Pretty sure my relatives wouldn't have done drugs if they knew they were going to end up dead on a hospital bed for it
Reply ":unsubscribe:" to unsubscribe from the attention-seeking lifestyle blog.
____ :( ________
Sorry that you're not worth coming up with something more original.
Yeah, AIDS pozloads are perfectly healthy. People just need to stop being bigoted.
glo up is real
reminds me of 12 vs 19 y/o me
i really like seeing normie V3s like this, people usually just make them themselves but, you know, normal. its cool seeing imagines of how theyd look like that, reminds me of princess collect, where it shows girls in their normal selves and also their avatar selves in an RPG
they asked
I went to /soc/ & /adv/ for the first time ever in my life after I decided to check out other boards over boredom. I regretted both choices, because /adv/ was all about "why won't chicks fall for me" and /soc/ had thread about guys posting their dick pics and rating them + gamer girls flirting with anons. It was truly like an another dimension out of here. I was also surprised that people use Kik largely.
Yep, keep replying, that sure shows you're such a cool guy who totally doesn't care.
He actually told me I'm right. I guess I gotta marry Terufucker now.
Grimdark Kiibo sprite edits when? Give me the good shit.
Also can someone translate? Pic definitely related?
>racist and homophobic
>thinks that you're ruining the world if you don't procreate even if you're straight
>weirdo autist with a shitty waifu
What is there not to hate?
/soc/ makes me insecure about my dick
Fuck off to /owg/ or /pg/
It's hard to read but I think it's just "zetsubou da" on both sides
>shitty waifu
No need to bring waifus into this Tyrone
you can always marry me
I want Saihara to fail as a detective.
I want him to secure a menial job and a cheap lifestyle.
I want him to constantly look back on High School as the best days of his life and lose himself in nostalgia as he lives alone in a box and waits for old age to kill him.
I want Saihara's friends, who are busy playing to sold-out crowds, conducting groundbreaking research, and making a difference in the world, to slowly but surely forget about him.
I want him to desperately try to keep in touch, as he has nothing really going for him and nothing to do in his spare time. I want his friends to pity him. He wants to go back to being a teenager and hang out while they DO something with their lives.
I want Saihara to despise himself for being born every time he puts on his grocery store uniform.
Thanks for giving me more delicious (you)s
t. user upset that he dropped out of college
I could never rip something so pure apart, what do you take me for, a harlot?
Don't answer that
i like asahina a lot! she is such a cutie
holy shit he is zetsu-bo now!
You're the one who started replying first. "I know you are, but what am I" doesn't really work.
h-hey /drg/.... c-can i come in now...? its cold.. and its starting to thunder...
p-please...? its christmas.. i know theres a lot of you b-but i see an empty chair...
im so hungry...
I want you two to fuck
Not a fan of this post
fuck off saiharafag
>its christmas
Its august dumbass
I don't.
>i like asahina a lot!
I found a sprite edit for a bot named Zetsu-bo, actually. The person who made it likes to say it's Kiibo's brother, but I just play it as Kiibo's combat mode in RPs. Pic related.
kirigiri is one of the most boring girls in the series